This was such a good theme for a tourney, so many picks to go for... yet we barely scraped 12 people for it. People don't wanna write a synopsis (which honestly takes 10 min to do so) and put some effort to make the tourney enjoyable.
I talked with Light about this, these tourneys are meant to be fun times, smth to pass time and potentially discover new series and stuff. Hosting OST and shit like is boring af IMO. Themes like this are way more enjoyable and actually spark a discussion amongst people
On top of it people can complain so much when their pick looses. I had my pick loose to some BS and i never complained, it is a simple tourney, no reason to get antsy.
Well if that is the case I won't take time out of my day to set this up, chase people only to have them submit barebones synopsis or not submit at all, complain and hold grudges