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Apples and oranges. Baroque Works is not a regular pirate crew isn't it?

Shichibukai Crocodile was allowed to have a pirate crew, and his crew would also get pass from World Government, but Baroque Works isn't a pirate crew, like the ones that I was talking about.

That's the difference here, Baroque Works = Not a pirate crew.
No, you completely missed the point of the question.

Baroque Works was an organisation that Crocodile was in charge of that if factored into his bounty, would have more than doubled it.

Bounties are based on the danger an individual poses, and if the individual is in charge of a massive organization, like the emperors are for example, that would improve the estimation of their threat level.

The emperors don't really command pirate crews as much as they command massive crime syndicates, sort of like Baroque works, but on an incomparably larger scale.
This is not them having a higher bounty for having a particular subordinate, but for having an organization to enforce their will.
one of the major reasons luffy got 1.5 bil was adding a fleet of 5600 men under his command
buggy considered a huge threat because of the men under him . etc
reading is tough for a couple blokes in this thread.

as for bounty predictions
zoro should not have a comparable bounty to mihawk till he is about ready to take his title . low 1 bil is a big No.
I would put post wano zoro easily at that bounty and imo he wouldnt be at a stage to take down mihawk.

predictions for main fighters
luffy - 3 bil
kidd- 1.8bil
law - 1.8 bil
zoro - 1.5 bil
sanji- 1.1bil
jimbei - 900mil
No, you completely missed the point of the question.

Baroque Works was an organisation that Crocodile was in charge of that if factored into his bounty, would have more than doubled it.

Bounties are based on the danger an individual poses, and if the individual is in charge of a massive organization, like the emperors are for example, that would improve the estimation of their threat level.

The emperors don't really command pirate crews as much as they command massive crime syndicates, sort of like Baroque works, but on an incomparably larger scale.
This is not them having a higher bounty for having a particular subordinate, but for having an organization to enforce their will.
You still don't understand. That question was related to Shichibukai, entirely different thing. The guy asked why Shichibukai Crocodile's bounty was 81 million, then E.Oda said it's because he is a Shichibukai it was ''frozen'' for a long time, and if they knew about Baroque Works, which isn't a pirate crew, they would revoke Crocodile's Shichibukai title, and they would make his bounty x2 bigger (162 million). That's still not big for someone like Crocodile, it's ridiculous to say Crocodile doesn't deserve 162 million because he has a pirate crew, that's 1.

And 2 is, as I said you still don't understand, Baroque Works was not allowed for Crocodile to have it, which is why they say Crocodile would have increase in bounty despite being Shichibukai, because Shichibukai doesn't get bounty increase as they are ally to government.

While you were using this to prove the crew boosts the bounty of captain, Baroque Works an example of how a Shichibukai betrays world government, that's why he gets an increase. You get that now? He specifically says Crocodile secretly formed Baroque Works after he joined Shichibukai,
He secretly formed because;
1- Baroque Works is not a pirate crew, which is why he wasn't allowed to have it, like other Shichibukai were allowed to have a pirate crew,
2- Crocodile didn't want to lose his Shichibukai title, he secretly formed it, if they knew he betrayed government he would lose his title, and he would get an increase because 81 million is too low for him already.

Do you understand now? The reason why Crocodile gets an increase because 81 million is already too low, and he also betrays World Government by forming a secret organization, thus he gets 162 million, which is still low for Crocodile's standard, you can't be thinking 162 million is too much for Crocodile if he doesn't have a crew.

So that example is irrelevant, as I said apples and oranges, you are struggling to prove that the crew boosts the captain's bounty. That's not happening. It's the other way around, every underling gets an increase because of the success of their captain; such as Straw Hat pirate members, that's already confirmed.
which isn't a pirate crew, they would revoke Crocodile's Shichibukai title, and they would make his bounty x2 bigger (162 million).
No, he never said anything about revoking Crocodile's title. He simply stated that the added level of danger isn't included in the calculation for the bounty. That is the key point. It demonstrates that having an organization under ones control does add to ones level of danger and does effect the calculation of ones bounty. The SBS never said anything about revoking Crocodile's title.

The SBS question isn't explaining that they'd revoke his bounty for having baroque works, it was explaining that the danger that being in charge of baroque works posed wasn't included in Crocodile's bounty because his bounty got cancelled when he became one of the seven warlords.

Your completing misreading the answer, and thus everything you said past that point is wrong, because your fundamentally not engaging with what Oda was actually saying.

Oda mentioned nothing about the world government knowing about Baroque Works revoking Crocodile's warlord title. I have no idea how you came to that conclusion, because its not about that at all.

