Speculations Act 3 is not the last act of Wano

1. No one on the alliance can stop Onigashima from crashing

2. The Big mom pirates will join the fight when Onigashima lands on Wano mainland

3. The Yonko are too strong to beat

4. We have NO idea where the Kaido’s road poneglyph is is NOWHERE on Wano or Onigashima so has to reveal it WILLINGLY which won’t happen if he is defeated

5. Caribou has to talk to the Yonko about Poseidon. Its a fuckin Chekhov’s gun.

Open your Eyes people. There’s too many gaps in the story for there not to be another transition of

Garp the Fist

1. Momo can, he’s also a dragon.

2. Oda has repeatedly got rid of the Big Mom Pirates for a reason- they aren’t playing a part in this arc. Only Big Mom and Perospero are.

3. No they aren’t. It‘s meant to look impossible, that doesn’t mean it actually is.

4. Can be resolved literally any time

5. Caribou has someone in mind to tell about Poseidon, but it isn’t Kaido or Big Mom.

Garp the Fist

Caribou has a very specific person in mind that he wants to ”curry favour” with by telling them about Poseidon.

It makes no sense for that person to be either Big Mom or Kaido, as he’s actually fought members of both crews instead of saying “hey guys, take me to your leader, I’ve got information they’re dying to know.“

Plus, Poseidon is an EoS plot, those two ain’t EoS characters.

Basically, Caribou’s talking to Blackbeard as a safe bet, Shanks if Oda wants to give us a massive shock. Or maybe the World Gov, but that seems unlikely, again, he fought with G5 rather than try to cut a deal.
1. Momo can, he’s also a dragon.

2. Oda has repeatedly got rid of the Big Mom Pirates for a reason- they aren’t playing a part in this arc. Only Big Mom and Perospero are.

3. No they aren’t. It‘s meant to look impossible, that doesn’t mean it actually is.

4. Can be resolved literally any time

5. Caribou has someone in mind to tell about Poseidon, but it isn’t Kaido or Big Mom.
Wow, this is some really weak story logic

They will beat The yonko because plot.

Caribou has the exact information that Kaido and Big mom want and oda went out of his way to bring Caribou to wano so that this information can never matter this arc

the road poneglyph which is the other goal of the arc has been set up to not even be on the island at all but that set up wont actually be a story, no, it will be a footnote at the end of the arc to be resolved “anytime”.

the Big mom pirates are so incomptetent they will do nothing to join this fight

and of course, What kaido did to lift the island isnt an actual feat, a 10 year old kid who has had the knock off version of his fruit for two months can do what he does

This is passable story telling to you
Caribou dont need to have to tell big mom or kaido nothing they goin lose anyway so no point and luffy even sayed caribou aint bad anymore to point he dont mind him on hes side so yes act 3 is the last act
I didnt say Caribou will join the yonko. I said its a chekhov’s gun. The same way Oda brought a person who can read poneglyphs to the Island where people want to read Poneglyphs so automatically the two parties MUST interact now with Robin having to fight Black maria specifically coz she is wanted for her power to read poneglyphs

Now Oda went out of his way to bring a person who knows the Ancient weapons to the island where people want the ancient weapons. By chekhov’s gun, this has to become a plot point. Like Caribou’s contribution to this arc will not be fuckin Udon and thats it when he is almost as important as Robin to the villains
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All of this can happen in Act 3. He doesnt have to add more Acts, just wrap up everything with the 3rd being the final one
@Mr. Anderson You mean the road poneglyph thats NOT on Wano or Onigashima can be wrapped up at the same time as Caribou amd his ancient weapon business and Defeatimg the Yonko. Hehehe... All this can happen within this one continuous fight which will include whether or not Onigashima will be dropped On wano and whether the big mom pirates will be waiting on Wano mainland to join this fight.

All this looks like it will happen alongside each other

Garp the Fist

They will beat The yonko because plot.
The entire point of Act Two, and the weeks training before Act Three began, was literally so that Kaido could be beaten
Caribou has the exact information that Kaido and Big mom want and oda went out of his way to bring Caribou to wano so that this information can never matter this arc
Caribou was written out to the plot back on FI so he can now reenter it post-Wano, and give the information about Poseidon to someone who can actually use it. Which isn’t Kaido or Big Mom, who are going down here.
the road poneglyph which is the other goal of the arc has been set up to not even be on the island at all but that set up wont actually be a story, no, it will be a footnote at the end of the arc to be resolved “anytime”.
The Road Poneglyph plot can be resolved in about three pages at any time.

”Yamato, do you know where your father hid his Road Poneglyph?”
”Yep, let me show you.”

