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  1. Doggo

    Character Discussion Character discussion: Sanji

    It comes from Japan's overuse of 16 year olds.
  2. Doggo

    Character Discussion Character discussion: Sanji

    "Jinbei did nothing wrong". He actually did. :kayneshrug:
  3. Doggo

    Character Discussion Character discussion: Sanji

    A little rant here. I don't like an aspect of the "Okama" portrayal with Ivankov and the Kamabakka Kingdom. Ivankov forcefully turns a man into a woman without his/her consent. People in Kamabakka kingdom forcefully tries to "turn" Sanji into an Okama without his consent. It severely contrast...
  4. Doggo

    Character Discussion Character discussion: Sanji

    Again, despite it being Sanji's recurrent gag, it's not a trait exclusive to him. It's just that these shows have some fetish for this type of gag. They legit think it is funny. I simply ignore it. Zoro's talk to Enel, when Enel attacked Robin and Zoro was like "how dare you! She's a woman!"...
  5. Doggo

    Character Discussion Character discussion: Sanji

    "Straightfoward" is the new "rude". Chapter 213. The gang peek at the woman's bath in Alabasta. Sanji: "yo Igaram, where's the woman bath?" Cobra: "yo, its right there!"(bear in mind his own daughter is there) Usopp: "nice one, old man!" And they all peek. Luffy included. 1612392826 BEFORE...
  6. Doggo

    Character Discussion Character discussion: Sanji

    Do I have to repeat myself saying that I condemn Sanji's pervertness? I'm pretty sure I've made myself quite clear about it. I'm not "using Sanji as an example". I'm saying that, while some consider him a "simp" or whatever crap, the character has a huge female fanbase. Different subjects...
  7. Doggo

    Character Discussion Character discussion: Sanji

    Oda to this day defends a man arrested for possession of child pornography. And you mad because Sanji hooked up with a 16 years old? At least 16 years old is already age of consent in a LOT of places. Wanna play the high and mighty white knight? At least address the real problems. Also...
  8. Doggo

    Character Discussion Character discussion: Sanji

    I dont know how much you people look around, but Sanji's got A HUGE female fanbase, at least in my country. This "simp" talk is the new "friendzone" excuse for people that don't actually know how to treat a woman as a human being. Be better. Lol.
  9. Doggo

    Character Discussion Character discussion: Sanji

    The kinda act like it isn't a big deal. Only Nami complains about it being rude. The rest is more like "yeah, it's kinda like that really". Chapter 491. Usopp plays along with Sanji depression, even Luffy finds it "disgusting".
  10. Doggo

    Character Discussion Character discussion: Sanji

    To be fair, his bad attitude towards "non-attractive" women is shared by others. I remember everybody trashing Kokoro, for example.
  11. Doggo

    Character Discussion Character discussion: Sanji

    My point stands back. :sanmoji:
  12. Doggo

    Character Discussion Character discussion: Sanji

    Still could have taken the keys without hitting her. Got sneak attacked by gimmick power that screwed his fighting style. Btw, Nami says "IF". But has Sanji ever said it himself? All I can remember is "no hitting ladies" part.
  13. Doggo

    Character Discussion Character discussion: Sanji

    Gonna be the devil's lawyer here and talk a little bit about the kalifa thing. Sanji, despite not hitting Kalifa, still managed to own her in battle, simply blocking her every attack with ease. He COULD simply have stolen the key from her, not compromising himself, and not letting robin die for...
  14. Doggo

    Character Discussion Character discussion: Sanji

    Wel..considering Oda lacks in the "resolving conflicts without beating the living shit of someone" department, it kinda is what it is. Or do you think baking the cake to send BM away was something well received by the majority of people? :kayneshrug:
  15. Doggo

    Character Discussion Character discussion: Sanji

    Just Oda's limitations as a writer showing off. It's easier for him to just focus on the 2 main fighters and just ocasionally make the others shine. But I'm against the "Oda hates Sanji" line. Doesn't matter if you think WCI was good or bad, the fact is that Oda decided to explore even more...
  16. Doggo

    Character Discussion Character discussion: Sanji

    A chivalrous cook, dressed in a stylish suit, who intentionally nerfs himself by using only his legs to fight, because his hands are "solely to cook and love ladies" and is one of the kindest people in the One Piece manga? 10/10 Has a "pervert gag". 9/10. 1612129672 Got a black power ranger...