Inu and neko weren't his cabin boys but let's skip that, I actually checked this before I posted and did not really on my memory, he cough his illness 3 years before his execution that is 27/28 years ago and that is when I said he was in his peak, I think we can agree on this part. he fought shiki 27 years ago.
Are you telling me that he faced the entire armada of shiki without any fear, but he was to afraid to fight big mom? A man described as fearless just decided to not fight because he was weak?
how was roger in his prime at 29, I'll will remind you that 52 years ago he was considered a rookie by Brook. If roger was still alive he would have been77 at the time mention by brook he was 25. He didn't start sealing when he was 16 like luffy he start sealing in his 20's