Anime & Manga Admiral Lee Hung's Rare Meme Repository

Sword & Admiral Quality

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The big meme pirates are a joke even in games

The fact that they're also being made fun of by a former admiral makes it even better
I don't get it? How does this make them a joke? Brûlée hypes up her brother like always and Kuzan just asks her a question, and says that he prefers to spend as much time lying down as he can. Of course someone like Kuzan isn't going to be like "wow that's awesome," nothing about this is making them a joke, other than you trying to make it seem like it is and also using it as an excuse to character bash.

The internal crisis the Big Mom fandom continually faces. Just wait till she gets embarrassed out of Wano and has a whole 'nother arc to be humiliated in, the bottom of this meme pit has yet to be seen.
Yup. Still the lord of the memes.

Which isn't good for Linlin tho.

Thanks for your feedback gentlemen!

Absolutely spectacular lmfao.

“Kill the pocket basterd!!”

For a minute, I thought Ei Sei was about to give Rossella a lesson in proper wank lmfao
What a wasted potential for that Rosella/Ei Sei encounter, lmfao. Your ability to innovate memeing scenarios for each and every single panel with an unparalleled intuition that can detect every member's wank (even before they properly show it) is truly what makes S&A unchallenged and extremely accurate about the vs section. :madmonk:


I will never forgive Oda
Speaking of, @Topi Jerami when is the next chapter of Ndule Piece? We’ve already been blessed with One Urouge, we’re going to need to know what happens to Ndule and his scabbards!
Topi's reading the atmosphere of the forum carefully before he hijacks another fanbase. I'd expect him by spoiler time tomorrow.