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I wasn't unkillable, my role explicitly states that it didn't apply to everything. I feel like I say this all the time but I feel I'm done putting anything into these games to be honest, like believe me I am harder on myself than anyone will ever be on me and internally I absolutely crushed myself over the Mango kill. A lot of you just have no idea that I'm like this I think, but it's because of this that I'll defend myself when I feel it required and in this case I think I was on the ball mostly. If that makes me awful then sure, I'll happily join back with the inactive coasters who seem to have more fun in these games anyway.
I think Mango was objectively scummy, if I were town, I would also scum read him.



You are soft marshmallow who couldn't even take a bit of in-game trolling. Never thought how much time Fuji would need to put intto to devise your role/game, did you?
i did actually - i just also knew onii couldnt find a sub,

i also am the only one who has openly spoke against flowers game throw thats why i apologized to him and dont care to apologize to the playerbase.


When were you under the impression this game is..
Oh I see what happened. I was talking about my accuracy and someone implied I only shot one scum in 4. I can't do anything about my role not landing
Yes of course, which is why I said I understood your frustration. But as I said your role was a late game role that grew stronger over time. After those 2 nights there legitimately wasnt much scum or town could do to stop you from killing. You were also death immune and could only ''die'' if game removed ( which you can be brought back from) or if rced then killed ( which you had the ability to become immune to rcs for a time).

Today you could legitimately killed anyone you wanted and nobody couldve stopped that.

Your role is meant to become an unstopable juggernaut over time. To blance that you were suceptible early on. Thanfkully nothing bad came of your being redirected to pot, in a way you being downgraded saved a towns life and gave you redirect immunity at the cost of one failed kill.

I hope you understand why i was frustrated at you saying your role is trash because from my eyes who knows the setup it really wasnt. You really just got unlucky that your kills were disrupted at your most vulnerable phase but later on you can trust that nothing much couldve stopped you bar a bus drive.


The End and the Beginning
Anyway Fuji I'm not going to change my position but that's just my opinion on what I enjoy in Mafia. I have more fun when there is less of this bastard stuff, but really I would have been fine had I set my expectations accordingly.

I didn't like my role. I think the reason why is obvious here, I didn't think it was fun. It's not done when everything you do fails, especially when you know it needs to work for the town to have any chance. I blame town too for suboptimal action usage.

It is what it is I suppose. I don't really think you or any other SRM gets to expect me to put much in next time though, not when this is the end result (the general experience I mean, not the specific game ending).


When were you under the impression this game is..
It is ok bro, I enjoyed the game. All that matters. Would sign up for your games again, hit me up if/when you do.

From what I read a bit, it was a fun but tricky setup. Not un-solvable for town and could have gone either way.
Yeah there were way to solve it, game was really close up to this phase with a 15 to 5 ratio.


The End and the Beginning
I also maintain that I said nothing about you being Hitler for the record. I specifically was using a well-known example of dishonest arguing, I can appreciate why you took it the way you did but ironically you can only really conclude that by viewing my posts with the same lack of charity I extended towards you.
It is ok bro, I enjoyed the game. All that matters. Would sign up for your games again, hit me up if/when you do.

From what I read a bit, it was a fun but tricky setup. Not un-solvable for town and could have gone either way.
You enjoyed being able to accuse townies without perceived consequence


When were you under the impression this game is..
Anyway Fuji I'm not going to change my position but that's just my opinion on what I enjoy in Mafia. I have more fun when there is less of this bastard stuff, but really I would have been fine had I set my expectations accordingly.
Yes this was more of an experiment and I felt it fit the theme. Im not gonna try to change your mind but I feel like I gave town sufficient enough tools to combat the flips.

I didn't like my role. I think the reason why is obvious here, I didn't think it was fun. It's not done when everything you do fails, especially when you know it needs to work for the town to have any chance. I blame town too for suboptimal action usage.
The problem is you are too fixated on the failed early kills to not see the full picture and potential of your role. Yes it was vulnerable early but it became unstopable over time. Which fits Kenpachis theme. You need to think long term here. After Night 2 all your kills landed.

It is what it is I suppose. I don't really think you or any other SRM gets to expect me to put much in next time though, not when this is the end result (the general experience I mean, not the specific game ending).
Didnt you have fun in my One Piece Mash one? And the Pokemon one before it? Nobody was discontent in those. Even here I dont see anyone complaining much.

Anyways please do me a favor and read the setup, I posted and threadmarked all the roles. Im curious to see what you think then.


The End and the Beginning
ive told you i dont like or respect you cause youre a hypocrite just look at what Reborn is telling you. and even with Onii you couldnt accept the fact that you were fucked with by other abilities that had nothing to do with your own killing abilities.

you say that me ultra ekko and whoever else are all dicks and and what not but you are the exact same way like i said just cause you use bigger words to make yourself look better doesnt mean you arent a dickhead. you make sly jabs and backhanded compliements. idk if youre just playing dumb or actually blind to the fact that you are a bigot. i just got over being nice to you cause youve always been this way and i ignored it cause i used to respect you as player but you just get worse as each game passes. then seeing how you handled flowers gamethrow was just so horrendous to me it just looks like she got away whatever she wants especially given the performance prior to that one.

i dont respect you. its that simple.

yeah i said we can cfd ratchet as a joke and did i ever act on it no, idek how you couldnt accept it when i said it. i even just tried to ignore you but you kept pushing me, your random call out in d2 was utterly annoying given you looked bad coming into that cycle and then allowed apollo to just scott free when i kept asking you if hes lying about you being connected to aizen then why arent you pushing him funny part is only al was willing to go after apollo not you. its why i couldnt believe your claim and then you kept bitching about your abilties failing and whatever else you kept saying it was all clearly discussed and you knew that you were nerfed and then i jailed you then i even said Kiku just gave her self protection and you still shot her. like i said idk if your just blind to these things but ive lost all respect for you tbh
It's pretty funny, because Flower very clearly held a grudge against me from that point under the assumption that my post was designed to humiliate, and yet here you tell me it wasn't good enough.

Most of this just isn't true. I was the only player interested in figuring out why Apollo had that result. I said he was Scum at the time, had my vote on him too. I answered you and you often just didn't read.

It is whatever. I don't care about your opinion of me - you and I are not friends so I have no reason to value it. What I do care about is you ruining games with getting yourself modkilled via posting your role. As long as it doesn't happen again I consider this matter closed.
all mafia but apollo were in PoE lol. its a shame they still have a chance to brute force through it. like if they redirect my omega thats just 2 free town kills lmao
I don’t think we could redirect the Omega. The plan was to wait as long as we could redirecting your other stuff then have Ichigo & Me combo kill you (RC + SK) lol. You unlocked the Omega N5 and based on our understanding it couldn’t be used during the day. So we just needed to not let you get into a night where you may use it.
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