I feel like there’s this big misconception about what eating healthy looks like, where some people think you need to eat disgusting, unappetizing food just to be healthy.
I think the truth is that a lot of food stereotyped as “unhealthy” irl isn’t that bad for you if you eat it in correct proportions.
This isn’t to say bad food doesn’t exist. Most vending machine food is complete garbage. Stuff like candy or chips that are ultra processed and have little to no nutritional value. I think stuff like that isn’t really healthy and I try not to have it routinely.
But when you’re talking about stuff like hamburgers, chicken nuggets, pizza, etc. a lot of this food is viewed as unhealthy but imo it’s just normal food.
People only become obese from this food because they eat too much of it.
but idk I’ve been losing weight consistently for the past few months and I eat hamburgers and chicken nuggets all the time. They’re convenient, they’re a good source of protein, and I don’t think that in of themselves, these foods are that bad.
Perhaps it did help a lot that I had bariatric surgery back in March, but honestly if I didn’t change my eating habits, I wouldn’t have continued to lose weight after the first 1-2 months.
I just try to keep a balance. Right now I’m about ~245 lbs. If I feel like I’m not hitting my weekly goals I’ll probably cut some stuff. But so far, I haven’t had any issues.
I think the truth is that a lot of food stereotyped as “unhealthy” irl isn’t that bad for you if you eat it in correct proportions.
This isn’t to say bad food doesn’t exist. Most vending machine food is complete garbage. Stuff like candy or chips that are ultra processed and have little to no nutritional value. I think stuff like that isn’t really healthy and I try not to have it routinely.
But when you’re talking about stuff like hamburgers, chicken nuggets, pizza, etc. a lot of this food is viewed as unhealthy but imo it’s just normal food.
People only become obese from this food because they eat too much of it.
but idk I’ve been losing weight consistently for the past few months and I eat hamburgers and chicken nuggets all the time. They’re convenient, they’re a good source of protein, and I don’t think that in of themselves, these foods are that bad.
Perhaps it did help a lot that I had bariatric surgery back in March, but honestly if I didn’t change my eating habits, I wouldn’t have continued to lose weight after the first 1-2 months.
I just try to keep a balance. Right now I’m about ~245 lbs. If I feel like I’m not hitting my weekly goals I’ll probably cut some stuff. But so far, I haven’t had any issues.