Ladies and gentlemen this demon is without a doubt the strongest non 7 star raid Pokemon period, and it doesn't matter what the tera type is you're bound to get your ass wrecked.
The main problem with it is freaking Rage Fist.
Tera Pokemon have massively inflated HP bars for starters, and because of the way this move works you're almost bound to get instakilled unless you're a normal type. But oh wait, because it's originally a fighting type your basically screwed regardless!
Worst of all is Bulk Up, even if you're a special attacker you ain't living for much longer.
You don't want to risk lowering its status either because it could have defiant, and then there's the crits...
You know a raid Pokemon is borked when you need to rely on an impractical Pokemon like Torkoal with Clear Smog just to have a chance or transfer a legendary from HOME (something you couldn't even do until recently).