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''Guys like Buggy'',

Name one person other than Buggy, then you can use that word ''guys like''.

Buggy is the only person who managed to do that in pirate worlds because of;
- An incredible luck of events that the prisoners actually believed they escaped because of Buggy's power, when it was actually Luffy's strength, and Blackbeard removed the poison wall in level 2, and then they thought Buggy opened up the Gates of Justice when it was actually because Blackbeard pirates.
- They heard Buggy was Roger's crew mate, and everyone would thought he should be really strong for that,
- Prisoners thought that Buggy is so strong that he can challenge even Shanks and Whitebeard without fear, and his powers were perfect counter for Mihawk's fighting ability, he wasn't afraid of Mihawk as well for that reason.

In the end, Buggy doesn't rule the pirates with his politic abilities or for different reasons, with an incredible luck, he gives the impression that he is incredibly strong while he is not. Otherwise they wouldn't follow Buggy, then it didn't end with that, they give Shichibukai status to Buggy and he used that to his advantage as well.

In the end, even Buggy's organzation couldn't rule long, and there isn't anyone with significant strength that would make a huge difference in Buggy's power, once he lost his Shichibukai title, he said he will escape, he won't even rely the prisoner he gathered against the marines.

There are only one example you can really find, and that's only exception in the pirate world due to numerous reasons and E.Oda's joke.

The point is in pirate worlds, you either need an individual power, or if there is an exception like ''Buggy'', then they need to think that person is also incredibly powerful. I really don't see how anyone can use Buggy as an excuse unless they don't read the manga that how did that actually happen, even says ''guys like Buggy'' when we never see anything like that before.

And even in Buggy's case, the amount of power he can gather is still limited as I said before, he couldn't even challenge the marine forces with the power he gathered, he was also relying on his Shichibukai status to survive, once he lost that, he starts to run despite the prisoners still follows him. Buggy still couldn't deceive someone powerful like a Vice-admiral level person, otherwise they could easily sense with CoO Haki that Buggy isn't that strong, and anyone with average or above average intelligence could also tell Buggy is not that strong, they wouldn't follow him.

In the end, there could be only exceptions in pirate worlds like Buggy, that exception with only comes with an incredible luck, and it's a limited power which is not considerable enough.

In the pirate worlds individual strength determines everything, stop making up excuses.

This is a bounty thread.

My point is that bounty is not just determined by strength.

Its determined by danger to the world government.

This is something that has been re-iterated time and time again.

If bounties were just based on strength, Luffy's bounty pre-time skip probably would have been considerably lower.

Moving on, Oda has demonstrated time and time again that different factors can contribute to the danger a person poses.

An example that Oda gave in the SBS, with Crocodile, was how being in charge of a massive criminal organization can contribute to the estimation of danger someone poses to the world government.

This is not 'individual crew mates', but full blown organisations. This makes sense, because being in charge of a huge organization does make a person more than just a lone agent, and makes them more dangerous, because they have means of enforcing their will outside their own personal actions.

Lets put this in more simple terms.

Which is more dangerous?

A really really strong guy acting by himself or a really really strong guy who is in charge of 20,000 soldiers, numerous tough subordinates, and controlling entire territories of land?

I'm not denying the pirate world is determined by perceptions of strength as opposed to actual strength, I'm just pointing out that an emperor's are entirely different from just a dainty pirate crew.

It also explains why new comers like Blackbeard having significantly lower bounties than the more established emperors.

I don't think Blackbeard is that much weaker physically than the other emperors. I think the core difference lies in the fact that as a new comer, he is still building his territory and military might, while the other emperors are more established.
I wonder if numbers will have high bounty's(if some of them will reach 300 mil),given that they are dumb brutes that cause huge destruction,although Bobbins was burning countries and had bounty of 105 mil.So it's hard to tell.
its why I cant see luffy with yonko equivalent bounties after wano(4 bil and up) , bb bounty he easily reaches that
he is yet to amass the force/ alliances/ territory a full fledged yonko has
I would argue the reason BB is at 2.2 bill is cause he is largely still in the process of that.
realistically the gap between him and the others isnt a reflection of how strong he is relative to them
but how much influence /threat added on to that relative to BB.
The thing is Luffy nearly has the forces to turn his crew into an Emperor level... at least in scale. The Grand Fleet has about 10 'Headliner' level guys (Captains + Boo, Baby 5, Blue Gilly) and after Kaidou you can put Wano and the minks down as his allies.
The thing is Luffy nearly has the forces to turn his crew into an Emperor level... at least in scale. The Grand Fleet has about 10 'Headliner' level guys (Captains + Boo, Baby 5, Blue Gilly) and after Kaidou you can put Wano and the minks down as his allies.
cavendish barto and sai could be easily on par with some of the f6 after this arc as well.


