Cool how, before Zoro gained Adv CoC, everyone was saying that Adv CoC was an unbelievable power, something that only the top tiers can, something that was only for Luffy in the Strawhats and that Zoro would have been lucky to obtain at EoS, if even.
Then Oda killed them, not only giving Adv CoC to Zoro but also giving it to him in the same arc as Luffy, and merely a few chapters after Luffy, also.
Then there are Kaido's statements that further killed it: "only a handful of the strongest can" (referring to Adv CoC) and "you don't need an ability to dominate... like Roger who wasn't a user and was still capable to do greats things in this world... only Haki ... surpasses everything!" (and Adv CoC is the strongest kind of Haki, obviously)
So they moved the goal in saying that Adv CoC is not that strong, that DF Awakening is the same It not better. And that anyway Zoro's Adv CoC is weaker than the others. Even if 1) CoC is based on will, and Zoro's will is one of the greatest 2) by feats his black black lighting sparks are some of the biggest we have ever seen on panel.
And now Oda destroyed them again, with Kaido's statement about Haki being the strongest power of all...
But hey, being envious of the way Oda loves Zoro is certainly understandable. Maybe the salt is too much and the denial is going too strong, but yeah I can understand where does it come from.