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  1. B

    Character Discussion Is Yamato a male or female?

    Yamato is a female. The problem with her isn't that she identifies as a male, it's that she identifies as a specific person, in this case Oden who was a male. Yamato herself doesn't seem to want to be trans, given by the fact that she seems to make no effort to hide or get rid of her female...
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    I think Oda just legit forgot that the rest of the Big Mom Pirates including Smoothie, one of her commanders should still be around Wano.
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    General & Others Who are your favorite One Piece youtubers?

    Same, he's the only that comes off as an adult in his reviews. The rest are too cringeworthy with their overreactions to everything, or pushing theories that they've put far too much thought into. Sawyer is just short and to the point which I really like.
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    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1052 Spoilers Discussion

    So, I'm going to assume Kaido is dead. Spending a week in magma.. yeah.. he ded. I'm not sure why Oda skipped the dawn, I thought that was supposed to be a symbolic moment for the citizens of Wano. I'm also not looking forward to Yamato cringe, her Oden Schtick is cringy enough as is. All that...
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    Break Week Yamato joining is a win-win for Sanji fans

    Why can't we just say Zoro, Sanji, and Yamato are Luffy's commanders and be done with it?
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    General & Others Next Strawhat Crew Members and the Grand Fleet

    Same, I mean I understand Oden was kind of a logkeeper, but it really wouldn't make sense for the Strawhats. We're very clearly reaching the endgame for One Piece as a whole. If Logkeeper was gonna be a role, than Yamato should have been introduced before the timeskip.
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    Damn adult Momo's got a nice design. I really hope Luffy tells Yamato that she can join the crew as long as she drops the Oden act. I was also expecting Act 3 to end here, but we still have a few loose ends regarding Wano.
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    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1051 Spoilers Discussion

    "I Momonosuke will be your Shogun. I, who took down Kaido, all by myself... with no help at all will be your Shogun. I'm a totally great guy! I know you all loved my dad! Oden, I'll be great just like him!" ;)
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    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1051 Spoilers Discussion

    I think Luffy will be fine with Yamato joining, but I can definitely see him asking her to be her true self and drop the “I am Oden” act.
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    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1051 Spoilers Discussion

    I'm curious to see what Yamato's role will be on the crew. They got to find something for her.
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    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1051 Spoilers Discussion

    I don’t think Monster trio should include Luffy anymore. He’s in a class of his own. New Monster trio should be Zoro, Yamato, and Sanji.
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    The baiting Room

    Oda living the life I see.
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    The baiting Room

    Must suck for Kaido, you get beat for the first time by another pirate, and your daughter joins his crew. LUL
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    Speculations CH1051: any predictions?

    I'm honestly not expecting anything big. Adult Momo gets revealed, a few pages of Wano citizen rejoicing. Maybe an update on the rest of the crew, and a tease about the outside world at the end.
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    General & Others Where do you think the story is going next?

    Yeah most likely, though honestly I would like them to just go to the next island on their log pose, have an adventure arc with low stakes for a change.
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    General & Others Where do you think the story is going next?

    For the last 10 years, One Piece has been building up towards Wano, and a confrontation with Kaido. Now that is (seemingly at least) over, what's the next goal for the Strawhats? I feel like we have to see Elbaf at some point, besides Wano it's the only named island that's prevalent throughout...
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    One Piece Chapter 1050 Chapter: "Honour"

    Yamato 4 Nakama is picking up steam I feel like. If she does join the crew, she better drop the whole Oden shtick. I'm also curious to see what happens with this volcanic eruption. Is Wano in danger? Also what's gonna happen with the Marine ships lying in wait.
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    Character Discussion Hottest one piece girl

    Smoothicc is the only answer here.
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    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1050 Spoilers Discussion

    Man, the last 10 years of this manga has been building up towards Wano and a confrontation with Kaido. Now that's over I have absolutely no idea where the story is going next. I'm actually starting to feel excited again.
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    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1050 Spoilers Discussion

    Honestly I'm most looking forward to the post arc world building. What happened with the Schichibukai? What happened with the Revolutionaries at Mary Geoise? Will we finally get a Green Bull reveal?