Powers & Abilities Barriers - Can they stop everything?

Can haki barriers stop literally everything, even for a short moment?

  • Yes

  • No

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Kitetsu Wanker
Is there a limit to what the haki barriers can stop? Do they automatically nullify anything that is coming towards them?
Note that they are not permanent and last relatively short but during that time frame they seem to be stopping everything.
They are an inferior version of Bari Bari no Mi which is basically a plot device that can stop anything it needs to.

Bartolomeo's fruit can probably stop even Robin from growing limbs on him while he is inside the barrier. That's how good it probably is.

While Bartolomeo's barrier is permanent and unbreakable, haki barriers are not permanent and eventually get broken or disipate if the incoming force is continuous.

So far, we have Luffy's barrier nullifying all the physical force Kaido is capable of in his hybrid on top of the force produced by swinging the club.
This is unclear but Zoro probably used a barrier to stop Hakai as well which is a more logical explanation than anything else.
Barrier's properties of stopping everything and anything explains better how Zoro could have stopped an island buster from 2 Yonkos combined.

Now, since Hakai was a continuous attack, the barrier eventually dissipated and Hakai flew off the island.
We also have the Gura shockwave being stopped by the barrier of the 3 Admirals together.
The only instance of a barrier not stopping the incoming force is when Luffy pushed back one of the Boa Sisters.
Not sure if that is something that needs to be considered or it's just an anomaly like many other things coming in contact with Luffy...

Haki barriers work similar to dials, while using different principles, the outcome they achieve is nearly identical.
While you need a different type of dial to nullify(absorb) different attacks(physical force, flames, iron, gas...), haki barriers are universal.
Luffy putting up a barrier in front of Kaido's club is identical to the impact dial facing Sanji's hammer. Both have nullified the incoming force.
That's the defensive use. Even the offensive use is identical, both empower the attacks. Impact dial hit hits the insides just like haki barrier does...

Now, onto the interesting part - what can pierce haki barriers if Kaido's force and energy blast from 2 Yonkos cant?
Kizaru's lasers? Kuma's paw shockwaves? Bullets? Flying sword slash? Direct sword slash? Barrier-clad punch? Perona's ghosts? Borobreath? Demolition breath? Masser Cannon? Lightning attacks? Aokiji's ice? Akainu's magma? Sengoku's shockwaves? Gura Gura no Mi's vibrations? Magellan's poison? What about beams from Foxy?
Is any of these able to pass through the haki barriers? If not, where is the OP combat heading towards? The endless blocking festival?

What are your thoughts on it? :sus:
No I think that it was stated that these barriers aren't soundless, which means that they wouldn't protect from a shrieking sound such as Big Mom's scream, and they may not protect from temperature changes either. Kizaru could also possibly use his df to create so much light in order to blind him.

I also think that Law would be able of switching them with his spatial manipulation ability, and that someone with teleportation or dimensionnal powers would be able of bypassing or taking the barriers away too.
Also Bartolomeo can't live without oxygen and may let air enter which could be exploited by someone with an invinsible toxic gas or Moria by sending his shadow in, etc...

Jew D. Boy

I Can Go Lower
I’m sure they aren’t indestructible, but if Haki is the natural counteraction to DF powers, there probably isn’t much that can effectively break through them. Like you said, they will dissipate and can likely be cracked with enough force, but I think that’s more a matter of the DF user’s strength than what powers could theoretically cancel Haki barriers out.
Good question. So far it seems very useful on a defensive perspective. I suppose it is a kind of CoC barrier application that also blocked Law's hax against Kaido and Big Mom.
I wonder if it can block Apoo's attacks.

I would say it allows the user to block almost everything, that's why Oda shouldn't give it to everybody and their mothers because like you said then it would turn to the blocking and nullifying festival.


Zoro Worshipper
Depends on Oda. Bari was portrayed as massive seemingly indestructible. Zoro's barrier haki was revealed as extensively good but it took the barrier haki of three admirals to protect Marineford so perhaps they aren't that astoundingly proficient unless they are Bari related I mean. So I doubt all 3 put the effort just because if only one was necessarily. Conclusion is that Bari is an exception to the rule most likely.
Is there a limit to what the haki barriers can stop? Do they automatically nullify anything that is coming towards them?
Note that they are not permanent and last relatively short but during that time frame they seem to be stopping everything.
They are an inferior version of Bari Bari no Mi which is basically a plot device that can stop anything it needs to.

Bartolomeo's fruit can probably stop even Robin from growing limbs on him while he is inside the barrier. That's how good it probably is.

While Bartolomeo's barrier is permanent and unbreakable, haki barriers are not permanent and eventually get broken or disipate if the incoming force is continuous.

So far, we have Luffy's barrier nullifying all the physical force Kaido is capable of in his hybrid on top of the force produced by swinging the club.
This is unclear but Zoro probably used a barrier to stop Hakai as well which is a more logical explanation than anything else.
Barrier's properties of stopping everything and anything explains better how Zoro could have stopped an island buster from 2 Yonkos combined.

Now, since Hakai was a continuous attack, the barrier eventually dissipated and Hakai flew off the island.
We also have the Gura shockwave being stopped by the barrier of the 3 Admirals together.
The only instance of a barrier not stopping the incoming force is when Luffy pushed back one of the Boa Sisters.
Not sure if that is something that needs to be considered or it's just an anomaly like many other things coming in contact with Luffy...

