Best Nolan Movie?

Best Nolan Movie?

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From overall aspect i'm tempted to say The Dark Knight. You know, the best Joker alongside Mark Hamill's voice and all that. The compact and concise dialogue full of purpose but also drama, etc.

But i will say that TDK is supported by the long history of Batman and also its prequel Batman Begins, so people watch it with expectation of how Nolan's interpretation will be, but also pre-existing solid foundation of Batman story.

So i will choose originality in concept rather than the better overall result but from pre-existing franchise concept. So i choose Inception. Formulating the concept of dreams from bits and's Nolan's best for me.
Didn‘t watch every Nolan film but I rewatched Inception lately. “An idea is like a virus; resilient, highly contagious. Once an idea has taken hold, it’s almost impossible to eradicate. The smallest seed of an idea can grow, it can define or destroy you.”
What’s really impressive about Inception is that it’s not an adaptation of something. TDK was a great batman movie but it was honestly carried by Heath’s performance. If you remove Heath, you’d find that TDK is actually just an average film lol. A few years later, and someone already made an even better Batman adaptation. The Batman checked all the boxes that every Batman fan and even film critics would find impressive. From a technical standpoint, The Batman also blows TDK out of the water. Finally, The Batman is not carried by 1 actor unlike TDK, you can replace any actor from The Batman and the story/execution would still grip you.

That’s how I view Inception, it was gripping but at the same time fun to watch because of its creativity. I turned this into a a TDK vs The Batman lmao but that’s how I feel. TDK can’t be Nolan’s best work, but it had Heath Ledger’s best performance which is one of the best acting peformances.
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Lunatic Queen
I've always found him overrated and don't like his tendency to make twist endings for the sake of makin twist endings tbh. He tries too hard to be clever imo. Interstellar in particular isn't a bad movie per se, but I don't think it deserves the praise it gets.

But even though I'm not into superhero movies in general, I did like TDK trilogy. Begins was good, TDK was great and TDKR had its moments (kinda a meh movie w/ a lot of flaws, but great villain and ending).

So yeah, TDK represents his absolute best imo.


✨More Than A Game ╰(°▽°)╯✨
The Dark Knight and Inception are the only ones which I've been able to finish. Tried to watch Tenet but it flew over my head. So, not exactly my favorite but since I was able to finish them, they are the notable ones for me so far lol
Nolan was never my favorite and I don't like his point of view
but Memento & Interstellar >>
I mean he is miles ahead compared to most other big budgeted movies and one of the few directors who gets bid budgets without dumbing down but the bar is relatively low anyway.
My favorite is probably Batman Begins