Current Events ‘Warrior God’ is a Fake Translation - Viz Official Translation is ‘Godhead’


Deleted member 83

Technically speaking they're called Bunshin which does translate to Military God but I dont know enough japanese to know why Stephen went for Godhead

Care to shed some light on it please @EtenBoby ?
That’s their ranking/job title, like for example minister of finance, and Oda replace minister with bushin, warrior/war/military god
Godhead has the same effect in replacing minister and showing their divine status but I’m not so sure about the warrior part
Japanese readers are surprised/entertained by this choice too, it does puts an emphasis on their potential strength
Shall we count this as yet another L for Admiral Haters who got baited by a fake translation? The title itself never mattered, Admirals > Gorosei regardless but it’s nice to see Admiral Haters being dumb enough to think that a bunch of politicians were actually called Warriors lol.

Admiral haters really have been getting baited by a lot of obviously fake shit lately lmfao, from 4 years of getting dog walked on a leash by Fake News Morgans to now getting bitch slapped by Viz, Will Admiral Haters ever catch a break?

@SakazOuki @MarineHQ @scoobie3 @silverfire @Kurozumi Wiwi @The White Crane @AkainuTheGrimReaper @Extravlad @kurwa @Blackbeard @Owl Ki @Sentinel @Playa4321 @Veku @ZenZu @comrade @SkySanji @Warchief Sanji D Goat @Anomander Rake @God Buggy @Apollo @EmperorKinyagi etc
Lee chill out, it's not that deep.
No clue. Looks to me like he just made the name up.

Interestingly, Topman’s Viz name is Topman Warcury, which is a dominant name if I’ve ever heard one. Lol
He’s the one arguing the most with Akainu and is highlighted often as the Gorosei’s central guy.

For a recent example, along with a yonko and a fleet admiral, Oda chose to highlight him.

Since he’s literally called Topman and Mercury is the 1st planet in the solar system, he's almost definitely the strongest.