Or anything like that, at any time.
the Big mom pirates are so incomptetent they will do nothing to join this fight
They aren’t incompetent (well, I suppose that’s debatabl), but they certainly can’t fly. If they could, they’d have gotten up the waterfall without needing the carps. Now not only do they need to get up the waterfall, they have to somehow get to a flying island.

They blatantly aren’t getting involved. If they were going to, Oda would have had Perospero manage to rescue some of them, like Smoothie and Daifuku.
and of course, What kaido did to lift the island isnt an actual feat, a 10 year old kid who has had the knock off version of his fruit for two months can do what he does
It isn’t, his feats are beating up the Scabbards and the Worst Gen. Lifting the island is just him using his DF powers.
This is passable story telling to you
It’s better story telling than the idea that all the set up we’ve had in Act Three is onoy for the alliance to totally fail with Onigashima killing everyone in the Flower Capital
The entire point of Act Two, and the weeks training before Act Three began, was literally so that Kaido could be beaten

So once again, you are advocating for plot. Npthing else. They are too weak and they didnt even know Big mom was there but suddenly they will beat both because a a number of chapters has passed

So once again, you are advocating for plot. Npthing else. They are too weak and they didnt even know Big mom was there but suddenly they will beat both because a a number of chapters has passed
Imagine thinking powerlevels are more important than plot in fucking one piece

So once again, you are advocating for plot. Npthing else. They are too weak and they didnt even know Big mom was there but suddenly they will beat both because a a number of chapters has passed
Yes, because it’s blatantly clear that they’ve shown everything they have in the first phase of the fight.

Because that’s how Oda always does things, eh? Just like Luffy used Snakeman straight away on Katakuri? Zoro busting out Sanzen Sekai immediately after fighting Pica?
Lowkey starting to believe the raid can fail too.

I think it’s a big possibility. Nothing is making sense.

Here’s some things

1. wano is on a crash course

2. Big mom pirates in wano. Notice how CP0 never mentioned them? I don’t think CP0 knows that’s the big mom pirates are coming

3. where’s Wanda and carrot? They went after pero but we haven’t seen them since

4. even if they win this war you have the big mom pirates coming so they would lose technically if the big mom pirates step in

5. why did Oda bring caribou into wano? The thing with caribou is that he has information big mom and kaido want

6. Luffy went all out against dragon form kaido and knocked him out for 5 seconds. Dragon kaido is his weakest form. Hybrid is the strongest.

7. the biggest proof to the raid failing is the chapter which was titled “ Somehow, I don’t feel like we are losing”. Which was chapter 989. That chapter just is one big hint they will lose.

8. yonko have been hyped up as unbeatable pirates since enies lobby. This arc they have to overcome them but in their first fight which no round 2?

9. The problem with the argument the raid can’t fail because wano is already long is pretty stupid since Oda is slowly moving the plot when he could have set up all the fights already.

10. wano has been built up for 9+ years. I doubt Oda cares how long wano is. If wano is gonna take another 60 chapters I doubt he cares

11. Oda is making everything seem fine but like we have known. The new world isn’t a joke. Your in a war against two yonko.

12. Oda built up so many different possibilities with matchups. Like the infamous king and queen vs sanji and zoro. That was hyped and almost everyone wanted it yet Oda took another route( which I predicted) and went with Zoro on the rooftop instead of that fight.

The reason I’m bringing this up is because some still think this could happen so I’m just gonna list it. When you look at the evidence for the fight like king and queen being exactly like zoro and sanji it makes sense. Tho I don’t really see it happening unless the raid actually fails.

13. I have many more to name but people still haven’t asked one more big question. Where is orochis weapons? We know he has weapons in wano but where are they? Why haven’t they come into the plot yet. It would not surprise me if orochis weapons is what causes the raid to fail. The reason this is.....is just think about it. The grifters on average are weaker then the samurai proven by what CP0 said. So how can the grifters overcome that?

By using orochis secret weapons. It’s possible that they use the weapons and take out the majority of the samurai.

For example. If there’s 20k grifters and 5k samurai and the samurai are stronger on average. The grifters can overcome the samurais strength by using these weapons.

If they do it could make sense on why the raid fails.

If the grifters win the battle people might now think it’s much but they can just gang up on everyone else.

for example page one and ulti with 1000 grifters against usopp Nami and a couple hundred.

I don’t believe it will fail but it wouldn’t surprise me if it did at this point.
1. No one on the alliance can stop Onigashima from crashing

2. The Big mom pirates will join the fight when Onigashima lands on Wano mainland

3. The Yonko are too strong to beat

4. We have NO idea where the Kaido’s road poneglyph is is NOWHERE on Wano or Onigashima so has to reveal it WILLINGLY which won’t happen if he is defeated

5. Caribou has to talk to the Yonko about Poseidon. Its a fuckin Chekhov’s gun.

Open your Eyes people. There’s too many gaps in the story for there not to be another transition of
all of which can be resolved within an Act because there is no set number of chapters that an Act has to be but this point is lost on you lot.


