Best thing that happened in 2021

Jew D. Boy

I Can Go Lower
Imagine saying something this pathetic on an anime forum.The average American's political views are trully disgusting.
Forgot one thing on my list: Seeing my country finally remove the impotent fascist ghoul of a president who should have never been in charge and watching his cretinous supporters scurry back to the fringes of the Internet, this place unfortunately included, to lick their well-deserved wounds :lusalty:

Blother Fertitta

Real Ni**er Blother
@Kiwipom I stole your thread
We’re approaching the end of 2021 and yeah for the most part it’s been a shit show. But for some positivity, what are some good things that happened this year for you guys?
Man graduating college + grabbing quality work experience + locking down a solid job + meeting some great women + finding Peace + moving into a bigger house

This might have been the best year of my life, I'm so grateful words aren't enough
Every year is same to me. I just do it. No up and down.
I ride through it.
Politically and socially: yes,one of the best moments of the year. Especially because of the salty tears of the left wingers.:suresure:
Rest of the year was complete shit thanks to Covid and its side effects.:pepeke:

mind explaining why leftists are liberal like gay marriage, secularism, etc . And right wing goes back religion society thing ?

You should research on scientists and what theory is most important to them . I thought they are seculars and they are sussposed to make world better place as atheists predicted from 20 years ago.

Blother Fertitta

Real Ni**er Blother
Not gonna lie, 2021 was the best year of my life:
  • Bought my first home
  • Finished paying off my loan on a car I now own outright
  • Quit a job I hated to start a new one for significantly more money
  • Got to see my family and friends back home for the first time since COVID began
  • Proposed to my girlfriend, who is now my fiancé
  • Didn’t get my novel published, but got it in front of a bunch of people who could help me out in the future
  • Read roughly 60 books (that I didn’t write) for the first time since college
  • Smoked more high-grade marijuana than ever before
  • My favorite TV show, It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia, put out a great new season after a years long hiatus
  • Spent plenty of time getting to know some extremely cool people around here

With all that in the rear view, I’m hoping 2022 will be even better for me, and I would love to see the rest of y’all prosper as well :cheers:
First off Congrats on all that man. I'm so proud. You accomplished so much in one year, takes most ppl several to do all that :perocry::doffycry:
Especially with that car loan :emohiyo: them APR's are dangerous

Wish me luck tho, I'm gonna buy a new car soon :robinsweat:
Every year is same to me. I just do it. No up and down.
I ride through it.

mind explaining why leftists are liberal like gay marriage, secularism, etc . And right wing goes back religion society thing ?

You should research on scientists and what theory is most important to them . I thought they are seculars and they are sussposed to make world better place as atheists predicted from 20 years ago.
Maybe we should debate this topic in private,I don't want to get solis mad cause we turn another thread into a political one.:catlewd:

Jew D. Boy

I Can Go Lower
You read 60 books a year?

Goddamn. That's incredible.
Since COVID started, I burned through all the TV I wanted to watch fairly quickly, so I decided to pick up some literature for the first time in a while, highly recommend reading stuff that isn’t manga :goyea:
First off Congrats on all that man. I'm so proud. You accomplished so much in one year, takes most ppl several to do all that :perocry::doffycry:
Especially with that car loan :emohiyo: them APR's are dangerous

Wish me luck tho, I'm gonna buy a new car soon :robinsweat:
Much obliged, my friend!! Several of those things were years in the making, they just all came to a head this past year. What new wheels are you getting?? :shocking:

Blother Fertitta

Real Ni**er Blother
Since COVID started, I burned through all the TV I wanted to watch fairly quickly, so I decided to pick up some literature for the first time in a while, highly recommend reading stuff that isn’t manga :goyea:

Much obliged, my friend!! Several of those things were years in the making, they just all came to a head this past year. What new wheels are you getting?? :shocking:
Probably a Jeep. Hopefully I don’t get raped with maintenance costs
