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  1. Tensub

    Anime & Manga One Piece Spoilers - The Waiting Room

    Why are you posting a rapist pedophile?
  2. Tensub

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1130 Spoilers Discussion

    One Piece is so kino man. It's literally cinema
  3. Tensub

    Hallo mai besto friendo

    Hallo mai besto friendo
  4. Tensub

    Larvitar I got from the Game Corner

    Larvitar I got from the Game Corner
  5. Tensub

    I also beat Pokemon Crystal using him. I don't remember it much, but I think my final team...

    I also beat Pokemon Crystal using him. I don't remember it much, but I think my final team consisted of Typhlosion, Crobat, Bellossom, Espeon, Miltank and Tyranitar.
  6. Tensub

    Octillery, Rapidash

    Octillery, Rapidash
  7. Tensub

    Hypno >>>

    Hypno >>>
  8. Tensub

    Fanclub Nika fanclub!

    Bonney solos your fav
  9. Tensub

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1130 Spoilers Discussion

    TOPMAN >>>>> Other gay Elders
  10. Tensub

    Haha I won

    Haha I won
  11. Tensub

    Always has been

    Always has been
  12. Tensub


  13. Tensub

    Tobi is Obito

    Tobi is Obito
  14. Tensub

    Thank you friends. I've directed one other short film after this but I'm waiting before I upload...

    Thank you friends. I've directed one other short film after this but I'm waiting before I upload it on YouTube.
  15. Tensub

    @Kerkovian @Pringles @Monster Zoro's Tesla Supplier @Mr. Reloaded @Warchief Sanji D Goat @Zolo...

    @Kerkovian @Pringles @Monster Zoro's Tesla Supplier @Mr. Reloaded @Warchief Sanji D Goat @Zolo @Akai2
  16. Tensub

    Hello worstgen, I directed a short film a few months ago and I finally uploaded it on YouTube. I...

    Hello worstgen, I directed a short film a few months ago and I finally uploaded it on YouTube. I hope you enjoy it.
  17. Tensub

    Versus Battle Rayquaza (Pokemon) vs Kaidou

    I love it when Poketards act like retarded manchildren
  18. Tensub

    NBA discussion thread

    I like Ant but it's not their time yet. Nuggets in 6
  19. Tensub

    NBA discussion thread

    Lakers in 9 :gokulaugh:
  20. Tensub

    NBA discussion thread

    Denver in 6