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  1. Yere93

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1016 Spoilers Discussion

    I'm one of those in favor of the raid failing but only because it has been really bad, boring and with zero atmosphere or tension. This can't be the climax to a 10-year mega saga
  2. Yere93

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1016 Spoilers Discussion

    Tama, Yamato and Zeus, this is exciting :whitepress:
  3. Yere93

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1016 Spoilers Discussion

    Tama, Yamato and a break. What a great week to be a One Piece fan
  4. Yere93

    My Hero Academia Chapter 315 : Cover Ups

    I always wanted Shiggy to kill AFO to free himself and become the ultimate evil but now I'm doubting. Deku killing AFO and Shiggy killing All Might?
  5. Yere93

    My Hero Academia Chapter 315 : Cover Ups

    Great chapter, AFO is an amazing villain. I don't think Nagant will die, it's no coincidence that one of the two characters with strong healing powers is in the same place, Overhaul will do something
  6. Yere93

    My Hero Academia Chapter 315 Spoilers Discussion Thread

    Man sometimes I forget but AFO is an incredible villain ... Nagant will not die somehow Overhaul will save her but not completely, I think she will get scars on her face and look even more baddass like Mirko
  7. Yere93

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1015 Spoilers Discussion

    I just hope this means that Luffy will be defeated on g4 and finally end this raid that has honestly sucked
  8. Yere93

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1014 Spoilers Discussion

    Some chapters feel so inconsequential that the raid could be shortened by at least half. Characters move from place A to B to return to A in 3 chapters without any major changes or developments
  9. Yere93

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1014 Spoilers Discussion

    Great, filler chapter Another week we move to get nowhere
  10. Yere93

    My Hero Academia Chapter 312 - Assassin

    And there is more to her quirk, her arms were glowing just like when she freed Overhaul
  11. Yere93

    My Hero Academia 312 Spoilers

    Now I am 100% sure that Dabi will get Geten's quirk and become a masterpiece superior to Shoto
  12. Yere93

    My Hero Academia Chapter 311 - They're Here!!

    What if Baby 5 wasn't a joke? :steef:
  13. Yere93

    My Hero Academia Chapter 311 Spoilers Discussion Thread

    wow her design is top tier, I wonder if her quirk will be sniper or create different weapons with her body
  14. Yere93

    News ONE PIECE 7TH Characters Popularity Poll Announcement !!

    This shows that the One Piece fanbase is hungry for good female characters, I hope all the girls in the top 10 will have a good development in the future
  15. Yere93

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1012 Spoilers Discussion

    The pacing of the raid it's so weird, every chapter someone moves from one place to another to do nothing! nothing truly relevant has happened since the beginning of Onigashima! Please Oda finish this soon
  16. Yere93


    After reading the officials I can say ... this sucks so much :whitepress:
  17. Yere93


    Fighting for the crown of the worst chapter of the raid... this is embarrassing :whitepress:
  18. Yere93

    Jujutsu Kaisen Chapter 147 Spoilers Thread - Discussion

    Feels random but I imagine in the chapter will be better, but it's not a good stopping point when we're not going to have a chapter for 3 weeks
  19. Yere93

    My Hero Academia Chapter 310 Spoilers Thread - Discussion

    What a great color page, it could easily be a volume cover. It's been a long time since we had an arc focused only on Deku (Gentle?) and these episodes have been awesome, great character development. Do I see an racism arc in the future?
  20. Yere93

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1011 Spoilers Discussion

    Oda did the impossible and surpassed the chapter of Sanji and Black Maria, we have a new worst chapter of the raid!! :whitepress: