Chapter Discussion According to Viz. Kizaru wont be mobile any time soon.

Stephen making shit up again to set himself apart from other translations lmao

The ちょっと used in Kizaru's sentence is quite ambiguous.
The "Little" can mean "A Lot" especially when the character is trying to be polite.

It won't hurt you to admit that Kizaru took a heavy blow from Luffy and that one blow was enough to stun him to the ground, bro.

Hopefully Kizaru will do some damage to Luffy in round 2, it's pretty unfun when an Admiral keeps running away and gets dropped with 1 blow.
It all depends on how much of that statement proves to be true in the next chapters

If he gets up soon, then it means less than nothing, specially if Luffy doesn't come back at the same time. A worned out Luffy lasted way more against Kaido, a now he looks like the worst he has looked after fighting a few minutes against Kizaru.

However if Luffy comes back and Kizaru is still incapacitated, then it's an L, other than that, this "he got beaten by his own ability" is pure nonsense, otherwise it should've happened against Kaido. It simply means he made a lot of effort to fight Kizaru, whose intention wasn't even fighting Luffy, but killing Vegapunk.

The ちょっと used in Kizaru's sentence is quite ambiguous.
The "Little" can mean "A Lot" especially when the character is trying to be polite.

It won't hurt you to admit that Kizaru took a heavy blow from Luffy and that one blow was enough to stun him to the ground, bro.

Hopefully Kizaru will do some damage to Luffy in round 2, it's pretty unfun when an Admiral keeps running away and gets dropped with 1 blow.
Thank you for the clarification

So TCB took the L here and VIZ is right as always

The ちょっと used in Kizaru's sentence is quite ambiguous.
The "Little" can mean "A Lot" especially when the character is trying to be polite.

It won't hurt you to admit that Kizaru took a heavy blow from Luffy and that one blow was enough to stun him to the ground, bro.

Hopefully Kizaru will do some damage to Luffy in round 2, it's pretty unfun when an Admiral keeps running away and gets dropped with 1 blow.
Now I understand all this problem about the translation.
Stephen making shit up again to set himself apart from other translations lmao
The official translators have the chapter 7 days before its official release. The chapter translation is controlled several times by people in Japan and the people directly above the official translators to make sure that the translation convey the general idea.

So no, Stephen does not make his translation different out of a narcissist need to differentiate himself from others because his translations are done before the fan translators even started working. He also cannot translate the words as he please because he got people above him unlike the fan translators.
The official translators have the chapter 7 days before its official release. The chapter translation is controlled several times by people in Japan and the people directly above the official translators to make sure that the translation convey the general idea.

So no, Stephen does not make his translation different out of a narcissist need to differentiate himself from others because his translations are done before the fan translators even started working. He also cannot translate the words as he please because he got people above him unlike the fan translators.

Speaking of that and outside any agenda, I really loved the "I'm seeing stars" translation, it was more fitting than "Oh this is bad!".
That's not the only difference, I'm starting to wonder if TCB translation team are in the admiral fanclub.

- does not translate Saturn's reaction
- Saturn: it's unprecedented for you to be so slow in executing an order like this
- Kizaru: I apologize I have no excuse, I need a second, I don't think I can move just yet

- Saturn's reaction: GRRR...
- Saturn: this is rather sluggish work, by your standards...
- Kizaru: I'm sorry, I've failed you! and I don't think I'll be mobile anytime soon!!

TCB translation

Official translation

That's not the only difference, I'm starting to wonder if TCB translation team are in the admiral fanclub.

- does not translate Saturn's reaction
- Saturn: it's unprecedented for you to be so slow in executing an order like this
- Kizaru: I apologize I have no excuse, I need a second, I don't think I can move just yet

- Saturn's reaction: GRRR...
- Saturn: this is rather sluggish work, by your standards...
- Kizaru: I'm sorry, I've failed you! and I don't think I'll be mobile anytime soon!!

TCB translation

Official translation

"あとちょっと...助けそうにもねェ...!!" means that Kizaru initially thought he could help after a little more effort, then he realized that he still can't do it. It indicates a transition from hope or belief in being able to assist to the realization that it's not possible.

In short, Kizaru is having a headache and he is not ready to come back yet. He is paralyzed by Luffy's one punch.

VIZ was the most accurate at translating it.
