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  1. Tensub

    LeBroom James #LakeSwept Nuggets in 4 btw

    LeBroom James #LakeSwept Nuggets in 4 btw
  2. Tensub


  3. Tensub

    General & Others What would happen without Jinbe?

    Huffty Puffty, Zoro on a wall, Huffty Puffty, couldn't win at all. >huff puff, huff puff All of his techniques and all of his might, Couldn't finish the fight, try as he might. >huff puff, huff puff Then came Jimbei with a smile so bright, One-shot Lucci, ending the fight. >huff puff, huff...
  4. Tensub

    Fanclub Mecha Heart Squad Groupe

    One Peice isz Cojones Blanco... Mech4 He4rt beleivers arr delusoional... @minamoto @Kakooli
  5. Tensub

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1109 Spoilers Discussion

    Just read the spoilers. What the fuck? Is our God really this strong now? He's gonna 1v5 the Gorousei @Kerkovian @Pringles
  6. Tensub

    It's natural to love and respect Godfy. He is the most popular character in the series. Fans of...

    It's natural to love and respect Godfy. He is the most popular character in the series. Fans of the secondaries should understand that their faves are beneath Godfy
  7. Tensub

    Self requested ban because Fraudzaru got humiliated

    Self requested ban because Fraudzaru got humiliated
  8. Tensub

    No, I don't care about you getting banned for the nth time

    No, I don't care about you getting banned for the nth time
  9. Tensub

    Good... betrey him..

    Good... betrey him..
  10. Tensub

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1108 Spoilers Discussion

    We can't fucking stop eating, Godfybros @Kerkovian @Pringles
  11. Tensub

    Hi motherfucker

    Hi motherfucker
  12. Tensub

    Anime & Manga One Piece Spoilers - The Waiting Room

    @Kerkovian @Pringles @Akai2 @Monster Zoro's Tesla Supplier @Mr. Reloaded Sorry guys. I've been unable to be active lately. I was busy making a short film and it's almost done. I might upload it on YouTube soon.
  13. Tensub

    Anime & Manga One Piece Spoilers - The Waiting Room

    Very sus. Alert the crew 🚨
  14. Tensub

    Anime & Manga One Piece Spoilers - The Waiting Room

    Has there been a single chapter where Godfy fans haven't eaten good?
  15. Tensub

    Anime & Manga One Piece Spoilers - The Waiting Room

    @Pringles @Kerkovian @Akai2 Why are they crying?
  16. Tensub

    Anime & Manga One Piece Spoilers - The Waiting Room

    Founder of the Godfy alliance @Kerkovian said that we're all equal so there's no more hierarchy.
  17. Tensub

    Anime & Manga One Piece Spoilers - The Waiting Room

    Wait for your promotion :cheers:
  18. Tensub

    Anime & Manga One Piece Spoilers - The Waiting Room

    @Kerkovian is the Captain of the Godfy alliance and we are his commanders. @Pringles is YC1 I am YC2 You are YC3