OK, I've thought long about this and reached a decision. I will not disqualify Luffy immediately since that wouldn't be fair towards
@KINGKONGGUN15 who had nothing to do with it, as opposed to the time I had to disqualify Odiak who was in cahoots with Fenaker, who did the same thing you now did
These posts in the Luffy FC are against the established norms.
This is what got Odiak disqualified last time when Fenaker in cahoots with him posted in the Zoro fc telling people to vote for Garou theme. This will serve as the first warning. Had you maybe just posted the link without telling people to vote for Luffy specifically I might have been able to look the other way, but not like this.
As I said, I will not disqualify Luffy immediately, but I will subtract 6 votes off of him now. So remember when counting that Luffy starts with -6. Of course, if I see something like this again or someone else doing this again for Luffy I will have to disqualify Luffy immediately. I think this is more than fair from my side.