Yes. I agree with you, @ImmaIvanoM .
Wano Arc need be the longest possible,in order of it be a payoff worthy of all the journey in New World so far.
One of the points that need be build and finished in this arc,but which the fandom act like it isn't true,is Big Mom Pirates and their unfinished business with Straw Hats.
Linlin is a very depth character,and her crew is the most complex enemy team Oda introduced so far(Beasts Pirates still being build up.). After all that happened in Totto Land Arc,it wouldn't make sense to they never have a true confrontation against Straw Hats without be complete in the same place. One thing that need be better build up with Big Mom Pirates is Linlin's relationship with them,which currently isn't very good. All Linlin's crewmates are loyal to her,but Linlin personally not have bigger bonds with them beyond they being her crew power. She need develop a true and great captain-crew relationship with them,in order of they live a happy life together after their defeat.
Now,the point in this thread: Why certain people are thinking that Straw Hats should be defeated in Onigashima Raid? And how Big Mom Pirates are related to it?
The reason why Totto Land Arc pissed so much fans,me included,is how much the plot protected Straw Hats. They messed around in Big Mom Pirates's territory,escaped like a bunch of cowards and in the end,got the reputation of be a pirate crew on the same level as them. Same when Linlin and her crew proved their superiority over Straw Hats several times during that arc.
That arc ruined Oda's description of how dangerous enemies the Yonkos were,and the story point of how Straw Hats were supposed to grow as characters while facing that danger.
The story showed through Big Mom Pirates that there is a lesson Straw Hats need to learn about their own power level,and Big Mom Pirates need have participation in teach them this lesson.
So,when Linlin said she would go to Wano give Straw Hats a payback,these certain people,me included, concluded that Straw Hats need have to deal with both Big Mom Pirates and Beasts Pirates in Wano and face a total defeat. We all see this as mean of make they understand what they still lack to became a Top Tier pirate crew. And after this epiphany,they will strike back and have against two Yonko's crews at the same time a battle that will be a payoff worthy of all the journey in New World so far.
Mr Morj also strongly believe that Wano Arc is the final countdown for both Beasts Pirates and Big Mom Pirates,as he have saying it in his latest videos. But i don't know if he also think the same details about this matter that i wrote above,as he don't deepen in when talk about the point so much as i do.
That's why we are the "Straw Hats will be defeated in Onigashima Raid" Team. Right, guys?
@ImmaIvanoM @playa4321 @Jo_Ndule @Hanzo hattori @Sadistic Senpai


When were you under the impression this game is..
1. No one on the alliance can stop Onigashima from crashing

2. The Big mom pirates will join the fight when Onigashima lands on Wano mainland

3. The Yonko are too strong to beat

4. We have NO idea where the Kaido’s road poneglyph is is NOWHERE on Wano or Onigashima so has to reveal it WILLINGLY which won’t happen if he is defeated

5. Caribou has to talk to the Yonko about Poseidon. Its a fuckin Chekhov’s gun.

Open your Eyes people. There’s too many gaps in the story for there not to be another transition of
It appears to be this way, some people misconstrue when people say it will be 5 acts to Yonko fans not wanting Kaido to be defeated. It’s like hello? Be it 3 acts or 5, the end goal remains the same. Kaido’s defeat.
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It isn’t, his feats are beating up the Scabbards and the Worst Gen. Lifting the island is just him using his DF powers.
Akainu and Aokiji turning Ph into a Frozen hellscape isn’t a feat it’s just then using their DF powers.
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The yonko are to strong ? Get off the yonkos nuts . They’re losing this arc . You want the supernovas to lose and then pull power ups out of their ass and win rather then them just winning while giving it their all? That doesn’t make sense to me
So instead of losing and pulling a power up out of their ass, you want them to straight up win by pulling power ups out of their ass?
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1. No one on the alliance can stop Onigashima from crashing

2. The Big mom pirates will join the fight when Onigashima lands on Wano mainland

3. The Yonko are too strong to beat

4. We have NO idea where the Kaido’s road poneglyph is is NOWHERE on Wano or Onigashima so has to reveal it WILLINGLY which won’t happen if he is defeated

5. Caribou has to talk to the Yonko about Poseidon. Its a fuckin Chekhov’s gun.

Open your Eyes people. There’s too many gaps in the story for there not to be another transition of
Facts and Oda will hype hybrid Kaido just like when he hyped hybrid Lucci