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  1. Winsmoke Sanji

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 979 Spoilers Discussion

    Lowkey looking like a fishman
  2. Winsmoke Sanji

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 979 Spoilers Discussion

    They are both arabic right? Make sense for them to meet up at some point in their lives
  3. Winsmoke Sanji

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 979 Spoilers Discussion

    No he's on top of the D5 and outside. Which you could say as leading the charge for that group so I kinda see your point. We also do know what those panels say. They've been translated in the actual spoiler thread
  4. Winsmoke Sanji

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 979 Spoilers Discussion

    No Sanji (for now) is on top of the Docking 5. That's not really a bad thing either, it's really just going along with a plan. You can already see the group is being followed by an unknown stranger so this will lead to some weird break up involving all of them imo
  5. Winsmoke Sanji

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 979 Spoilers Discussion

    Yeah I was looking back at puck's translations and Jinbei and Robin said they will follow while they are talking about the group. They are just far enough behind that the dust from Franky's car won't get on them
  6. Winsmoke Sanji

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 979 Spoilers Discussion

    For now he's going along with the plan while being near Nami while planing to meet the others in the rendezvous point. No doubt this current plan goes sour tho so let's see how it goes
  7. Winsmoke Sanji

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 979 Spoilers Discussion

    As in the reason she stows away is usually (normally) when something is fishy
  8. Winsmoke Sanji

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 979 Spoilers Discussion

    It think it's working like a Conga Line... Docking 5 Group up front Sanji Ussop Nami Chopper Carrot Shinobu Franky Vehicle shorty behind them Franky Brook On foot right behind them Robin Jinbei It wouldn't make sense for them to just leave them behind so they are just in close vicinity...
  9. Winsmoke Sanji

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 979 Spoilers Discussion

    It wouldn't make sense when the plan is this fresh. He normally stows away if there's something odd going on. So it makes sense if he goes with the flow for now
  10. Winsmoke Sanji

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 979 Spoilers Discussion

    It really depends on the page order when the chapter comes out
  11. Winsmoke Sanji

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 979 Spoilers Discussion

    So they are just.... Gonna leave her there? She still within distance. Wouldn't make sense to leave robin all along like that
  12. Winsmoke Sanji

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 979 Spoilers Discussion

    Franky told Robin to come with and she said yes so Sanji Jinbei Franky Brook Robin Shinobu Carrot Nami Chopper Ussop All seem to be in a group
  13. Winsmoke Sanji

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 979 Spoilers Discussion

    The Kanjuro Momo stuff was already spoiled and he said that's what starts off the chapter (wrong). He also had the Law appreance after the SH stuff but it seems to be before that. His order: 1. Momo 2. SHs 3. Law When it's really 1. Law 2. Momo 3. SH Also he got the ending completely wrong...
  14. Winsmoke Sanji

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 979 Spoilers Discussion

    Yeah I looked at the post again. He got the Momo Kanjuro part wrong. Law stuff happens before. Also the ending is still wrong. Luffy being mad about porridge is the ending not Who's Who finding Yamato
  15. Winsmoke Sanji

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 979 Spoilers Discussion

    I think that's just cuz of the glass
  16. Winsmoke Sanji

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 979 Spoilers Discussion

    Nope he got the ending wrong
  17. Winsmoke Sanji

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 979 Spoilers Discussion

    Welp Doffy couldn't kill Bellamy either. Gotta move him down like 10 tiers now :(
  18. Winsmoke Sanji

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 979 Spoilers Discussion

    Lol he did this last week. He put already confirmed spoilers then adds his own thing