Arcane (Netflix)

Best character

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I really liked the show for now

Only little complain is how Cate switched
Arcane already used this way to fast pace+some events being off-screen method in season 1 to fit the runtime of the episode and season

While in general the story is really good,some individuals lose some "weight".A lot of characters in S2 has little screen and almost comes out of nowhere when we see them on-screen
It was too quick for me
Probaly to fit the runtime.But yes,it was a bit to fast

Kizaruber Eats

Loki gon give it to ya.
Didnt saw the episodes but some people told me the ending is ass and fucking insane open
I've been raging about the ending in the waiting room lol. I saw it as soon as the episodes came out over 12 hours ago and I'm STILL angry about right now! Genuinely fuming and heartbroken.

I'm so tired of shitty, half assed, apathetic, cliche finales that try to play it safe. Also killing off so many characters apathetically, including wasting potential of some promising characters.

It just felt so cynical, so devoid of soul, heart, charm. Like mass manufactured or even generic AI generated slop. Ironically I spam a lot of AI generated stuff but I can easily generate a better finale than that shitty excuse of a finale in literal seconds.

They really made
shine so much then did
so fucking dirty too.

They promised a much longer finale, it wasnt even more than 10 minutes longer, only 9 minutes pretty much at most.

Such an underwhelming, egregious, pretentious finale that was rushed, mess, played to status quo and cliches extremely hard and is the equivalent of thinking water or mayonnaise is fucking spicy.

Even horniness/horny jokes aside, I did think the Cait x Vi love scene was really beautifully done, brilliant music, and uh "choreography", it was really sweet, sensual, romantic and such, pure art/cinema. Ekko looked amazing when he got the Z-Drive going too.

The AU with "Powder" and Ekko being in love and kissing made my heart flutter beyond words, I was so happy for them but we can't have happy in Arcane.

Isha was killed offscreen and only Jinx seemed to care and even then it was glossed over, no funeral or anything, no explanation for why those guys were chasing Isha originally too. Never saw the father or fathers of Jinx and Vi but its been heavily implied to be Silco and Vander respectively too.

Jinx lost her mother to Enforcers and thus police brutality, so did Vi, yet this didn't really come up with Cait, even Jinx and Cait barely interacted about Caitlin's mother being killed by Jinx but at least Jinx tried to apologise for it in her own fucked up way ofc.

Vi didn't really get to shine either, I was so looking forward to seeing her amazing abilities that I've always loved from day 1 of League of Legends, she was my first champion and I adored her even before Jinx and spammed her a lot, with crazy builds and such but she got done so fucking dirty except for getting with Cait and having such wonderful romance and scenes with her in the end.

Cait didn't even have any abilities either, was hoping for her proper ult and she still doesn't feel like the Cait from League either.

I used to want Bilgewater to be animated next especially and Shurima too but after this shitshow, I don't want them near Miss Fortune especially and ruining her too, probably giving her a similar fate/storyline to Jinx in a way and thus conclusion or maybe more like Caitlin actually but I know we won't get her AMAZING ult in it either now too.

Ahri and Miss Fortune are some of the most popular champs by far along with Lux and I expected all of them to get major starring roles in more Runeterra animated series naturally but I already hated the reworked lore and new direction and voice acting of Ahri and I know they will ruin Fortune in the same way sooner or later, despite not even bothering to give her a VGU STILL, her and Lux are DYING for them, some of the oldest and most iconic and yet grossly outdated champs!

Not even showing LeBlanc after all that fucking teasing too, its obviously her pulling the strings or literal chains here and she and Viktor are in DESPERATE need of VGUs and reworks too.

I can't even remember what happened to Viktor in the end too, the finale damaged my brain so much, instead of a "glorious evolution", I got a "grandiose ruination" of my own brain, happiness, hopes/wishes etc.

Sorry I'm being so salty/toxic but this is really fucking personal for me. I waited over 7 years for constantly dreaming and wishing Arcane to be a reality, I fought to try to convince people Jinx was Vi's sister
(we still don't know who their actual fathers are lmfao, well at least one of them got mentioned but not shown at all, why not just make it Silco and Vander? Jinx even looks like Silco, has his hair style ffs).

Fuck man, I just can't stop getting angry and upset over this. I really can't wait to let go and just not care about it anymore. I'm gonna need a new tag desperately, unless I put my old Perona one back, which I think I will do actually.
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We also dont know Ashs father and shit tons of Disneys characters Mom/Dad/Both parents.

