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  1. kekaro

    Fanclub Conejo Blanco: There is no Sonic character hotter than Blaze The Cat. Change my mind

    I cant carry this forum alone :endthis: NGL the worst part of this forum is the copy paste of a lot of people here of twitter post and opinions lol Not a fan of Reddit or social media in general and it has a lot of goda circlejerkers but because just the platform invites more long form posts...
  2. kekaro

    Fanclub Conejo Blanco: There is no Sonic character hotter than Blaze The Cat. Change my mind

    Oda low diffed his hype now he is touching grass instead marimo
  3. kekaro

    Fanclub Conejo Blanco: There is no Sonic character hotter than Blaze The Cat. Change my mind

    He will be a grass touching chad GUI? It was an acronym all along Grasstouching Ultra INstinct
  4. kekaro

    Fanclub Conejo Blanco: There is no Sonic character hotter than Blaze The Cat. Change my mind

    Damn you guys became even more something deplorable than furrys sonic fans
  5. kekaro

    Fanclub Conejo Blanco: There is no Sonic character hotter than Blaze The Cat. Change my mind

    Reddit and Furries, someone nuke this thread
  6. kekaro

    Fanclub Conejo Blanco: There is no Sonic character hotter than Blaze The Cat. Change my mind

    You need to be put into jail that avi is a crime
  7. kekaro

    Fanclub Conejo Blanco: There is no Sonic character hotter than Blaze The Cat. Change my mind

    lacks zou grass she is eating daily
  8. kekaro

    Fanclub Conejo Blanco: There is no Sonic character hotter than Blaze The Cat. Change my mind

    We need you prisoners exchange you with monster Zoro :whitepress:
  9. kekaro

    Fanclub Conejo Blanco: There is no Sonic character hotter than Blaze The Cat. Change my mind

    :goquad::gotres::gosecon::gouno::goatasure::saturn: @Mr. Reloaded Actually neg diffed me making me read that
  10. kekaro

    Fanclub Conejo Blanco: There is no Sonic character hotter than Blaze The Cat. Change my mind

    Clearly he wants to say you become the greatest hero by becoming a Japanese salary man
  11. kekaro

    Fanclub Conejo Blanco: There is no Sonic character hotter than Blaze The Cat. Change my mind

    They are quite a few themes in this arc that are consistent and are reflected through the whole arc, don't know what to tell you What it means to be human for example and that love can transcend logic. We got that in the plot, literally spelled out by multiple characters, and we have it in side...
  12. kekaro

    Fanclub Conejo Blanco: There is no Sonic character hotter than Blaze The Cat. Change my mind

    Yeah I tend to do troll mostly too but I think people take it too seriously everywhere and not won't fun When I one day vanish I will miss you and the conejeo posts :sweat:
  13. kekaro

    Fanclub Conejo Blanco: There is no Sonic character hotter than Blaze The Cat. Change my mind

    I overall liked at egghead but I consider visiting this forum on the future to be honest Dealing with the mentally challenged fictional character stans that insult people personally is one thing but it feels like the majority at this point is just here to hate read so rarely there is fruitful...