Doflamingo, being a Conqueror Haki user and having a DF with Awakening, and also perfectly knowing what Ope Ope can do, helds Conqueror Haki in very high regard, as a proof of the greater power of the ones who possess that ability:
So I'd say that it is something like this:
Nika Nika Awakening > Advanced Conqueror > or >= Top DFs Awakening >> Average DFs Awakening.
You can't compare the main character's DF Awakening of a special DF with all his shenanigans and what not, as if it was the usual standard for any DF Awakening. The Gomu Gomu/Nika Nika is something extremely special (the Ope Ope is as well not your average DF). Most Devil Fruits can't hold that standard.
While, on the other side, you need a minimum starting level to unlock Advanced Conqueror Haki.
Doflamingo has both Conqueror Haki and a DF, unlocked only DF Awakening but could not achieve Adv CoC.
Katakuri has both Conqueror Haki and a DF, unlocked only DF Awakening but could not achieve Adv CoC.
Kidd has both Conqueror Haki and a DF, unlocked only DF Awakening but, up to now, could still not achieve Adv CoC.
Never seen the opposite.
It seems that characters like Crocodile and Perospero, who are in the lowest tier of YCs, also achieved DF Awakening. While the "weakest" character to have Adv CoC is Yamato, someone who is at least as strong as YC1s, most likely even stronger.
Plus Kaido hyping Adv CoC as the gimmick of the top tiers "only a handful of the strongest can".
To me it seems clear that on a world panorama Adv CoC > Awakening.
Nika Nika/Gomu Gomu and also Ope Ope aren't your standard DFs, you can't use them as standard for Awakening.