I'll be honest, I'm one of those who wants the raid to fail although I know that realistically wont happen, I want it to fail in order to solve the series of narrative mistakes that Oda has made.
A war without a sense of urgency or atmosphere, victories and defeats without development, ending...
I don't like Yamato, she has no identity, she's not even a character.
She is a character who knows what we need and can help us win, she miraculously appeared out of nowhere. She has no personality and now steals the characteristics of the Minks!
She is a bad mix of other characters traits just...
This is the first time in years that Deku is the protagonist of his own series and he is treated as a black hole.
Every chapter since the end of the war has been excellent and for the first time we see Deku alone, something that was necessary because Endeavor and Shigaraki seemed the...
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