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  1. Buusatan94

    Chapter Discussion ONE PIECE CHAPTER 979: FAMILY TROUBLE

    Then I think you should brace yourself because Hawkins is most certainely alive and going to return.
  2. Buusatan94

    Chapter Discussion ONE PIECE CHAPTER 979: FAMILY TROUBLE

    Either the Firetanks, Lola and Pound will somehow get lost and arrive on Elbaf or Chiffon or Lola will be abducted by giants and taken to Elbaf as a gift to Loki.
  3. Buusatan94

    Chapter Discussion ONE PIECE CHAPTER 979: FAMILY TROUBLE

    When you know that Kaido is a Yonko and how he crushed Boundman Luffy with one attack it is obvious that the F6 could have never given him a real fight.
  4. Buusatan94

    Chapter Discussion ONE PIECE CHAPTER 979: FAMILY TROUBLE

    I can't believe that some really believed that the Flying Six were below the Numbers in the Beast Pirates hierarchy and that they were only subordinated to Queen and not the other Calamities.
  5. Buusatan94

    Chapter Discussion ONE PIECE CHAPTER 979: FAMILY TROUBLE

    Nobody but the marines on the ship on which Luffy and Lucci fought for a short time and which was destroyed by the Buster Call itself on Onigumo's orders, plus the marine soldier Onigumo killed for questionning this order, which is even worse.
  6. Buusatan94

    Chapter Discussion ONE PIECE CHAPTER 979: FAMILY TROUBLE

    At best one or two named characters will die. One of the reasons why I was not fully satisfied with Marineford war was that only Ace and Whitebeard died. The fact that none of the Straw Hats allies at Enies Lobby died was also really cringeworthy to me, especially given the BS way they survived...
  7. Buusatan94

    Chapter Discussion ONE PIECE CHAPTER 979: FAMILY TROUBLE

    It's the Queen Mama Chanter with the BMP that Big Mom took with her to Wano that is coming.
  8. Buusatan94

    Chapter Discussion ONE PIECE CHAPTER 979: FAMILY TROUBLE

    The thing about announcing Yamato being the next shogun
  9. Buusatan94

    Chapter Discussion ONE PIECE CHAPTER 979: FAMILY TROUBLE

    Tbh I don't see Xebec being alive and being an antagonist in the present, the only way he could return would be as an undead à-la-Davy Jones or Salazar due to a curse.
  10. Buusatan94

    Chapter Discussion ONE PIECE CHAPTER 979: FAMILY TROUBLE

    Pudding is in Totto Land and most likely going to stay here for all of Wano arc.
  11. Buusatan94

    Chapter Discussion ONE PIECE CHAPTER 979: FAMILY TROUBLE

    I like to think that Yamato is a foil to Momonosuke, with both of them being kids and considered by many to be unworthy heirs of their fathers but in different ways. Momo because he isn't prodigy like Oden was while Yamato may be as strong as his father was as a child and so very promising but...
  12. Buusatan94

    Chapter Discussion ONE PIECE CHAPTER 979: FAMILY TROUBLE

    Oda refuses to kill any friend or ally of the Straw Hats outside of flashbacks with only too few exceptions.
  13. Buusatan94

    Chapter Discussion ONE PIECE CHAPTER 979: FAMILY TROUBLE

    Queen is right at the Party with the common soldiers of the Beast Pirates. It can't be him who spied on the Straw Hats.
  14. Buusatan94

    Chapter Discussion ONE PIECE CHAPTER 979: FAMILY TROUBLE

    I doubt BM would tell Kaido about Pudding being a three-eyed and that she may end up reading poneglyphs. She must want to keep this Ace in the sleeve for herself.
  15. Buusatan94

    Chapter Discussion ONE PIECE CHAPTER 979: FAMILY TROUBLE

    It is most likely what is going to happen if the alliance doesn't attack before they get the chance to defy the Calamities. I also think that X-Drake and at least another F6 will refuse to defy the Calamities.
  16. Buusatan94

    Chapter Discussion ONE PIECE CHAPTER 979: FAMILY TROUBLE

    If he's alone he' going to be wrecked.
  17. Buusatan94

    Chapter Discussion ONE PIECE CHAPTER 979: FAMILY TROUBLE

    And there may be more players and factions coming later.
  18. Buusatan94

    Chapter Discussion ONE PIECE CHAPTER 979: FAMILY TROUBLE

    Yes it's only the second round, the one that will show the true power of Kaido and the Beast Pirates and of Big Mom and the children she took with her at Wano.