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    Speculations What would Shanks’s bounty be if he was as violent as Kaido/BM and had been actively pursuing the One Piece?

    At least somewhat higher than his current. Even without being violent, he's only been Yonko for 6 years.
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    Powers & Abilities Would it be plot armor if one of the weak trio members tanks a COAA attack?

    Not really. Strength varies. A hakied finger flick with it is still considered an attack. Even so, Monster Chopper is a decent at tanking. Him taking a hit wouldn't be too surprising.
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    Powers & Abilities What is a weapon and devil fruit combination would you like to see in the future?

    For now, I'd just like to see how weapons "eat" the fruit in the first place.
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    Controversial What's the most important trait for a yonko to have

    Both Power and Good Charisma. Power by itself leads to a Xebec or Kaido situation. Leading to a lack of true respect and crew trust.
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    Questions & Mysteries Now that it’s Ended was this the Best Flashback Post Timeskip?

    Overall, it very likely is. Most of Oden flashback about himself wasn't that interesting, but gets carried by Roger/WB and Laughtale.
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    Character Discussion Why do people downplay Blackbeard?

    Because he's usually shown to be a careless clumsy fighter like Big Mom. Unlike her though, Blackbeard seemingly gets super competent whenever he's shown off-screen. He gets the benefit of the doubt, with the plot hiding his full capabilities.
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    Character Discussion Overall Did Marco meet expectations?

    Mostly yes. Outside of the rare sort that falsely rated him Admiral level, over the years, Marco and consequently the rest of the Whitebeard Pirates have been constantly underestimated and downplayed time and time again. They still are, for the most part. People used to actually say that WBP's...
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    Speculations Why do you believe Kaido and Big Mom is dead?

    Same as with Kidd, I can't believe Kaido is dead either until we get full confirmation his devil fruit is back in circulation. There's also the fact that Luffy never kills his opponents.
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    Wanted Posters being released on X aka Twitter

    No new bounty reveals though, it seems.
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    Break Week How LARGE do you want the Final War to be?

    Not confident Oda can pull it off well with that many characters. But logically speaking, it should be far bigger than Marineford.
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    General & Others Whitebeard and Big Mom were already captains

    Had to check the wiki. Chapter 567, 909, 966.
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    General & Others Whitebeard and Big Mom were already captains

    Rakuyo gets subtly highlighted a fair bit, wouldn't be surprising if he is the Perospero of the Crew. In Wano he's next to Whitebeard, against Roger Pirates he's leading in the middle. In Marineford, he's the only non top WB commander with a small back and forth against an admiral. Even later in...
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    General & Others Whitebeard and Big Mom were already captains

    Maybe so. But Marco even years later was still an apprentice. If Whitebeard was a Captain then, his initial top guys were Rakuyo and Whitey Bay.
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    General & Others Do you believe certain filler scenes in the anime is canon?

    Anime takes the manga canon and gives certain interpretations of the scenes. Expanding on it, sometimes not so accurately. While every addition isn't always filler, more often then not the anime makes mistakes that shouldn't happen if they got Oda' approval on every bit of detail. Marco is an...