He adds a new plot in each chapter to an already over saturated plot, plots that lead to nothing since he doesn't show the development or emotional impact! Everything happens but nothing at the same time!!!
Maybe it's because of the spoilers but this chapter really seems like filler. The pace of the whole raid has been very bad, I think the worst of OP actually.
One of the main strengths of OP was the emotional connection with the characters but I think that Oda has failed in this throughout Wano...
Wow Sanji has been paired with each one of the calamities, I can see now, they'll join into a megazord and the power ranger Sanji will fight against them lol
This is clearly Robin's battle.
I don't remember seeing her this exited and almost malicious since Skypia, she even showed more emotions in one chapter than in the entire post timeskip :gokulaugh:
Brook deserves and will have his own fight
Finally this pointless plot ends, we knew since the beginning that this will end like Kalifa situation thats why its bad writing from Oda, now Marco will heald Sanji and he can move to is real story in Onigashima .
Sucks not being excited for a One Piece chapter, I've been like this for weeks
Honestly I feel that since chapter 1000 I'm reading the same thing over and over again. Necessary action? Yes
Good panels and pleasing to the eye? Yes
But I feel that since 2020 the story doesn't advance, the only thing different was hybrid Kaido.
Maybe to many breaks and to many action...
OP was starting to bore me, to much action back to back was a bit much for me so this makes me very happy, just by reading the spoilers I feel that the plot advanced more in a week than in a whole month on the roof, finaly after 4 chapters I'm hype again!
I trully believe that Oda has forgotten about Ashura in more than 500 chapters, I mean, he said that before starting the raid he checked the wiki of the characters to remember their techniques, so although I think he forgot it he did remember it and Zoro will use it soon
Fuck I don't like how it is implied that the damage is being done by Enma because it is a magic sword instead of Zoro's haki, I'll wait for viz to see if it changes
Sadly BC is not very popular and its sales are getting worse, its not normal for such a long shonen to not have movies or games.
Wishing the best for the fans
Wow when I read the spoilers I thought it would be a boring and intrasendental chapter but it was surprising good, I liked it a lot
Great backstory and the way Hori is showing how the hero society is falling in really subtle way is awesome
Great action chapter, the last couple of chapters Oda's has delivered the best action in years but besides that it's like nothing really happened.
Another Luffy moment but three chapters with the same its too alredy much, perhaps the greatest advance in the plot was that Kaid oand BM no longer...
Now that Kaido recognized Enma I imagine that next week will be Zoro's big moment.
It's clear that Oda wants to focus on the rooftop fight so we can say that the outcome of that battle will determine whether the raid is a success or not and that will mark the end of the act, an act ends a...
Two weeks for an action chapter without revelations or new characters interacting, great
And did Oda transform Zoro into a tool? Looks like he's there just to cut the fire, great
This could be so hype reading back to back but with so many breaks it feels almost bland, lose its momentum:josad:
How about while being in a coma Deku trains and learns things in the vestiges world and when he wakes up some time has passed, it would be an unexpected way to do the timeskip :choppawhat:
Now that Deku is in a coma, maybe he will interact with OFA, I would like for him to lose an arm and use black whip like Hisoka with bungee gum on his leg.
And I think Gran Torino will be the last death of the arc, chapter 300 is coming and I imagine that Hori will do something special, perhaps...
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