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  1. HopOnTheHype

    Character Discussion Does Zoro's progress make sense?

    Wouldn't that by default make Perospero the leader of the crew then? Also what's fanfiction? Me having Perospero be leader, or Katakuri being stronger than Perospero? Katakuri > Cracker > Streusen > Perospero > Smoothie > Snack > Daifuku and Oven Streusen literally has one of the best...
  2. HopOnTheHype

    Character Discussion Does Zoro's progress make sense?

    I mean tbf, Perospero was arguing with Katakuri's twin, you could argue perospero was biased, but so are Oven and Daifuku. I personally think Perospero is weaker than Katakuri, but he'd make a better leader, with katakuri, streusen, cracker, and the rest to help support him. Katakuri being his...
  3. HopOnTheHype

    Character Discussion Does Zoro's progress make sense?

    1) Sure 2) What are you contending, that perospero wasn't cucked, or that snack isn't cucked? Snack was still mid ptsd when he was introduced during whole cake island. Perospero is big dick asf, he was literally the only one who stood up to big mom when she was going rampage mode. 3) Eh...
  4. HopOnTheHype

    Character Discussion Does Zoro's progress make sense?

    1) I admitted I was wrong, then shifted to "perospero is a member of the crew, but he was an ex top commander", him having a better bounty than snack + having better feats would imply this is pretty reasonably. 2) Perospero doesn't seem properly cucked like Snack, plus he's too respected...
  5. HopOnTheHype

    Character Discussion Does Zoro's progress make sense?

    OMG, fucking grow up you fucking manchild. I admitted perospero is part of the crew, and now you're trying to pretend that you've been right about every debate we've ever had, while pretending I can't admit when I'm wrong. You're such a fucking narcissist, holy fuck. Literally the only cringe...
  6. HopOnTheHype

    Character Discussion Does Zoro's progress make sense?

    You're literally saying I won't admit when I'm wrong, when I admitted when I'm wrong. What you mean to say is "I think I'm always right, so whenever I disagree with you, I think you're won't admit you're wrong", which means I can admit when I'm wrong, but you can't. It's a fucking joke you...
  7. HopOnTheHype

    Character Discussion Does Zoro's progress make sense?

    And I accept that you're right and I'm wrong, I'm a big boi, I can handle admitting I'm wrong about a comic book. (I'm shooting my shots at some other people in this forum) I mean, what do you think mihawk and zoro did the whole timeskip? They were like having progressively harder duels as...
  8. HopOnTheHype

    Character Discussion Does Zoro's progress make sense?

    I mean alright, can't say 100% I trust those translations cuz I've seen otherwise, but alright. I might be wrong. I'll say this though: some of those are worthless to post, some of htem aren't. For example, that compote picture is 100% non viable, that's not a full intro box that has details. If...
  9. HopOnTheHype

    Character Discussion Does Zoro's progress make sense?

    Prove they were talkinga bout perospero, and not just the general large number of big mom pirates there. I'll be honest, this is just not an interesting conversation, we're arguing semantics of something I've argued 1000 times over with others. IT doesn't really matter. But yes, Streusen and...
  10. HopOnTheHype

    Character Discussion Does Zoro's progress make sense?

    "I called you illiterate cuz you didn't agree with me" I barely read your panel shit, but zoro was aware that the scabbards were fighting kaidou, you not reading me saying that in response to your argument, is illiterate, by the same metric you think illiterate is. (not properly reading...
  11. HopOnTheHype

    Character Discussion Does Zoro's progress make sense?

    If Luffy and Zoro are standing in a group of 20,000 samurai and king goes "the samurai are here!", it doesn't mean luffy is a samurai. The ministers aren't a force within the big mom pirates, minister literally means they are the mayor of an island, it's not a crew position, it's a political...
  12. HopOnTheHype

    Character Discussion Does Zoro's progress make sense?

    I mean kinemon being impressed by zoro doesn't admit inferiority, nor would it really matter, I'm sure you consider denjiro to be stronger than kinemon cuz denjiro kind of repelled zoro pretty easily, and denjiro is still kinemon's underling. Also zoro was only able to cut pica due to air...
  13. HopOnTheHype

    Character Discussion Does Zoro's progress make sense?

    So 1000 big mom pirates are around capone, capone says we're surrounded by big mom pirates, and that's evidence that perospero is? Also the capone talking over the powerhouses of the crew literally has nothing to do with your argument. Like yeah, perospero is an underling of big mom, no one...
  14. HopOnTheHype

    Character Discussion Does Zoro's progress make sense?

    Look at the child try to insult his betters, it's so cute, he's trying so hard. If you're going to call someone illiterate, it should have a basis on why it's true, like if someone literally fails to read something. Not "you disagree with my mihawk/zoro wanking, therefore you're illiterate"...
  15. HopOnTheHype

    Character Discussion Does Zoro's progress make sense?

    Stop getting triggered just because zoro wants to play support to kinemon's majestic swordsmanship. Sorry that zoro isn't the strongest character in anime history, you'll have to just accept that and try to move on with your life. 1607468766 You didn't, but others are, lol. 1607468794 Zoro...
  16. HopOnTheHype

    Character Discussion Does Zoro's progress make sense?

    Yes, and I'm saying that during whole cake island, he was retired, and he mighty have returned after katakuri and cracker were embarassed and probably lost their top commander positions like snack did. Perospero had multiple intro boxes in whole cake, none of them stated he was a big mom...
  17. HopOnTheHype

    Character Discussion Does Zoro's progress make sense?

    Zoro knew they were there, it was literally the entire strategy. Also Crocodile was trying to attack Whitebeard at marineford, a willingness to fight someone doesn't mean anything. The reason kaidou was literally on the roof was because of the scabbards, zoro and luffy knew they were there...
  18. HopOnTheHype

    Character Discussion Does Zoro's progress make sense?

    You don't understand what I'm trying to say, Perospero WAS a big mom pirate, who like streusen and compote, retired eventually and still supported the crew via other means. He still is an underling of big mom, he's just not a crew member. None of his like 3 intro boxes introduced him as a big...
  19. HopOnTheHype

    Character Discussion Does Zoro's progress make sense?

    I mean the concept is that Zoro would help Kinemon by acting as a support to him, which would imply Kinemon would take lead in the encounter. Honestly either Kinemon or Zoro is going to cut Kaidou, and with that quote, it almost seems like it might be Kinemon, it won't win the fight, but he'll...
  20. HopOnTheHype

    Character Discussion Does Zoro's progress make sense?

    Law's df is based on his stamina, he can't use high leveled attacks when his stamina is down. Law held his own against doflamingo and ishoo for like an hour (or was it longer?) until his stamina took a hitting, and he got "defeated", but still was able to get away and even save sanji. By the...