[FNZ] Role Madness A Song of Ice and Fire: Game of Thrones Mafia Game Thread

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Game of Thrones Mafia - Day 11

Final Vote Count

Doddsy 3 - Pot Goblin, Wakanda

The Lord Oaf of Highgarden would sing no longer ...

Mace Tyrell
Vanilla Townie

‘If I was deemed worthy to join your royal council, you would find none more loyal or true.’

Congratulations, you are Mace Tyrell, Rebellion Aligned! The father of Margaery and Loras Tyrell, and son of Olenna Tyrell, you are an amiable, but ultimately simplistic lord.

You have overseen an era of prosperity for your House, and the Reach, and are the current acting Warden of the South, but this is more due to the favourable location of your domain, outside of the wartorn Riverlands where the harvests are always good and the wealth pours in. Mockingly referred to as an oaf by your mother, in truth she is the acting matriarch of the family and you just do as you are told, albeit loyally.

You have entered your family into a tenuous alliance with the Lannisters, but this is purely a marriage of convenience. You and your more able family members seek to bring them down from within.

In this game, you have no role other than your vote.

You win when all threats to your alignment are eliminated.

It is now Night 11. You have 12 hours.
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