Sign-up Bleach: Soul Society Arc

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The End and the Beginning
@Fujishiro I'm sorry to do this but I'm not given a choice. I have good reason to believe that as long as I'm in the game, Flower will play in a way to spite me or otherwise ruin my experience. I have tried many times over the past week to broker peace - I don't care about mending "friendships" but I do care about being able to play without anyone being concerned about spite or malice. Each and every attempt I've made has been rebuffed, and what I would consider personal attacks from her have increased daily. I am having a pretty rough time of it IRL so I really don't need this.

As a result, I don't think I can play with her in the signups. I'm willing to remain in, if you are able to talk with her before the game and receive a good faith agreement that she won't play out of spite etc. Otherwise I'll need to ask you to remove me. I have several players that can confirm my statements here. I've tried everything I can. I've been more than patient in my opinion, but this has gone of for a full week and counting. If I were in a better spot mentally I might be able to just disregard it but I'm not confident I can when I have to see someone indirectly talk about what an awful person I must be, every single day, over and over again. I'm at my limit with it, to be honest.


Lead them to paradise.
@Fujishiro I'm sorry to do this but I'm not given a choice. I have good reason to believe that as long as I'm in the game, Flower will play in a way to spite me or otherwise ruin my experience. I have tried many times over the past week to broker peace - I don't care about mending "friendships" but I do care about being able to play without anyone being concerned about spite or malice. Each and every attempt I've made has been rebuffed, and what I would consider personal attacks from her have increased daily. I am having a pretty rough time of it IRL so I really don't need this.

As a result, I don't think I can play with her in the signups. I'm willing to remain in, if you are able to talk with her before the game and receive a good faith agreement that she won't play out of spite etc. Otherwise I'll need to ask you to remove me. I have several players that can confirm my statements here. I've tried everything I can. I've been more than patient in my opinion, but this has gone of for a full week and counting. If I were in a better spot mentally I might be able to just disregard it but I'm not confident I can when I have to see someone indirectly talk about what an awful person I must be, every single day, over and over again. I'm at my limit with it, to be honest.
Please stay mate, I will talk to her.

Hope things get better irl.
Okay, just to get something straight here. I'm not a person who likes holding grudges, I do respect rules and the integrity of a game. I'm a vet player who helped build this community and am one of its members who have been here the longest. But never have I seen rule breaks and disrespect towards players and fair sportsmanship as I've seen it in the current Valentines game. Not only was the setup completely broken and stacked against one side mechanically, the hosts themselves also interfered in the game process making it even more unwinnable for the scum team by confirming way too many things for Town. And to make matters even worse they did not enforce their own rules by not punishing a player for copy pasting a role in the thread as they should have, which, given the culprit is a vet player, is always a swift and merciless modkill. While I, another player, received a strike and public humiliation for the same offense, despite the the game's host himself asking for the subject to be dropped. And then later, when a player tagged me in the thread and I asked not to be tagged, I was accused of faking that I was tagged and warned as if the rules somehow only mattered when I'm involved. I don't know why nor do I see any reason why I should be treated differently than others except that it's malice and ill intent on the ones' part who treat me like that. It's especially harsh that it comes from the section head himself who, in a game advertised as non bastard, has a duty to ensure a setup is balanced and fair and that the basic, most basic of the rules are respected which says you don't copy paste or quote stuff in the f***ing game thread. It's especially bad that this happened in his own game, even. Or advertise it as bastard if you feel like not being that strict Jfc. But what you did, Ratchet, was not only disrespectful towards the game's most sacred rules, it was also disrespectful towards players' efforts who thought they played a winnable game just to get trampled on by way too many things out of their control later. There's more I want to say regarding this, but that will have to wait until the end of the game.

Want me to play normally? Then stop disrespecting me as a player and person and respect the rules like you should. You have a responsibility as the one running this section ffs and I won't tolerate such disrespectful behaviour in the community I helped create!


