Anime & Manga Admiral Lee Hung's Rare Meme Repository

Sword & Admiral Quality

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Sword and Admiral: Chapter 16 Part 6!!!

Had today off work so I figured I'd hammer out some sweet sweet meme-age for you guys lol.

Before we get to the chapter, I have two things I want to talk to you guys about:

1. This Chapter contains Major spoilers for a very important part of Kingdom. If you are interested in reading Kingdom in the future, I would honestly either recommend skipping this part of S&A entirely, or at the very least brain-dumping the events that take place here when you start your read-through of the far-superior-to-S&A-Kingdom Manga lol. The Chapters I used as a template have been out for like 10 years now but this is still a very important part of the Kingdom story for those who have not read it or are considering reading it lol. You have been warned.

2. I wanted to talk to you guys really quick about an issue that I've been morally conflicted about ever since I started this meme series, and it's something that @Shuyaku pointed out after the release of last chapter:

The idea of myself editing Manga panels like this for the sake of the meme is something that I'm conflicted on. On the one hand, editing Manga panels that someone else has created just feels like a slap in the face to the works themselves, but on the other hand, the joys of telling my own story and creating such epic LOLZ is just too good to pass up.

What I'm trying to say here, is that I do not view the idea of editing huge chunks of Manga panels like this lightly, and that you should most assuredly read these Manga that I'm using as my template as each of them are amazing Manga and the incredibly dedicated and genius Mangaka who draw them deserve all the praise for creating them. Without such incredible artists and storytellers, S&A would not exist.

If you form any opinion of myself editing manga panels like this, then please form the opinion that I am creating S&A for the sake of encouraging you to read the incredible manga that I use as templates lol.

Okay, I suppose that's enough seriousness for now lol.

I know I told you guys that Chapter 16 was ending last time, but it felt weird to start a new Chapter in what was technically the middle of a story lmfao. So I decided to OFFICIALLY Wrap Chapter 16 up with this chapter lol.

That said, thank you guys so much for the support, and I hope you enjoy S&A as much as I enjoy writing this bad boi lol.

Classic ndule was pure anti-wank. The essence of current ndule is unfettered BM and Kaido wank, in that order.

Yes the Big Leader of Antiwank is Ndule. TAC is a leader too, but leader of branch division.
anti wank hq vs branch. That makes ndule 3 ranks higher than tac at least. Ndule low diffs


I will never forgive Oda