Not a big deal for me

Pretty sure it will not even close the worst ending ive ever seen.Because that belongs still to Vision of Escanflone

Kizaruber Eats

Loki gon give it to ya.
We also dont know Ashs father and shit tons of Disneys characters Mom/Dad/Both parents.

Not a big deal for me

Pretty sure it will not even close the worst ending ive ever seen.Because that belongs still to Vision of Escanflone
Fair enough.


There's also the
"death of Jinx", that shameless emotional bait and having Jinx trying to kill herself off repeatedly beforehand much earlier on and it turning into a gag too. Also worse given what happened to Isha and since they couldn't let Ekko go back and save everyone from that moment, it makes even worse.

Vander really got a shitty deal/ending too. Not even dealt with in a satisfying way, just cliche emotional bait by talentless hacks.

The constant Mary Sue wank of Mel was insufferable too. "You are the wolf" says her own mother before she dies, I almost vomited.

Caitlin faces no repurcussions for trying to gas Zaun people to death too.

Loris dies pathetically like hes a side character in the walking dead or something. Only Vi seemed to care and she didn't get to grieve for him and we didn't learn about him and why he seemed similar to Vander and took such an interest in Vi originally and seemed to perk up when he heard something being mentioned to Vi by Maddie, whether it was Jinx or something else, I forget.

Don't even get me started on Maddie, being an Ambessa spy all along and choosing to try to kill Caitlin only for Mel to save her a split second from death by the the most traitorous cunt in the series. It makes sense for her to be a spy but its also very predictable and tons of people including myself expected and called it in hindsight.

Heimerdinger just disappears and is conveniently written out, implied to be dead potentially. He was so defeatist before Ekko convinced him too when they were in the alternative reality. And then theres the whole fucking multiverse shit too.

At least Ekko and "Powder" got a beautiful romance storyline and kiss, but he fucking did the poor girl so dirty too. But at least she got her actual Ekko back too but killing off Vi in that timeline feels kinda sadistic too and unnecessary. I would have it make her become Jinx anyway due to it, surely losing her BELOVED big sister who she is still trying to protect with her own life literally even to the end of the very series would traumatise Powder into becoming Jinx anyway?

Fuck man, the more I think about this shitshow, the angier I get. I just want to forget and pretend I never saw it, that it never existed.

But yeah, this was more like a glorified writers fetish fanfic mixed with the most basic/mainstream writing templates.
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My boy Ekko deserved so much better man. So much so that I say he should've just stayed in that alternative reality and been happy there.

S2 was just " how much can we fuck with Vi, make her happy and hopeful, than fuck with her again."

And that clichéd "It's up to your interpretation on wether or not Jinx/Powder is alive". What a fucking cop-out. They really did a Game of Thrones in the end smh.

And I waited 3 weeks to binge all 9 episodes. Air ball of a season finale. Oh well onto Nexus we go 🚶🏾‍♂️

Oh and does anyone understand wtf big mama wanted with Piltover. It's like her goal/s kept changing and in the end she just croaks? Yeah nice way to end her character
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Kizaruber Eats

Loki gon give it to ya.
My boy Ekko deserved so much better man. So much so that I say he should've just stayed in that alternative reality and been happy there.

S2 was just " how much can we fuck with Vi, make her happy and hopeful, than fuck with her again."

And that clichéd "It's up to your interpretation on wether or not Jinx/Powder is alive". What a fucking cop-out. They really did a Game of Thrones in the end smh.

And I waited 3 weeks to binge all 9 episodes. Air ball of a season finale. Oh well onto Nexus we go 🚶🏾‍♂️

Oh and does anyone understand wtf big mama wanted with Piltover. It's like her goal/s kept changing and in the end she just croaks? Yeah nice way to end her character
Completely agree, could not have said it better myself. It was a complete fucking mess and misery fetishism, a trauma conga line.

"Here's our new champion for League. Also we're killing her off in the new animated series that we're trying to turn canon after retconning the entire lore a millionth time."

I waited years for this series as a major Jinx, Vi and Ekko stan too. FML.

I don't want them to even touch Bilgewater now, who needs curses in the actual Runeterra lore when they are cursing their own lore? Given Miss Fortune's lore revolves around murdered parents and a lifetime of trying to get revenge on Gangplank, the Arcane writers are probably making themselves wetter than the ocean itself thinking how they can exploit this and thematically rhyme with their own story with Arcane.