Its about the fact that the danger being in charge of Baroque Works posed was not included in the calculation of Crocodile's bounty because his bounty got cancelled.

people under you make you more of a threat
literally given as one of the reasons for his new bounty at 1.5 billion.
I'm going to add to this. Its more than just having a really strong personal crew(because then more conventional crew dynamics kick in, and the leader tends to reflect on the subordinates), but its having a broad outreach. Like, having 10 strong guys on your crew is one thing, but having an organization or a small army of capable pirates at your disposal makes you a bigger deal, because it allows a pirate to have wider influence, and to do more stuff(like set up and manage territory).
I'm going to add to this. Its more than just having a really strong personal crew(because then more conventional crew dynamics kick in, and the leader tends to reflect on the subordinates), but its having a broad outreach. Like, having 10 strong guys on your crew is one thing, but having an organization or a small army of capable pirates at your disposal makes you a bigger deal, because it allows a pirate to have wider influence, and to do more stuff(like set up and manage territory).
its why I cant see luffy with yonko equivalent bounties after wano(4 bil and up) , bb bounty he easily reaches that
he is yet to amass the force/ alliances/ territory a full fledged yonko has
I would argue the reason BB is at 2.2 bill is cause he is largely still in the process of that.
realistically the gap between him and the others isnt a reflection of how strong he is relative to them
but how much influence /threat added on to that relative to BB.
its why I cant see luffy with yonko equivalent bounties after wano(4 bil and up) , bb bounty he easily reaches that
he is yet to amass the force/ alliances/ territory a full fledged yonko has
I would argue the reason BB is at 2.2 bill is cause he is largely still in the process of that.
realistically the gap between him and the others isnt a reflection of how strong he is relative to them
but how much influence /threat added on to that relative to BB.
Yeah, I agree. A part of Blackbeard's bounty would probably be the fact that as the newest emperor on the block, probably has the least influence of the four emperors in the new world, and his territory is still in the process of expanding.

Blackbeard is a guy with two of the most powerful devil fruits in the world. I think his probably at a similar level of strength to the other emperors, his just not quite on same level in terms of established influence.
No, he never said anything about revoking Crocodile's title. He simply stated that the added level of danger isn't included in the calculation for the bounty. That is the key point. It demonstrates that having an organization under ones control does add to ones level of danger and does effect the calculation of ones bounty. The SBS never said anything about revoking Crocodile's title.

The SBS question isn't explaining that they'd revoke his bounty for having baroque works, it was explaining that the danger that being in charge of baroque works posed wasn't included in Crocodile's bounty because his bounty got cancelled when he became one of the seven warlords.

Your completing misreading the answer, and thus everything you said past that point is wrong, because your fundamentally not engaging with what Oda was actually saying.

Oda mentioned nothing about the world government knowing about Baroque Works revoking Crocodile's warlord title. I have no idea how you came to that conclusion, because its not about that at all.

Its about the fact that the danger being in charge of Baroque Works posed was not included in the calculation of Crocodile's bounty because his bounty got cancelled.
This is what E.Oda says;

''Yes, if you think hard about this, it's actually a difficult problem. The Seven Warlords of the sea allied with the Government, and when a pirate joined up, his bounty was cancelled. For this reason, the pirates of the Seven Warlords of the sea have former bounties of --- recorded, but Baroque Works was secretly formed after Crocodile became one of the Seven Warlords of the sea, so added level of danger isn't included into the calculation of the bounty. If we factored all of that in for Crocodile, his bounty would probably jump to at least twice its current 81 million.''

Why would a Shichibukai, gets an increase for having a pirate crew? That wouldn't happen if Baroque Works was a pirate crew. But it's not. Shichibukai are allowed to have pirate crews. But it's because Baroque Works isn't just a pirate crew, it's a secret organization, a Shicihibukai can't have that.

And as I explained earlier, Baroque Works is not a pirate crew like the ones that I was talking, it's more dangerous than a pirate crew because it's a secret organization, do you understand this?

Right here;

Do you understand the difference between pirate crews and Baroque Works now?

And do you understand why a Shichibukai would get an increase on his bounty, unless they revoke his Shichibukai title? Without revoking his title, they don't get an increase, you understand that?

You didn't only use a Shichibukai, you also used a secret organization such as Baroque Works as an example to argue against this...

As I said earlier, you need to understand whole context before posting this, apples and oranges.

And then what he say about Crocodile's bounty would be, did you read that? Crocodile's bounty would be 162 million, do you really think about this? So Crocodile only gets 162 million bounty because he has a crew? Are you joking? :milaugh:

Enel himself, without even a crew, E.Oda specifically said he would've a 500 million bounty, no Yonko or any captain boosted Enel's bounty. And you think Crocodile gets only 162 million because of a crew? Not possible.

