General & Others Ace shouldn't be "avenged"

It's a dichotomy, both brothers say they respect each others journey yet would bloodlustedly defend the other to the death.
Akainu thought Luffy a bug in his path, and not only killed his brother in front of him but gave him a massive scar and would have killed him if not for Koby's seconds of bravery. Luffy needs to fuck him up.
its more personal between those two.
there is NOTHING personal between those 2. Akainu was following orders.
imagine the 2 executioners managed to strike Ace down. you think Luffy would go on a vengeance trip against the 2 fodder on the platform too?!?!? lol no.
the Marines are the enemy, not Akainu.

Sengoku was the one ordering the execution. if anything he should be the one to take the blame.
Akainu will fall because he is now the head of the Marines. not because he participated in Aces execution.