[FNZ] Role Madness Avatar - The Last Airbender Mafia [Game Ended - Mafia + Indie Faction + Neutral Indie Victory]

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When were you under the impressiong this game is..
Yes. I will proceed to go insane, cut my hair, and style my eyes with messy eyeliner

Thats my daughter for you.
I remember one of them was scum and was pocketing the other. I'm thinking the town reads are just because they are friends and they will always town read each other even if the other is scum.
They will. Atleast TAC would.


Reloaded feels like his meme lord self again

i spent last game thinking he was scum for most of it

so i would guess towny for now

since he has never been scum, i think he might feel a bit different if he got it now
He never rolled scum lmao.
If he ever rolls scum I think he will be very capable on playing good as scum and will be playing like how he plays as town. This is why lately I want to be careful I don't quickly jump into a town read on him if I turn out to be wrong. Right now I haven't seen anything from him that pings me.


When were you under the impressiong this game is..
If he ever rolls scum I think he will be very capable on playing good as scum and will be playing like how he plays as town. This is why lately I want to be careful I don't quickly jump into a town read on him if I turn out to be wrong. Right now I haven't seen anything from him that pings me.
Im not town reading reloaded but nothing hes done so far is pingy. Last game he made a comment that pinged me hard ( he said he would try and scum hunt when he usually just fluffs around) and he turned out to be town. I cant really read him lmao. Not until I see him roll scum and how he behaves.
That would be a no, I don't think we know each other.

Thats not 5 people currently town read Juliet, thats 5 people will by the end of day 1 will town read Juliet.

Over/unders in the betting world are bets you can place on games. Over means you think more than that number will be reached, under means less.
And what do you plan to accomplish with those, what's the thought process?
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