Come back later, when you actually find something is not related to SHICHIBUKAI and SECRET ORGANIZATIONS.
I am talking about only pirate crews, like these;

-- ''Do they get boosts in their bounty value just for being the subordinate of a particular pirate?''

E.Oda: ''Oh yes, they absolutely do.''
''Yes, if you think hard about this, it's actually a difficult problem. The Seven Warlords of the sea allied with the Government, and when a pirate joined up, his bounty was cancelled. For this reason, the pirates of the Seven Warlords of the sea have former bounties of --- recorded, but Baroque Works was secretly formed after Crocodile became one of the Seven Warlords of the sea, so added level of danger isn't included into the calculation of the bounty. If we factored all of that in for Crocodile, his bounty would probably jump to at least twice its current 81 million.''

Why would a Shichibukai, gets an increase for having a pirate crew? That wouldn't happen if Baroque Works was a pirate crew. But it's not. Shichibukai are allowed to have pirate crews. But it's because Baroque Works isn't just a pirate crew, it's a secret organization, a Shicihibukai can't have that.

And as I explained earlier, Baroque Works is not a pirate crew like the ones that I was talking, it's more dangerous than a pirate crew because it's a secret organization, do you understand this?

Right here;

Do you understand the difference between pirate crews and Baroque Works now?
Bruh, you literally didn't prove your point. The question was about why Crocodile's bounty was so low. Oda explained, that the warlords have cancelled bounties. He mentioned that Crocodile's current bounty didn't factor in the added danger of being in charge of baroque works.

Its not at all talking about revoking his warlord status at all. I have absolutely no idea what the fuck your talking about in the context of that SBS question and answer. Its not related AT ALL!

The question he was asked was asking why Crocodile's bounty was so low, and what are bounties based on. On those counts, Oda says that Crocodile's bounty is so low because it was cancelled, and it would have doubled if him being in charge of Baroque works was added into the calculation because it would have made him more dangerous.

Because bounties are based on how dangerous someone is, and having an organization to carry out someone's will is part of the long list of things that can make them more dangerous.

I'm saying that controlling giant organisations facilitate the leader of said giant organizations having larger bounties.

Your just flat out making bullshit up.

What dictates a bounty is how dangerous they are to the world government. There is a very broad range of things that can be taken into account when determining danger. Like, their strength, their influence, whether they're related to someone notorious, or whether they know pertinent information.

Kaido D. Stronger

MARCOS fans are not ready.
If MARCOS 'reward is similar to that of KING, it means that KING> MARCOS MF in reward, Marcos participated in the war of the best, took over the WBP as captain, and got involved in another war against the BBP. Your reward probably went up, and it went up only to be on par with KING LOL. KING> MF MARCOS.
Bruh, you literally didn't prove your point. The question was about why Crocodile's bounty was so low. Oda explained, that the warlords have cancelled bounties. He mentioned that Crocodile's current bounty didn't factor in the added danger of being in charge of baroque works.

Its not at all talking about revoking his warlord status at all. I have absolutely no idea what the fuck your talking about in the context of that SBS question and answer. Its not related AT ALL!

The question he was asked was asking why Crocodile's bounty was so low, and what are bounties based on. On those counts, Oda says that Crocodile's bounty is so low because it was cancelled, and it would have doubled if him being in charge of Baroque works was added into the calculation because it would have made him more dangerous.

Because bounties are based on how dangerous someone is, and having an organization to carry out someone's will is part of the long list of things that can make them more dangerous.

I'm saying that controlling giant organisations facilitate the leader of said giant organizations having larger bounties.

Your just flat out making bullshit up.

What dictates a bounty is how dangerous they are to the world government. There is a very broad range of things that can be taken into account when determining danger. Like, their strength, their influence, whether they're related to someone notorious, or whether they know pertinent information.
You are still thinking Baroque Works = Pirate Crew... This is just sad... I understand you are a Zoro fan and want to hype the crews but there are limits to this.

-- ''Do they get boosts in their bounty value just for being the subordinate of a particular pirate?''

E.Oda: ''Oh yes, they absolutely do.''

The captains boosts the crews, that's confirmed, if the crews boosts the captains bounty too, then there is no limit to this shit, just think about this a little.

MARCOS fans are not ready.
If MARCOS 'reward is similar to that of KING, it means that KING> MARCOS MF in reward, Marcos participated in the war of the best, took over the WBP as captain, and got involved in another war against the BBP. Your reward probably went up, and it went up only to be on par with KING LOL. KING> MF MARCOS.
When did they accepted Marco as captain? That never happened. Big Mom even now says ''Whitebeard's remnants''.

