Anime & Manga Admiral Lee Hung's Rare Meme Repository

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@SakazOuki @MarineHQ @Kurozumi Wiwi @The White Crane @Wuuuke @silverfire @scoobie3 @AkainuTheGrimReaper @Apollo @Admiral Mou Bu @ZenZu @Extravlad @kurwa @haxxor @EmperorKinyagi @Blackbeard @Owl Ki @TheKnightOfTheSea @God Buggy @Sentinel @Tyki_Mikk @Veku @Mr. Tuna Sandwich @GoldDiamond @Dragon777 @Weeman @Cadis Etrama Di Urek @Djordje @BaboonMihawk @Negan Ok so I'm checking Manchester Derby news on X, and I see Sakazuki trending in Japan

Turns out his 3 cards were too overpowered so they were discontinued/banned from the OP card game to keep fans engaged. People threatened to stop buying new card cause it was pointless if your opponent had Akainu lmao

I'm still praying on that man's downfall, but I'm a memer at heart and been noticing the war tilt in favor of Yonko the last few months. So please use this to create chaos :pepebusi::pepebuggy::pepelit::pepecafe::pepecorn::pepapoo:
@SakazOuki @MarineHQ @Kurozumi Wiwi @The White Crane @Wuuuke @silverfire @scoobie3 @AkainuTheGrimReaper @Apollo @Admiral Mou Bu @ZenZu @Extravlad @kurwa @haxxor @EmperorKinyagi @Blackbeard @Owl Ki @TheKnightOfTheSea @God Buggy @Sentinel @Tyki_Mikk @Veku @Mr. Tuna Sandwich @GoldDiamond @Dragon777 @Weeman @Cadis Etrama Di Urek @Djordje @BaboonMihawk @Negan Ok so I'm checking Manchester Derby news on X, and I see Sakazuki trending in Japan

Turns out his 3 cards were too overpowered so they were discontinued/banned from the OP card game to keep fans engaged. People threatened to stop buying new card cause it was pointless if your opponent had Akainu lmao

I'm still praying on that man's downfall, but I'm a memer at heart and been noticing the war tilt in favor of Yonko the last few months. So please use this to create chaos :pepebusi::pepebuggy::pepelit::pepecafe::pepecorn::pepapoo:
Papazuki solos the verse confirmed. :myman: