Anime & Manga Admiral Lee Hung's Rare Meme Repository

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@Haoshoku you once asked who would be my top top tier posters, and @Nidai_Kitetsu you stated that Bogard is the best powerscaler on the forum.

In my convo with Light, I discussed the two posters that I think stand out the most out of everyone else on the forum: @Sentinel and @silverfire. I don't know if I should consider them top top tier, but they are the clear best of the arena regulars.

Why I Think so Highly of Them
In my experience, my disagreements with them have been extremely productive (my latest disagreement with silverfire was on Crocodile, and we ended up concluding on the same position. He went from stating MF Luffy was stronger to agreeing with me on Crocodile's low high tier rating). Prior to that, he was the best anti Crocodile advocate and made the strongest arguments against him. The Crocodile case is so compelling because of how strongly silverfire advocated against Crocodile at the start of the debate. This was a case of genuine disagreement and on an issue he felt pretty strongly about (he was quite passionate in the debates).

That willingness — in Sentinel's case eagerness — to change your mind is what makes debates truly valuable. They also come across as genuine in basically all debates I've seen of them.

Sentinel has outright stated that he's willing to:
  • Place Dressrosa Zoro above Dressrosa Luffy.
    • If Zoro solos King without a power up.
  • Place Doflamingo above YC 2s.
    • If Sanji solos Queen without a power up.

These are two positions that he vehemently opposed in the past. He is willing to abandon them if he sees the right evidence. I can't really ask for more of anyone. Sentinel has also revised upwards his estimate on Doffy (we now have basically the same position on him), and he was one of the best anti Doffy advocates before.

The willingness to change their mind is why I consider them clearly better than e.g. Bogard. I haven't seen Bogard update away from any position he has strongly defended in the past. In no strong disagreement I've had with Bogard (or seen Bogard have with anyone) has he updated away from the position he started with. I've also occasionally seen him make bad arguments in support of his favoured positions. Yes Bogard has pretty good takes, but he's very inflexible. He's extremely reluctant to change his mind on issues he has strong opinions about (I've yet to see him do this). Several posters have good takes, several posters can write persuasive arguments in support of their positions. Few of the above posters are so willing to change their minds on their pet issues and prioritise accuracy above all else.

Many people change their minds on some topics, I haven't really seen others adopt positions they were initially so vehemently opposed to (especially where there is room for reasonable disagreement).

This is why I think Sentinel and silverfire are so great as posters.

I recognise that in the examples I mentioned, they changed their minds to agree with me, and while this might hint at bias:
  • I am pretty flexible on most topics and change my mind a lot.
    • I probably change my mind too much.
  • On priors it's highly unlikely that I would always be on the wrong side of the debate, so I should expect to sometimes see someone update towards my position.

I realise I'm gushing about them, and it's probably lame, but I needed to express just how much I appreciate their presence here.
@Sentinel, @silverfire:
Back in the days Bogard was something else . I haven’t seen anyone as good as Prime Bogard and that says something.
And its not like one must agree with everything one says but or I agree with everything @Bogard says but the Original’s are the best
Isn’t it right @Nidai_Kitetsu
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Ndule wanking an Admiral? This gotta be cap lol.
A wanker travels many paths before they find their one true wank.

I do believe that @Admiral Lee Hung once believed in MF Whitebeard >> Admirals due to Toei approved anime propaganda.

I myself once defended Linlin, believed in Yonko >> Admirals, believed in Shanks >> Mihawk and I was even once absolute in my faith in Oda’s work.

None of those takes aged well. :mihugh:
A wanker travels many paths before they find their one true wank.

I do believe that @Admiral Lee Hung once believed in MF Whitebeard >> Admirals due to Tori approved anime propaganda.

I myself once defended Linlin, believed in Yonko >> Admirals, believed in Shanks >> Mihawk and I was even once absolute in my faith in Oda’s work.

None of those takes aged well. :mihugh:
Before I started posting anywhere I was squarely in the yonko solo 2+ admirals and Mihawk=vista camp.


A wanker travels many paths before they find their one true wank.

I do believe that @Admiral Lee Hung once believed in MF Whitebeard >> Admirals due to Toei approved anime propaganda.

I myself once defended Linlin, believed in Yonko >> Admirals, believed in Shanks >> Mihawk and I was even once absolute in my faith in Oda’s work.

None of those takes aged well. :mihugh:
Lmao, I think everybody has believed in Yonko >> Admirals at least once in their life. I personally got brainwashed by the YouTube community :josad:

Warchief Sanji D Goat

Amagami Sister!⛩️
Celestial Dragon? I think he was one of the better posters for the most part back on OJ. He made solid threads and great arguments in the Manga Discussion.

Homie was tripping in the Luffy vs Katakuri thread though.
Isn't he and Hero Sanji the ones that started the whole Sanji wank LOL? I wasn't back in Oro Jackson so feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.:josad::josad::josad:
At least, you're given a reason. To this day, I have no clue why I was even banned.:josad:
You technically are a part of OG worst gen server. The Mod snitch got you banned via association.
Seems fair :seriously:

You should get banned here for this avy tho
 .:whitepress: .This avy is gold.
At least you got your name as a reason. I got "Goodbye"
Considering we know the true reason ,at least you got a goodbye:josad:

I'm going to do this if I ever ban someone.

Not their name, just yours.

