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  1. Yere93

    Spoiler My Hero Academia General Spoilers thread

  2. Yere93

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 997 Spoilers Discussion

    So chapter 1000 Luffy vs Kaido on a flying island and maybe the end of Act 3?
  3. Yere93

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 997 Spoilers Discussion

    Best Zoro chapter since Thriller Bark
  4. Yere93

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 997 Spoilers Discussion

    There was a theory that Black Maria was a mythological spider or something, maybe is that?
  5. Yere93

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 997 Spoilers Discussion

    How the fuck can Kaido do that? What dragon power can make you raise an island
  6. Yere93

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 997 Spoilers Discussion

    Wow Oda channeled his inner Vagabond, what a beautiful panel
  7. Yere93

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 997 Spoilers Discussion

    Black Maria a spider something?
  8. Yere93

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 997 Spoilers Discussion

    Kaido moving Onigashima indicates the end of the Fire Festival and that means the failure of the raid. The plan was never to beat Kaido on the mainland, if Onigashima was going to end up in the Flower Capital anyways Tama never should have come, she is there for a reason. Orochi and the Navy...
  9. Yere93

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 997 Spoilers Discussion

    I personally believe and want the raid to fail because I think it makes more sense thematically. The alliance attacked an island with two Yonko with smiles on their faces and jokes on each page, if the raid is a success it means that Oda failed to give it the seriousness and intensity that...
  10. Yere93

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 997 Spoilers Discussion

    And Kaido moving Onigashima confirms, in my opinion, that the raid will fail
  11. Yere93

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 997 Spoilers Discussion

    Honest question, I love Zoro and I think that defeating Apoo is great feat but why people say it was a one shot? Zoro was launching attacks and fighting together with Drake for like 3 episodes, one shot its literally just one shot
  12. Yere93

    My Hero Academia Chapter 291 - Thank you for being alright

    Great chapter Shigaraki will give Dabi an ice quirk (maybe Geten's?) With that he can use his fire to the maximum, he'll be a superior version of Shoto
  13. Yere93

    One Piece Chapter 995 : A Kunoichi's Oath

    Carrot with her bare hands caused more damage than Wanda with a sword Carrot>>Wanda confirmed :steef:
  14. Yere93

    One Piece Chapter 995 : A Kunoichi's Oath

    While they can fight other people and add dynamism to the war by showing other fighters (ex Compote), I think the final interaction between Ulti and Nami was too personal to leave behind but who knows, it's still too early
  15. Yere93

    One Piece Chapter 995 : A Kunoichi's Oath

    So Marco's magic fire heals Prometheus' soul?
  16. Yere93

    One Piece Chapter 995 : A Kunoichi's Oath

    This chapter confirmed huge power ups for Nami and Usopp, they will beat P1 and Ulti :steef:
  17. Yere93

    My Hero Academia Chapter 291 - Thank you for being alright

    Hori has taken a couple of breaks because he's working on something big An artbook? chapter 300? who knows :choppawhat:
  18. Yere93

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 995 Spoilers Discussion

    Waiting to see Wanda but for now Carrot continues to have the best sulong design :steef:
  19. Yere93

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 995 Spoilers Discussion

    Tama's death could be a great tragedy to end Act 3, the pain and remorse of Luffy would be incomparable, sadly I think it would be too dark for One Piece. Oda doesn't have the balls for that
  20. Yere93

    Spoiler My Hero Academia General Spoilers thread

    Fuuuuck Dabi is Touya Todoroki!!!