Haki barriers work similar to dials, while using different principles, the outcome they achieve is nearly identical.
While you need a different type of dial to nullify(absorb) different attacks(physical force, flames, iron, gas...), haki barriers are universal.
Luffy putting up a barrier in front of Kaido's club is identical to the impact dial facing Sanji's hammer. Both have nullified the incoming force.
That's the defensive use. Even the offensive use is identical, both empower the attacks. Impact dial hit hits the insides just like haki barrier does...

Now, onto the interesting part - what can pierce haki barriers if Kaido's force and energy blast from 2 Yonkos cant?
Kizaru's lasers? Kuma's paw shockwaves? Bullets? Flying sword slash? Direct sword slash? Barrier-clad punch? Perona's ghosts? Borobreath? Demolition breath? Masser Cannon? Lightning attacks? Aokiji's ice? Akainu's magma? Sengoku's shockwaves? Gura Gura no Mi's vibrations? Magellan's poison? What about beams from Foxy?
Is any of these able to pass through the haki barriers? If not, where is the OP combat heading towards? The endless blocking festival?

What are your thoughts on it? :sus:
I always thought that haki barriers can block virtually anything, from quake punches to hakai. There is nothing to suggest otherwise so far.
I'm not sure why this is so widely misunderstood but it is simple :
Haki (will power) > anything
By anything, I mean ANYTHING : DFs, Weapons, Limbs.
You can be missing two legs and an arm and still be a top tier if your haki is strong enough, that's how ridiculously OP this shit is.
You can fight bare handed against a bazooka or a double Axe and still win with strong enough haki.
You can fight against magma, fire or ice and destroy it with strong enough Haki.

So to answer the Poll question : Yes Barrier haki (if strong enough) can stop anything.
Barto's barrier is a regular DF power until stated otherwise by Oda so Haki destroys it.


Kitetsu Wanker
I'm not sure why this is so widely misunderstood but it is simple :
Haki (will power) > anything
By anything, I mean ANYTHING : DFs, Weapons, Limbs.
You can be missing two legs and an arm and still be a top tier if your haki is strong enough, that's how ridiculously OP this shit is.
You can fight bare handed against a bazooka or a double Axe and still win with strong enough haki.
You can fight against magma, fire or ice and destroy it with strong enough Haki.

So to answer the Poll question : Yes Barrier haki (if strong enough) can stop anything.
Barto's barrier is a regular DF power until stated otherwise by Oda so Haki destroys it.
Seems to be the case but I am not sure about the last sentence.
Bartolomeo has to give up the ability to swim to have such power and haki barriers are almost free of charge.
Anyway, it seems to be where Oda is taking the combat towards, haki barriers clashes...
It kind of makes the combat boring and nullifies all the diversity we had before and the importance of match-ups which is a shame...
Seems to be the case but I am not sure about the last sentence.
Bartolomeo has to give up the ability to swim to have such power and haki barriers are almost free of charge.
Anyway, it seems to be where Oda is taking the combat towards, haki barriers clashes...
It kind of makes the combat boring and nullifies all the diversity we had before and the importance of match-ups which is a shame...
I totally agree that it would boring but Oda wrote himself into a corner with ''haki'' as it is the solution for everything and he has no way to go back...
It is indeed a shame :(


Your theory is wrong because Luffy doesn't know barrier. He never learned he skipped directly to internal damage which Hyogoro(who knows barrier) doesn't know. And then Adv CoC is just hitting without touching not exactly the barrier you are talking about.
haki barriers doesn't absorb power from incoming attacks, instead they deflect them back until they lose power, in the case of an incoming physical attack that is stronger than the barrier, two things can happen: 1) the attack won't destroy the barrier but will push it back causing the user to suffer from recoil damage, 2) the attack will destroy the barrier.

if two barriers of equal strength clash they'll nullify each other, roger and whitebeard in the anime can push harder the their own barriers causing the latter to disperse ending up in physical contact.

haki barrier in theory should deflect anything the user wants, from physical attacks to the breathable air itself, water, lightening, magellan's poison, gases, explosions... anything really.

i'm not sure about perona's ghosts, they are not physical constructs, but then again the haki barrier also is not a physical construct, i'd say they can be blocked.
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kin'emon can cut fire based on the same concept, anything can be cut and blocked.
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Your theory is wrong because Luffy doesn't know barrier. He never learned he skipped directly to internal damage which Hyogoro(who knows barrier) doesn't know. And then Adv CoC is just hitting without touching not exactly the barrier you are talking about.
i once believed in the same idea, but it seems that luffy can indeed use barrier if hr wanted to, what's important is mastering the concept of haki flow, once he'd achieved that it only comes to imagination, whether he wants a suit of armor or wants haki to do internal damage.

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Zoro Worshipper
Rayleigh actually kinda told Luffy about barrier haki, but he did never show off and I'm not sure whether he learned how to use it or not but I would be surprised if he could not utilize it at this stage.
CoA is like invisible armor, so haki barrier should block any physical attacks in theory. But the power of the barrier depends on the users.
We saw three admirals had to put haki barrier together to stop attack from one yonko. So stronger barrier is needed for stronger attack.

For someone to be able to block attacks from hakai (two yonko attacks), it must mean his haki is at least stronger than 3 admirals
Rayleigh actually kinda told Luffy about barrier haki, but he did never show off and I'm not sure whether he learned how to use it or not but I would be surprised if he could not utilize it at this stage.
Luffy used it in chapter 955 on the steel block with his new version of king kong gun.