How many of y’all use Home?? Do y’all make trades on the GTS?? I’ve been using Reddit lately to make deals with people, got quite the shiny collection going
Everyone wants the Apriballs, I swear…but I’ve had some unbelievable luck with the GTS lately, people are posting “real” (GO stamped) shiny legendaries for relatively common non-shiny ones and I’m gobbling up as many Dialgas and Rayquazas as they’ll give me
How many of y’all use Home?? Do y’all make trades on the GTS?? I’ve been using Reddit lately to make deals with people, got quite the shiny collection going
had to use gts to finish the kitakami/blueberry pokedex since i don't have access to Violet exclusives (namely Aipom)
i also shove all of my pokemon go pokemon (especially community day/raid shinies and legendaries) into HOME. Plus Niantic selling it off means i will be mass moving very soon
How many of y’all use Home?? Do y’all make trades on the GTS?? I’ve been using Reddit lately to make deals with people, got quite the shiny collection going
i used reddit during Shining Pearl to acquire an Electabuzz + Electrizer (in exchange for Magmar + Magmarizer. Was worth it since Electivire was basically my ace in BDSP outside of mah boi Infernape
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