Confuse the living shit out of them.
As we have a lot of nostalgic OJers here, let me give you an example how pro-Sanji OJ was during 2015-16. @Chrono you also take note.

This moderator Slith, who created this thread, was an emotional Luffy/Sanji fan. Luffy-Zoro was strictly prohibited topic because they tried to push the Zoro=Sanji agenda really hard.

So Slith used to create those ZvsS threads and I am sure he used to call his buddy Celestial to start posting immediately. Its not really a coincidence that in most ZvsS threads, Celestial used to post in the beginning. Syed, who was a good friend of the staff and became a mod later, was also supporting Celestial.

See how many likes Celestial got (32) and how many likes I got (7) in that screenshot 😂 People didnt even want to like pro-Zoro posts. It seems my buddy @Haoshoku was also pro-Sanji there 😂

Next you will see another mod Ruffles trying to argue (another shitty debater) with me and trying to promote his pro-Sanji agenda. In case I was slightly aggressive, they would have banned me.

Zoro~Sanji or Zoro=Sanji was the way to go those days if you wanted to have friends, and be in the good books of the staff panel.
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Warchief Sanji D Goat

Amagami Sister!⛩️
As we have a lot of nostalgic OJers here, let me give you an example how biased OJ mods were in 2015. @Chrono you also take note.

This moderator Slith, who created this thread, was an emotional Luffy/Sanji fan. Luffy-Zoro was strictly prohibited topic because they tried to push the Zoro=Sanji agenda really hard.

So Slith used to create those ZvsS threads and I am sure he used to call his buddy Celestial to start posting immediately. Its not really a coincidence that in most ZvsS threads, Celestial used to be in the beginning. Syed, who was also a good friend of the staff and also became a mod later was also supporting Celestial.

Now see how many likes Celestial got (32) and how many likes I got (7) in that screenshot 😂 People didnt even want to like pro-Zoro posts. It seems my buddy @Haoshoku was also pro-Sanji there 😂

Next you will see another mod Ruffles trying to argue (another shitty debater) with me and trying to promote his pro-Sanji agenda. In case I was slightly aggressive, they would have banned me.

Zoro~Sanji or Zoro=Sanji was the way to go those days if you wanted to have friends, and be in the good books of the staff panel.
I'm actually glad that I'm a Sanji fan:crazwhat:
Back in the days Bogard was something else . I haven’t seen anyone as good as Prime Bogard and that says something.
And its not like one must agree with everything one says but or I agree with everything @Bogard says but the Original’s are the best
Isn’t it right @Nidai_Kitetsu
As a powerscalar, Bogard was really on a different level during 2015-16. I am sure many powerscalars followed his posting style later on. I used to debate in youtube before joining OJ and I remember I was really amazed when I first saw Bogard's posting style in OJ.

Even though he really love to "wank" Luffy sometimes, I complete agree with you, Celestial was kinda a good poster in Oj and I enjoy to read his chapter post with he make after a new chapter.
Celestial was a very good poster. Dont forget he was one of the 2 best theorists OJ produced along with Beck.
"Shiryu will get diamond fruit"
"Mihawk is a secretly a red-haired pirate"
"Vista is Blackbeard's 10th titanic commander"
--- were all Celestial's theories, which were very popular theory back then.
I would say he is an inspiration to guys like alpha2late or joyboytheories.

The most memorable moment from Celestial was when he was banned,in a thread called

That thread was truly gold..
@Admiral Lee Hung : As you are the historian here, see this proof 😂 It was not a 1on1 as @ZenZu tells you guys. Celestial was fighting alone against a tag team at that point, which is the reason I didnt participate in that debate against Celestial.
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You can't win
Hmm looks like i got many warnings here lol. Not enough time right now to reply to everything(on mobile as well), but this is what i can say

1- When i don't change my mind on a debate, it's not that i'm unwilling to, rather than i have a strong opinion concerning my manga knowledge, witht the opposite argument not really convincing me, doesn't mean i can't change my mind. I changed my mind on multiple subjects

- Used to think Marco was stronger than Beckman for sure. Now i think it's debatable and understand people who think Beckman is stronger

- Used to think Hawkins was top5 SN captain due to Oda's portrayal, but now i think it's debatable(depends on what Oda is planning for him this arc ever since the Law thing happened)

- Used to think Garp was a level below Roger / Whitebeard for sure, but after looking at the right translation of Roger's wordings, i now leave the case open that he could be close to them

- Used to think Cracker was a level above Doffy when he was introduced, but after the end result of the battle, i realized they were on the same level(regardless of who you think is stronger, which is irrelevant to me)

- In a more recent case, used to think Marco was stronger than Oden, but i reconsidered after the flashback seeing that Oden was stronger

And so on, and so forth

2- I obviously have favorites(Ace and Cavendish mainly), but there is only one character i truly dislike(Akainu), and even for them, i don't take it into account when debating where i only care about facts and thus focus more on arguments to power-scale them regardless of what people might think

3- Prime Bogard existed because that Bogard had much more free time and debating passion than now lol. I think it dimished somewhere in 2017, especially with the lack of challenge(just the way i felt lol)

So if you think i hate / dislike a character and thus for this reason, i downplay him comparatively to your perspective regardless of who it is(Zoro, Sanji, Admiral, Yonko, Doflamingo, Crocodile, ..), then you're wrong, it's just that i strongly believe it's the way Oda portrayed / power-scaled them, regardless of what a majority can think of(another thing i don't care about)