You are still thinking Baroque Works = Pirate Crew... This is just sad... I understand you are a Zoro fan and want to hype the crews but there are limits to this.

The captains boosts the crews, that's confirmed, if the crews boosts the captains bounty too, then there is no limit to this shit, just think about this a little.
I'm talking about why bounties are huge in the case of emperors. I'm not saying individual people will boost a captains bounty necessarily.

I'm saying that having stuff like a being in charge massive army or organisation filled with capable guys to enforce your will is going to increase the governments estimation of you.

I'm not saying its just a pirate crew.

The emperors of the sea run gigantic crime syndicates that are absolutely incomparable to a normal pirate crew.
I'm talking about why bounties are huge in the case of emperors. I'm not saying individual people will boost a captains bounty necessarily.

I'm saying that having stuff like a being in charge massive army or organisation filled with capable guys to enforce your will is going to increase the governments estimation of you.

I'm not saying its just a pirate crew.

The emperors of the sea run gigantic crime syndicates that are absolutely incomparable to a normal pirate crew.
That also indicates the individual strength in the pirate world. Because in the pirates world, without individual strength, they can't rule other strong people. The pirates don't care about politics or other things, they care about individual strength.

Zoro himself says that after seeing Luffy's power in Fishman Island, he says he expect that power from his captain, it's necessary.

- Luffy instantly knocks 50.000 fishmen with CoC Haki
- Zoro: ''That's what I expect from a guy who calls himself my captain.''

That's also why the captain boosts the crews bounties, the captains power determines everything.

It doesn't work like that in secret organizations like Baroque Works, where you don't even know the identities of the leaders and other people.

First you need individual power in pirate world, then the rest is easy. Everyone knew Big mom and Kaido were incredibly powerful, on just looking their ''underlings'', without even seeing them in person first. Even Nami knew that.

Why would Big mom and Kaido would be powerful based on how strong their underlings Cracker and Jack are? Because that's how the pirate world works.

In the pirate world, if you have individual power, the pirate crew is easy to require. The most essential thing is individual power of the pirate.

That's the thing I was trying to explain it to you, Baroque Works is different, because it's a secret organization, not from the pirates world, they don't even know who was their leader was, they were bounty hunters / assasins, they were not pirates. They don't care like the pirates care about their leader's individual strength.

That's the difference between being a leader of pirate crew, or a pirate fleet, and having a secret organization such as Baroque Works. Leading pirates require individual strength first, but secret organizations does not as we've seen people like Spandam was leading CP9, and the assassins/bounty hunters didn't even know who the Baroque Works leader was. Two different things here.

Kaido D. Stronger

You are still thinking Baroque Works = Pirate Crew... This is just sad... I understand you are a Zoro fan and want to hype the crews but there are limits to this.

-- ''Do they get boosts in their bounty value just for being the subordinate of a particular pirate?''

E.Oda: ''Oh yes, they absolutely do.''

The captains boosts the crews, that's confirmed, if the crews boosts the captains bounty too, then there is no limit to this shit, just think about this a little.

When did they accepted Marco as captain? That never happened. Big Mom even now says ''Whitebeard's remnants''.

The way that MARCOS is mentioned here without including the rest of the WBP is exclusive to a Leader.
In a nutshell he may not have taken over as captain, but he was the leader of the WB remnants.


The way that MARCOS is mentioned here without including the rest of the WBP is exclusive to a Leader.
In a nutshell he may not have taken over as captain, but he was the leader of the WB remnants.
Yes Marco was leader but he failed

The world still remember Marco and co as WB's remnants.
Linlin doesn't even call Marco "captain of WBP"
They didn't even change their name.

Kaido D. Stronger

Yes Marco was leader but he failed

The world still remember Marco and co as WB's remnants.
Linlin doesn't even call Marco "captain of WBP"
They didn't even change their name.
Yes, but my main point is not if MARCOS is a captain, he was a temporary leader who failed, the point here is that he has been involved in 2 wars, and probably got an increase in his reward, mainly in MF.
That also indicates the individual strength in the pirate world. Because in the pirates world, without individual strength, they can't rule other strong people. The pirates don't care about politics or other things, they care about individual strength.

Zoro himself says that after seeing Luffy's power in Fishman Island, he says he expect that power from his captain, it's necessary.

- Luffy instantly knocks 50.000 fishmen with CoC Haki
- Zoro: ''That's what I expect from a guy who calls himself my captain.''

That's also why the captain boosts the crews bounties, the captains power determines everything.

