Official French translation:
- Saturn: tell me, I've known you to be quicker to the job Kizaru (
dis-moi, je t'ai connu plus prompt à la besogne Kizaru)
- Kizaru: sorry, I have no excuse,
give me a little more time, for the moment I am unable to move (
pardon, je n'ai aucune excuse, laissez-moi encore un peu de temps, pour l'instant je suis incapable de bouger)
Official Spanish translation:
- Saturn: Wow, I didn't expect it to take you so long to do your work, Kizaru (
vaya no esperaba que tardases tanto en hacer tu trabajo Kizaru)
- Kizaru: I'm sorry, I don't have any excuses, and
I doubt I'll be able to move for a while (
lo siento, no tengo ninguna excusa, y dudo que pueda moverme durante un rato)
Official English translation
- Saturn: this i
s rather sluggish work, by your standards...
- Kizaru: I'm sorry,
I've failed you! and I don't think I'll be mobile anytime soon!!
TCB (admiral agenda for sure):
- Saturn: it's unprecedented for you to be so slow in executing an order like this
- Kizaru: I apologize I have no excuse,
I need a second, I don't think I can move
just yet
Official French translation
Official Spanish translation
Official English translation
TCB translation