All your WS buddies are alive.
Kheu is twitter
Wakanda is ace
RippedCal is haza
Lethal is lethal
Neeko is magic
Underworld brok3r is juice
And tyler was rugrat but he posted 4 times in the game a couple of times in 3 phases and got vigged.
Cheers that is quite helpful.
I am having a short look over some of the flips so far, has there been anything to elaborate on the mountains strength based kill thing? Is it just mean strongman?
Dragonfire probably just Targ factional? Circling back to this as I've seen Euron has a horn that could steal a dragon, which I assume means certain people just have dragons to kill with.
And I assume Euron was SK equivalent kind of, I am not overly sure how Victarion would function, I assume he starts Ironborn but can join Targs. Pretty likely he didn't know who Euron was then.