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    Questions & Mysteries Is One Piece more about Hard work or Talent?

    Probably not. There are people in OP who have been training all their lives but will forever be weaker than Luffy was when he set off on his journey. The major difference between 'Hard Work' and 'Talent' in OP is how quickly and effort it takes someone to reach their maximum potential.
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    Questions & Mysteries Is One Piece more about Hard work or Talent?

    It's not 'about' any of them but talent is far more important... no matter how hard you work if you don't have the potential then it's useless.
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    Questions & Mysteries Why the WG didn't invite DoFlamingo to be a Holy Knight?

    Dolfomingo wouldn't be useful to them... at least nowhere near how useful Vegapunk York and Prince Loki would be. Plus... he was already under the command of the WG as a Shichibukai.... sure he likely didn't follow orders but would that change as a GK?
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    General & Others The World Government really recruit anyone...

    They've stacked too far in their favor for one or two rouges to cause much damage. Imu / Five Elders God's Knights Cipher Pol 'Ageis' Zero Seraphim Recruiting a few iffy people with those forces directly under control isn't much trouble. There have been theories of Akainu rebelling, but even...
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    Questions & Mysteries Why Imu bum ass wait until celestial dragons get old to give them immortality

    Old age likely has less effect on Awakened Mythical Zoan users
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    General & Others Will there be a bounty increase after Egghead for the Strawhats? What will the bounties be?

    No bounty increase would be insane... Giants are now on Luffy's side. One of the 2 living Vega Punk is with Luffy. Bonney... who has command of all Kuma Type Pacifista (possibly even S-Bear). He defeated an Admiral (Kizaru can't tell them he didn't want to continue helping...). The whole...
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    General & Others Kizaru and Lucci lost but weren’t defeated

    'Kizaru accomplished his goal.' Atlas, Edison, and Lilith are still alive... they are also 'Vega Punk'.
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    Chapter Discussion The monster trio is over. Don’t ever mention Sanji in the same sentence as Zoro. Until he gets the feats to back it up.

    And those are feats worth hyping... it's just every time Sanji does anything his fans act like it's an unprecedented feat.
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    General & Others Is this the best One Piece has been since you caught up to the Manga?

    Watched it on and off until Enies Lobby but caught up to the manga in Thriller Bark.
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    Chapter Discussion The monster trio is over. Don’t ever mention Sanji in the same sentence as Zoro. Until he gets the feats to back it up.

    It's because the feats are mediocre and yet Sanji fans are pretending like they're something special... he temporarily hurt one of the elders... so have Luffy, Kuma, Franky, the Giants, and Brook.
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    General & Others Would The Navy Have To Send An Admiral After Franky?

    Considering how easily he beat that dude... I don't see what adding four more would accomplish.
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    Questions & Mysteries Why was Luffy in such a bad shape after fighting Kizaru?

    It's because Luffy had to find a vending machine after Kizaru.
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    Current Events I Attempt To Powerscale The Egghead Vice Admirals Based Off Of Almost Zero Information

    They, along with Kizaru, jumped him and still didn't do much damage.
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    Questions & Mysteries Teach and Saturn showed CoC Haki sound effects before Admirals did

    Sengoku was 'confirmed' by Vivre Card which themselves haven't even been confirmed to be accurate.
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    Controversial Marines have in no way shape or form the moral high ground above ANY pirate crew and I am tired of people acting like they do.

    No... they are not. Even if both groups do the same thing the Marines/WG are worse due to the scale they operate on.
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    General & Others Carrot becoming the new ruler of the Minks is the dumbest thing ever

    Zou is an isolated country... she probably won't have to do much actual ruling.
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    Current Events What are the arguments for Killer getting a higher bounty than Sanji?

    In Dressrosa the Straw Hats who left early got 50 million bumps... so I'm sure Killer got a major bump for actively participating in a battle that saw the fall of two Emperors.
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    Bougya Hawkins and Bege and Nami have the same bounty as a 12 years old girl

    The people of the Grand Fleet are the lowest level of executives... not 1 of 9 people who sail around with the Emperor. Those people didn't participate in a raid to overthrow two Emperors. Those people aren't following 'Nika'.
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    Questions & Mysteries Why would Hancock team up with cross guild?

    This has already failed with Jinbei being part of the Straw Hats...