Fuck knows how much they would make Amumu suffer even more if he ever appeared somehow in a series.

League is much better when it doesn't take itself super seriously, it still has great tragedy, underrated nuance, implied depth but mixed in with a variety of other tones/moods and it didn't overwhelm you with fucking misery, trauma, anguish or w/e.

This is just another fucking Walking Dead, Game of Thrones, dystoptian/apocalyptic/humans are the greatest evil or biggest problem or w/e type storyline again.

There were a few really nice moments where they showed amazing creativity and had fun, the less serious/story impactful parts, where they really let loose and that
Ekko and Powder romance storyline was exceeedingly beautiful and emotional
but this reminds me of how the first Life is Strange game jumped the shark and kept doubling down in the most extremely horrific scenarios, evil writing and absolutely unhinged villains and trauma conga line situations. It wanted to be the walking dead so badly.

Fuck man, I'm so tired of these overly edgy, miserable series. Its just another form of cheap shock value entertainment, low brow, low effort. Like its too easy to be cynical as I'm ironically being here, but it serves my point too.

League really inspired me for many years but now this stupid show is making me hate it entirely. What an accomplishment. I thought Dragons Blood made me hate Dota but League decided it needs to outdo Dota once and for all.

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Completely agree, could not have said it better myself. It was a complete fucking mess and misery fetishism, a trauma conga line.

"Here's our new champion for League. Also we're killing her off in the new animated series that we're trying to turn canon after retconning the entire lore a millionth time."

I waited years for this series as a major Jinx, Vi and Ekko stan too. FML.

I don't want them to even touch Bilgewater now, who needs curses in the actual Runeterra lore when they are cursing their own lore? Given Miss Fortune's lore revolves around murdered parents and a lifetime of trying to get revenge on Gangplank, the Arcane writers are probably making themselves wetter than the ocean itself thinking how they can exploit this and thematically rhyme with their own story with Arcane.

Fuck knows how much they would make Amumu suffer even more if he ever appeared somehow in a series.

I'm not going to lie, I haven't played LoLs, only seen cinematic stuff on YouTube. I only knew about Ekko, the professor, Jinx and that scarecrow [fiddlesticks?].

Ekko & Powder in that world made me smile. I thought finally and then it got taken away smh :josad:

All in all my hopes for Noxus is not that high, but we'll see what they do now I guess


✌𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓢𝓲𝓶𝓹𝓵𝓲𝓬𝓲𝓽𝔂 𝓸𝓯 𝓛𝓲𝓯𝓮✌
Good final episodes

it should of been Vi that died


✌𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓢𝓲𝓶𝓹𝓵𝓲𝓬𝓲𝓽𝔂 𝓸𝓯 𝓛𝓲𝓯𝓮✌
If they green light a s3 i could see Cate becoming a kuvira type of character

Kizaruber Eats

Loki gon give it to ya.
I'm not going to lie, I haven't played LoLs, only seen cinematic stuff on YouTube. I only knew about Ekko, the professor, Jinx and that scarecrow [fiddlesticks?].

All in all my hopes for Noxus is not that high, but we'll see what they do now I guess :josad:
Yeah Heimerdinger the professor, I really like him. Ironically I thought him a far better version of Vegapunk, what we should have gotten in OP but then that stupid fucking moment happened too, ergh. And thus he was "irrelevant" for the rest of the series.

Fiddlesticks yeah, he taunts Jinx brutally in the game about her past, we didn't know her past until know, there was only implications including her being Vi's sister but it was obvious she was deeply traumatised and insane ofc. Kinda like Harley Quinn and Joker having a lovechild but with Batmans backstory or something.

Ekko's trailer has some of the best writing I've ever seen. Ekko has been consistently the best character along with Jinx imo. Love them immmensely and what happened with them in this season was almost perfection except for some things you mentioned and I mentioned earlier too.

Ekko, Prince of Persia, a certain character or two in JJBA show how well time travel can be written, especially when said time travel is only done in small increments as opposed to a macro scale like 20 years (cough One Piece but at least Oda hasn't done reverse time travel....YET! It was a scrapped plot for Film Red at least though!) and I'm disappointed an extremely popular theory and thus desperately wishful thinking most of us wanted after episode 6 never happened either, especially with
fucking multiverses and long distance time travelling
coming into play, but oh well.

