[FNZ] Role Madness Avatar - The Last Airbender Mafia [Game Ended - Mafia + Indie Faction + Neutral Indie Victory]

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No one will town read me because I'm old and players prefer to town read the young ones lol.
Old? Can't see people town reading the younger folks, age brings wisdom

I town read you bb.
I think thats 2

Maybe 3 now

You guys are correct I'm town. Can you explain the town read on me.
Posts like this

Making reads are the best. Just have to put yourself out there and be willing to make an informed deduction on something....right or wrong its something you can learn from and keep improving on
Id also add when looking for scum, go with generalized assumptions of what you yourself would do as scum and then try and put others in situations that force them either fall in line with those assumptions or break from them. If you find someone repeatedly falling on the side that you'd expect as scum, they are probably scum


and Indigo

Not liking TAC

Kinda null on everyone else.​
]what seperates TAC so far?​
for someone with 1/4 of the total post count you dont have a singular thought of the game overall?​
And what do you plan to accomplish with those, what's the thought process?
didnt realize this ningen was in game, have you given your thoughts on TACy baby yet or too early for that?​

There is no war in Ba Sing Se!
didnt realize this ningen was in game, have you given your thoughts on TACy baby yet or too early for that?​

There is no war in Ba Sing Se!
He can have a soft town read, I'm a little puzzled as to why people are voting him. Looking for an easy target probably

What do you think of him?


Not a fan of his posts so far.
what about his post specifically?​
He can have a soft town read, I'm a little puzzled as to why people are voting him. Looking for an easy target probably

What do you think of him?
not sure yet i tend to have trouble reading TACy in general, but use his core as my PoE.

the game is flooded with fluff so hard to gauge players rn Bear seems to be trying to solve early though.​

There is no war in Ba Sing Se!


When were you under the impression this game is..
I'll be watching you with a lot of attention :willsmith:
I have a boyfriend :gonope:
Fuji and Indigo are definitely high up on the fluff posting.

Didn't like Mr Reloaded's vote of TAC at all. No reasoning at all swiftly following another vote on TAC with no reasoning at all.

Seems like a week day one wagon imo.

[Vote Lynch Mr Reloaded]
He does this every single game, its NAI.
With the over/unders?

Reactions, stances, looking for engagement, seeing who steers clear (cough, T-pein, cough, T-pein, cough, not the only one)
I think Pein is fishy this game, his attitude is off.

what about his post specifically?​

not sure yet i tend to have trouble reading TACy in general, but use his core as my PoE.

the game is flooded with fluff so hard to gauge players rn Bear seems to be trying to solve early though.​

There is no war in Ba Sing Se!
At first he did a lot of fluffing, and after that he just seems careful about what he says.

@Indigo do you suspect anyone at this point or?
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