It doesn't work like that in secret organizations like Baroque Works, where you don't even know the identities of the leaders and other people.

First you need individual power in pirate world, then the rest is easy. Everyone knew Big mom and Kaido were incredibly powerful, on just looking their ''underlings'', without even seeing them in person first. Even Nami knew that.

Why would Big mom and Kaido would be powerful based on how strong their underlings Cracker and Jack are? Because that's how the pirate world works.

In the pirate world, if you have individual power, the pirate crew is easy to require. The most essential thing is individual power of the pirate.

That's the thing I was trying to explain it to you, Baroque Works is different, because it's a secret organization, not from the pirates world, they don't even know who was their leader was, they were bounty hunters / assasins, they were not pirates. They don't care like the pirates care about their leader's individual strength.

That's the difference between being a leader of pirate crew, or a pirate fleet, and having a secret organization such as Baroque Works. Leading pirates require individual strength first, but secret organizations does not as we've seen people like Spandam was leading CP9, and the assassins/bounty hunters didn't even know who the Baroque Works leader was. Two different things here.
I'm not going to deny individual strength is relevant to becoming influential in the pirate world, but I think guys like Buggy demonstrate individual strength is not absolutely necessary in every circumstance.

I'm not saying that 'the subordinates like Jack and Cracker determine Big Mum's bounty'. I'm saying that owning an army of capable fighters that allows you to assert your will, or controlling huge amounts of territory, or having evil deeds, or stuff that adds to your threat level, like weapons production, are all things to contribute to an emperor's bounty.

Like, I personally don't think that Blackbeard is necessarily that much weaker than the other emperors. I think the reason his bounty is lower than the other emperors, is because he is still in the process of amassing territory and military might.
I'm not going to deny individual strength is relevant to becoming influential in the pirate world, but I think guys like Buggy demonstrate individual strength is not absolutely necessary in every circumstance.

I'm not saying that 'the subordinates like Jack and Cracker determine Big Mum's bounty'. I'm saying that owning an army of capable fighters that allows you to assert your will, or controlling huge amounts of territory, or having evil deeds, or stuff that adds to your threat level, like weapons production, are all things to contribute to an emperor's bounty.

Like, I personally don't think that Blackbeard is necessarily that much weaker than the other emperors. I think the reason his bounty is lower than the other emperors, is because he is still in the process of amassing territory and military might.
''Guys like Buggy'',

Name one person other than Buggy, then you can use that word ''guys like''.

Buggy is the only person who managed to do that in pirate worlds because of;
- An incredible luck of events that the prisoners actually believed they escaped because of Buggy's power, when it was actually Luffy's strength, and Blackbeard removed the poison wall in level 2, and then they thought Buggy opened up the Gates of Justice when it was actually because Blackbeard pirates.
- They heard Buggy was Roger's crew mate, and everyone would thought he should be really strong for that,
- Prisoners thought that Buggy is so strong that he can challenge even Shanks and Whitebeard without fear, and his powers were perfect counter for Mihawk's fighting ability, he wasn't afraid of Mihawk as well for that reason.

In the end, Buggy doesn't rule the pirates with his politic abilities or for different reasons, with an incredible luck, he gives the impression that he is incredibly strong while he is not. Otherwise they wouldn't follow Buggy, then it didn't end with that, they give Shichibukai status to Buggy and he used that to his advantage as well.

In the end, even Buggy's organzation couldn't rule long, and there isn't anyone with significant strength that would make a huge difference in Buggy's power, once he lost his Shichibukai title, he said he will escape, he won't even rely the prisoner he gathered against the marines.

There are only one example you can really find, and that's only exception in the pirate world due to numerous reasons and E.Oda's joke.

The point is in pirate worlds, you either need an individual power, or if there is an exception like ''Buggy'', then they need to think that person is also incredibly powerful. I really don't see how anyone can use Buggy as an excuse unless they don't read the manga that how did that actually happen, even says ''guys like Buggy'' when we never see anything like that before.

And even in Buggy's case, the amount of power he can gather is still limited as I said before, he couldn't even challenge the marine forces with the power he gathered, he was also relying on his Shichibukai status to survive, once he lost that, he starts to run despite the prisoners still follows him. Buggy still couldn't deceive someone powerful like a Vice-admiral level person, otherwise they could easily sense with CoO Haki that Buggy isn't that strong, and anyone with average or above average intelligence could also tell Buggy is not that strong, they wouldn't follow him.

In the end, there could be only exceptions in pirate worlds like Buggy, that exception with only comes with an incredible luck, and it's a limited power which is not considerable enough.

In the pirate worlds individual strength determines everything, stop making up excuses.