At this point, I'm rapidly becoming numb to shit like this, I'm racing past the anger and just going into apathy, I'm so tired of being angry and hurt, I'm speedrunning the 5 stages of grief now.

I don't expect much for Noxus now especially
Ambessa fucking dead and gone, Mel becoming far too OP suddenly (she will probably get nerfed for plot though), Le Blanc still not being shown despite it actually being her, Briar will probably be the new Jinx and thus trauma/writers abuse project/experiment or w/e too.

Seeing Mordekaiser, Sion, Le Blanc, Vladmir, Darius etc would be fucking great, I'd love to see Kled, maybe he can play the token Yordle role here naturally and he's kinda like the Yosemite Sam of League mixed with How To Train Your Dragon as weird as that sounds but afer this shit-son, I really don't want to get my hopes up anymore, not even in the slightest. I'm still grieving anyway and truth be told, I just want to let go of League, Arcane and anything Runeterra related, they've not only jumped the shark but done somersaults over it whilst flipping it off and then blowing it up. Said shark being Fishbones, Jinx's rocket launcher too ironically.

This season was just too shallow and it felt exploitative, cynical and more like a typical modern day Netflix/Hollywood type series. It wants to be the animated Game of Thrones or GOT replacement/successor so bad too.

Sorry but I just need to vent, to rant so badly, I'm in a lot of pain.


Sinister Blade
Yeah Heimerdinger the professor, I really like him. Ironically I thought him a far better version of Vegapunk, what we should have gotten in OP but then that stupid fucking moment happened too, ergh. And thus he was "irrelevant" for the rest of the series.

Fiddlesticks yeah, he taunts Jinx brutally in the game about her past, we didn't know her past until know, there was only implications including her being Vi's sister but it was obvious she was deeply traumatised and insane ofc. Kinda like Harley Quinn and Joker having a lovechild but with Batmans backstory or something.

Ekko's trailer has some of the best writing I've ever seen. Ekko has been consistently the best character along with Jinx imo. Love them immmensely and what happened with them in this season was almost perfection except for some things you mentioned and I mentioned earlier too.

Ekko, Prince of Persia, a certain character or two in JJBA show how well time travel can be written, especially when said time travel is only done in small increments as opposed to a macro scale like 20 years (cough One Piece but at least Oda hasn't done reverse time travel....YET! It was a scrapped plot for Film Red at least though!) and I'm disappointed an extremely popular theory and thus desperately wishful thinking most of us wanted after episode 6 never happened either, especially with
fucking multiverses and long distance time travelling
coming into play, but oh well.

At this point, I'm rapidly becoming numb to shit like this, I'm racing past the anger and just going into apathy, I'm so tired of being angry and hurt, I'm speedrunning the 5 stages of grief now.

I don't expect much for Noxus now especially
Ambessa fucking dead and gone, Mel becoming far too OP suddenly (she will probably get nerfed for plot though), Le Blanc still not being shown despite it actually being her, Briar will probably be the new Jinx and thus trauma/writers abuse project/experiment or w/e too.

Seeing Mordekaiser, Sion, Le Blanc, Vladmir, Darius etc would be fucking great, I'd love to see Kled, maybe he can play the token Yordle role here naturally and he's kinda like the Yosemite Sam of League mixed with How To Train Your Dragon as weird as that sounds but afer this shit-son, I really don't want to get my hopes up anymore, not even in the slightest. I'm still grieving anyway and truth be told, I just want to let go of League, Arcane and anything Runeterra related, they've not only jumped the shark but done somersaults over it whilst flipping it off and then blowing it up. Said shark being Fishbones, Jinx's rocket launcher too ironically.

This season was just too shallow and it felt exploitative, cynical and more like a typical modern day Netflix/Hollywood type series. It wants to be the animated Game of Thrones or GOT replacement/successor so bad too.

Sorry but I just need to vent, to rant so badly, I'm in a lot of pain.
i'm quite sorry you felt this way about the show

i'm reading your posts and trying to understand

but i think it's hard for me to get the POV, since i was always just a casual LoL fan who played on extremely low elo and watched a few cinematics here or there

i do think the pacing became quite bad by the last two episodes, but i also get it

they've been working on Arcane for the past 9 years

the creators have gotten a bunch of ideas for other shows in other regions following other characters, so they wanted to close things up fast in S2 and move on to another show in the same "cinematic universe"