Current Events Blue Data Book Confirms That Mihawk Wants To, And Cannot, Become The Pirate King

So I was right again?
No one said what mihawk's goal is so not sure what's the basis of your fanfiction, I don't remember mihawk saying he never wanted to find One Piece or do other pirate stuffs,
Clowns were saying Mihawk is not even a Pirate and not dangerous now its revealed he is ''Marine Hunter'' LMAO:

Another thing is, Mihawk knows being PK is more difficult than surpassing him, so how does he know that if he never tried to become a PK?

“Someone” (I won’t say who) “already debunked it” (I won’t say where)

That’s that classic sword swallower credibility in action lmfao.
I guess you are still being butthurt for being rejected to join Yonko PM now you suck ZKKclowns, you are the most retarded clown for that. :kobeha:
Nobody cares about your Yawnko circlejerk lmao
Keep coping because I know Zoro's better than the neckbeard
Bro “trois” means three lmfao what the fuck is this?

Literally the databook said all three of them want to become the Pirate king.
Wonder why it's the only translation that says that
And not only that but you only just now found this when the databook seems to be old as shit
This totally isn't another one of your schemes to fool gullible Admiral wankers into giving you likes and attention..