1- it was never hinted or fashadowed by oda since teh start of one piece Manga :
as u know oda is known for his generosity when it comes to throwing hints and forshadows ...if u search in whole one piece manga : there isn't one manga panel that hints or forshadows joyboy being awakening of gomu gomu...
2-portrayal of joyboy :
in one of fishmen island arc chapters we see a shadowy figure of joyboy that don't match with joyboy appearance in chapter 1044 :
here joyboy sounds more like an ordinary yet interesting character rather then model human human of devil fruit..
3-teh nature of devil fruits and joboy mission in fishmen island :
if joyboy is evil fruit and devil fruits weakness is sea energy... how can joboy have powers to comand mermaids and sea king and even play an important role inside deep sea????...it just dont match up..
4-Shank's statement :
read well what shanks says to buggy :
Devil fruit = Reincarnation of Sea DEVILS...However in latest chapter 1044 Joyboy(gomo gomo) is associated with GOD (aka sun GOD nikka)????..
isn't oda contradicting himself now ?????... i mean Sea ≠ sun... and god ≠ Devil.. thus Sea Devil absolutely ≠ Sun God !!!....
also Corazon stated that Ds where enemies of gods..wich means they are somehow Devils (good devils just like hellboy) more then them being gods ..
5-why didn't Joyboy shows up when luffy was on the verge of death when he fought crocodile or got stabbed by akainu???...
finally : what's a pirates biggest threat???..it's his inability to swim...that's why odda gave luffy gomo gomo becuz it was an obstacles toward becoming king of pirates... what was more interesting is how luffy transformed this devil fruit obstacle into a key factor to winning and overcoming these obstacles..
but by making joboy gomu gomu devil fruit oda make it seem that anyone who ate gomu gomu could be joyboy and hence pirate king....wich means all that epic speech gold D roger gave to find one piece trezor right before his execution was pointless and made no sense...
1- it was never hinted or fashadowed by oda since teh start of one piece Manga :
as u know oda is known for his generosity when it comes to throwing hints and forshadows ...if u search in whole one piece manga : there isn't one manga panel that hints or forshadows joyboy being awakening of gomu gomu...
2-portrayal of joyboy :
in one of fishmen island arc chapters we see a shadowy figure of joyboy that don't match with joyboy appearance in chapter 1044 :
here joyboy sounds more like an ordinary yet interesting character rather then model human human of devil fruit..
3-teh nature of devil fruits and joboy mission in fishmen island :
if joyboy is evil fruit and devil fruits weakness is sea energy... how can joboy have powers to comand mermaids and sea king and even play an important role inside deep sea????...it just dont match up..
4-Shank's statement :
read well what shanks says to buggy :
Devil fruit = Reincarnation of Sea DEVILS...However in latest chapter 1044 Joyboy(gomo gomo) is associated with GOD (aka sun GOD nikka)????..
isn't oda contradicting himself now ?????... i mean Sea ≠ sun... and god ≠ Devil.. thus Sea Devil absolutely ≠ Sun God !!!....
also Corazon stated that Ds where enemies of gods..wich means they are somehow Devils (good devils just like hellboy) more then them being gods ..
5-why didn't Joyboy shows up when luffy was on the verge of death when he fought crocodile or got stabbed by akainu???...
finally : what's a pirates biggest threat???..it's his inability to swim...that's why odda gave luffy gomo gomo becuz it was an obstacles toward becoming king of pirates... what was more interesting is how luffy transformed this devil fruit obstacle into a key factor to winning and overcoming these obstacles..
but by making joboy gomu gomu devil fruit oda make it seem that anyone who ate gomu gomu could be joyboy and hence pirate king....wich means all that epic speech gold D roger gave to find one piece trezor right before his execution was pointless and made no sense...