The End and the Beginning
Okay, just to get something straight here. I'm not a person who likes holding grudges, I do respect rules and the integrity of a game. I'm a vet player who helped build this community and am one of its members who have been here the longest. But never have I seen rule breaks and disrespect towards players and fair sportsmanship as I've seen it in the current Valentines game. Not only was the setup completely broken and stacked against one side mechanically, the hosts themselves also interfered in the game process making it even more unwinnable for the scum team by confirming way too many things for Town. And to make matters even worse they did not enforce their own rules by not punishing a player for copy pasting a role in the thread as they should have, which, given the culprit is a vet player, is always a swift and merciless modkill. While I, another player, received a strike and public humiliation for the same offense, despite the the game's host himself asking for the subject to be dropped. And then later, when a player tagged me in the thread and I asked not to be tagged, I was accused of faking that I was tagged and warned as if the rules somehow only mattered when I'm involved. I don't know why nor do I see any reason why I should be treated differently than others except that it's malice and ill intent on the ones' part who treat me like that. It's especially harsh that it comes from the section head himself who, in a game advertised as non bastard, has a duty to ensure a setup is balanced and fair and that the basic, most basic of the rules are respected which says you don't copy paste or quote stuff in the f***ing game thread. It's especially bad that this happened in his own game, even. Or advertise it as bastard if you feel like not being that strict Jfc. But what you did, Ratchet, was not only disrespectful towards the game's most sacred rules, it was also disrespectful towards players' efforts who thought they played a winnable game just to get trampled on by way too many things out of their control later. There's more I want to say regarding this, but that will have to wait until the end of the game.

Want me to play normally? Then stop disrespecting me as a player and person and respect the rules like you should. You have a responsibility as the one running this section ffs and I won't tolerate such disrespectful behaviour in the community I helped create!
Flower, I can't talk about Valentine's while it's ongoing. I am happy to have this conversation, once it has ended. I may even agree with some things! I have no malice or spitefulness towards you. You're taking my posts and sentiments very uncharitably on this. Do you really either Blue or I would set a tram, or a specific player up, for failure, as some kind of elaborate troll? Of course not.

Is the game perfect? No, far from it. It would be an Unranked game, not a ranked one. Now my personal belief is that it's winnable for everyone, and not egregiously unbalanced. Both Blue and I are more than happy to have this discussion with you once the game is done - there are things we will have missed, and things you will have not considered. Hopefully, once done we all come away with a more balanced perspective.

In regards to your strike, you may not believe this but that was about as lenient as I could be there. The intention was not to publicly humiliate you, and I made sure to stress that any further commentary was not welcome precisely to avoid that. The reason you received a strike there was because the intention was to deliberately force a modkill, that's why there is a difference.

Flower, I've done as much as I possibly can on this. In regards to the specific incident that sparked it, my intention was certainly not to tell you that you can't be happy with winning a game. Believe me I am much happier when you do take enjoyment from a game than when you don't. I felt like your criticism was unbalanced and unfair. I also have a personal flaw in that sometimes, I just can't help myself, and told you as much. Should I have just said nothing? Probably so. Regardless, my intention did not come from a place of malice or spite.

My preference would be to shake hands and draw a line under this. I've been offering this all week. At the end of the day Flower, we're both adults who can resolve disputes more amicably than this, and I'm quite sure we both have more important things to worry about than some animosity between someone online we share a hobby with. Can we do that here please, and move on from this?
Flower, I can't talk about Valentine's while it's ongoing. I am happy to have this conversation, once it has ended. I may even agree with some things! I have no malice or spitefulness towards you. You're taking my posts and sentiments very uncharitably on this. Do you really either Blue or I would set a tram, or a specific player up, for failure, as some kind of elaborate troll? Of course not.

Is the game perfect? No, far from it. It would be an Unranked game, not a ranked one. Now my personal belief is that it's winnable for everyone, and not egregiously unbalanced. Both Blue and I are more than happy to have this discussion with you once the game is done - there are things we will have missed, and things you will have not considered. Hopefully, once done we all come away with a more balanced perspective.

In regards to your strike, you may not believe this but that was about as lenient as I could be there. The intention was not to publicly humiliate you, and I made sure to stress that any further commentary was not welcome precisely to avoid that. The reason you received a strike there was because the intention was to deliberately force a modkill, that's why there is a difference.

Flower, I've done as much as I possibly can on this. In regards to the specific incident that sparked it, my intention was certainly not to tell you that you can't be happy with winning a game. Believe me I am much happier when you do take enjoyment from a game than when you don't. I felt like your criticism was unbalanced and unfair. I also have a personal flaw in that sometimes, I just can't help myself, and told you as much. Should I have just said nothing? Probably so. Regardless, my intention did not come from a place of malice or spite.

My preference would be to shake hands and draw a line under this. I've been offering this all week. At the end of the day Flower, we're both adults who can resolve disputes more amicably than this, and I'm quite sure we both have more important things to worry about than some animosity between someone online we share a hobby with. Can we do that here please, and move on from this?
This is the last fucking chance you get from me. And only because I like Fuji and don't want him to deal with drama since he hates it. Fuck up again and you'll be on Ignore for at least a year...and that only if I feel generous.
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