Zoro Worshipper
If they're not already Page1 level they aren't far.
I think they have still a long way to go before turning solid F6 level but they are not that fat yet too. We know how easily Robin handled Hakuba and we know that Bellamy is still no match either. Barto's barrier is above that level but he needs to grow a lot offensively.
I also believe that the strongest F6 has a good shot at featuring a billion bounty. Do you also believe him to be the strongest I suppose?
I do since he is opponent of Jinbei.... even though I don't think Jinbei should be above 3rd YC, I still think WW is good candidate for 3YC as well
and also we've never had any other character beside Yonko Commanders who has reached a Billion, so if any it should be WW having that as he was captain of his own crew once and his age suggests he must've been well known/Veteran Pirate, 38 years old


Who's Who 786mio
Sasaki 620mio
Black Maria 523mio
xDrake 402mio
Ulti 400mio
Pageone 380mio
There's no way Drake has 400M

That will mean he surpassed luffy (pre DR) in bounty
Oda never gives Drake such portrayal over kidd/Law/Luffy

Sasaki doesn't deserve 500+ too anymore ... fighting franky and will lose to him in act 4 or here. Franky can't go from 140 to 600 after wano. AT best 300 M

Bm 500 M for what? She's 28 and doesn't look impressive. She's not also ruthless like Jack.
BM doesn't seem Yc level either
Oda gives 500M+ to pirates under Yonko who are YC level

WhoWho 786... but doesn't seem famous and hasn't made a name like Oven did in Nw even
If he did, kaido wouldn't need to introduce them to BM
Btw Prime WB > Rocks D Xebec.

No one in Piracy history has a higher bounty than WB aside of Roger it was said by Brandnew.

Rocks was the far more dangerous individual yet WB still has the higher Bounty.

Wonder if WB wasn't already stronger than his captain at the time of GOD VALLEY and simply betrayed him.
Who's Who 786mio
Sasaki 620mio
Black Maria 523mio
xDrake 402mio
Ulti 400mio
Pageone 380mio
This is closest to my thinking on it.

Who's Who: High 600-Low 700 range
Sasaki: High 500-Low/Mid 600 range
Black Maria: High 400-Low 500 range
X Drake: 400 range
Ulti: High 300 range
Page One: Mid 300 range

This makes the most sense going off of what we know which I will get more into at the end of this post.

There's no way Drake has 400M

That will mean he surpassed luffy (pre DR) in bounty
Oda never gives Drake such portrayal over kidd/Law/Luffy
What's wrong with this? Drake had a 200 million bounty before the timeskip and is now one of the top 9 members of a Yonkou's crew...why wouldn't his bounty be in the 400 range? Hawkins and Apoo's bounties are both ~350M and they are under Drake. Luffy was inactive for 2 years, Drake became one of the top pirates in a Yonkou's crew. Nothing wrong with him equalling or slightly surpassing Luffy's bounty in that time.

Sasaki doesn't deserve 500+ too anymore ... fighting franky and will lose to him in act 4 or here. Franky can't go from 140 to 600 after wano. AT best 300 M
Why not? Luffy's crew will have taken down a Yonkou's crew, significant bounty increases should be due for everyone. And just because Franky beats Sasaki doesn't mean his bounty has to surpass Sasaki's. Luffy will beat Kaido but his bounty still probably won't surpass Kaido's. More than just strength goes into bounties.

Bm 500 M for what? She's 28 and doesn't look impressive. She's not also ruthless like Jack.
BM doesn't seem Yc level either
Oda gives 500M+ to pirates under Yonko who are YC level
Not true. YC level bounties are at least 800M+. The lowest we know on record was Cracker who's bounty was over 800. Even if you want to count Snack, his bounty is still 600M. Tamago's bounty is almost 500M and he is not anywhere near a YC level character.

WhoWho 786... but doesn't seem famous and hasn't made a name like Oven did in Nw even
If he did, kaido wouldn't need to introduce them to BM
How do you know this?


I think the flying six would all have bounties closer to 300 and 400 mil than anything above 500. I guess we'll see.
Doesn't make sense given what we know of Yonko crew structure and bounties we have for reference. Flying Six are just under the Calamities, why would there be such a huge drop off when the lowest Calamity bounty is 1B? And guys who are just Headliners like Hawkins and Apoo are in the 300M range themselves? Going by Big Mom's crew, general members like Tamago and Pekoms have bounties of 300-400M. The closest to a Sweet Commander, Perospero, has a bounty of 700M. This would imply, at the very least, the strongest Tobi Roppo (probably Who's Who) should be in that range and the weakest should be at least above 350ish. If anything their bounties should skew higher since Kaido's crew's bounties have skewed higher than BM's crew's bounties. So Who's Who should be above 700M if the strongest non-commander in Big Mom's crew (Perospero) is 700M.

Flying 6
  • WsW ~ 600M tops
  • Sasaki ~ 300M
  • BM ~ 275M
  • P1 ~ 190M
  • Ulti ~ 210M
Top Bounties [Post Wano]
  • Luffy ~ 3B
  • Kid ~ 2B
  • Law ~ 2B
  • Zoro ~ 1.7-2B
  • King ~ 1.7B
  • Marco ~ 2B
  • Rayleigh ~ 3B
  • Mihawk ~ 3B
  • Kozuki Oden/Yamato ~ 1.2B [I'm not joking, this will most likely be a future gag]
  • Sanji ~ 900M - 1B
  • Jinbei ~ 800M
  • Robin ~ 1B (3 Road Poneglyphs) or 300 M
  • Usopp ~ 600M
  • Franky ~ 500M
  • Brook ~ 275M
  • Chopper ~ 200M (please stop this cringe gag)
  • Nami ~ 150M
Blackbeard Pirates
  • Blackbeard ~ 4B [After attack on Alabasta ~ Marygeoise ~ 3rd DF or wtvr]
  • Shiryu ~ 2B
  • Burgess ~ 800M
  • Van Ogre ~ 700M
  • Avalo Pizarro ~ 600M
Red-Haired Pirates
  • Ben Beckman ~ 2B
  • Yasopp ~ 1.7B
  • Lucky Roux ~ 1.5B
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