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And making one big team is a good move in this case, especially when town can't find each other
We did consider Cultafia option, but imo that would be way worse for town, so we went with merger cause it is Prof and we can finally do the merger we were supposed to do in Nova's weebs but got cucked by ratchet and Zem

Love of Jobbers between me and prof was too high
And then broki gets hit with Ultra and can talk after but town will still cry game was rigger against them :milaugh:
I mean, it's just math.

80% of the game was won by mafia putting Ratchet on a leash and having him shoot. The game was literally just over the moment he claimed by combining redirecting hin with an obscene amount of additional kills (that apparently you had way more in store, for some unfathomable reason).

Town's kills were mostly on point, and they still got outgunned. The fact that one of your 10 additional kills got blocked doesn't in fact give more credibility to this sesame street victory.

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