General & Others Bounty Discussion and Speculation

Rate the Wano Bounties

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Why must Luffy's bounty should remain lower than Teach prior to their clash?
Bcoz Teach is a major antagonist and major antagonists always have a higher bounty than Luffy prior to his encounter with them. The only exception to this rule was Doffy, but he's a unique case coz his bounty has been frozen for a long time. As such it doesn't reflect his real threat value.

Why must Shiryuu attain WSS if only to justify his probability of fighting Zoro?
Reason I think Shiryu should be WSS is not to justify the probability of Zoro fighting him. That much is already set in stone. Rather it's coz I feel it'd give Zoro's battle with Shiryu much higher stakes. Plus, I also think it's important Zoro acquires this title in a proper high stakes battle, which Mihawk sadly can't give him anymore as an opponent as he is no longer on the antagonist side. So, the only way this fight can go now is Zoro winning the title in a friendly duel which imo would be a pretty shit conclusion for Zoro's life goal.

Lafitte iirc is Chief of Staff for BB Pirates pre-TS. But post-TS, he is known as 5th Titanic Captain of BB Pirates fleet. For him to get bounty over 1bil already too high, let alone 2bil.
Post-ts Laffite is still the Staff Officer of the BB Pirates.
I personally think he's the No.3 of the BB Pirates, hence why his bounty is that high, if you think he's one the weaker BB Pirates, I can't really fault u for thinking his bounty will be under a bil. Outta curiosity how high do you think BB's No.3s bounty will be?

Weevil is kinda out of place. If he did join BB, surely he deserve Jinbe as his versus.
I added Weevil bcoz I think that's the only way Oda can make him relevant in the story now. Weevil being an antagonist on Elbaf after Luffy already beat Kaido is not really an exciting prospect tbh ^^". Plus, right now, he's currently on the run from the WG so there is a possibility he goes under the umbrella of a Yonko and given his mom's personality, I wouldn't be surprised if they join BB if the later promises them riches.

Btw, I have Jimbe fighting either Burgess or Moria ^^. I rate Jimbe, but Weevil is too much of a big name for him to fight in the context of the SHs matchups. Right now Weevil has even more hype than Shiryu and Laffite.

Yes, Kid and Law expected to get 2bil bounty each, similar case as how Luffy-Law after defeating Doflamingo.

Zoro's bounty should be nearer to 1.5bil.
Sanji's bounty should be less than Zoro's.
But, I won't surprise if both of them get same bounties, 1.5 each to further their rivalry.
Funny you say that coz Takashi (i.e one of my fav JP OP youtubers and also one of the more popular ones ^^) has also been saying the same ting for a similar reason :p
*Disclaimer b4 mandem start judging him based on this, Takashi is not really a Sanji fan from what I know. He comes across as more of a neutral ONE PIECE otaku lol

Usopp I predict to reach 1bil only after Elbaf arc. As of end of Wano, he most likely get additional 100mil for being SH crew.
I don't think there is gonna be bounty raises on Elbaf, doesn't really seem like it's gonna be a major arc with the majority of SHs getting battles. There's also a question of whether there'd even be any marine presence on Elbaf. Hence why I think Usopp get's a ridiculous raise at the end of Wano going to Elbaf but at least we both agree Usopp gets a bil soon :yearight:

Jinbe deserve 1bil bounty.
No he doesn't :catsweat:. He's not done anything deserving a raise that high. Even my bounty of 838mil I reckon is very optimistic raise for him given he beat Who's Who is only worth 594mil was it?

Killer could have around 600mil figure.

Robin and Franky deserve bounty between 400mil-500mil as to their feat against F6.

Brook and Nami expected to get 100mil additional bounty for being SH crew also.

Chopper deserve 100mil-300mil. But, who knows Oda might give him another joke bounty.
Reason I think Shiryu should be WSS is not to justify the probability of Zoro fighting him. That much is already set in stone. Rather it's coz I feel it'd give Zoro's battle with Shiryu much higher stakes. Plus, I also think it's important Zoro acquires this title in a proper high stakes battle, which Mihawk sadly can't give him anymore as an opponent as he is no longer on the antagonist side. So, the only way this fight can go now is Zoro winning the title in a friendly duel which imo would be a pretty shit conclusion for Zoro's life goal.
Mihawk is an end game opponent, he has links to Imu and the comments he made about Luffy during the war support the fact he knew about Luffy's true DF from then on, so nope Shiryu wont be WSS, and Zoro will be WSS once Luffy becomes the freest person in the world
Mihawk is an end game opponent, he has links to Imu and the comments he made about Luffy during the war support the fact he knew about Luffy's true DF from then on, so nope Shiryu wont be WSS, and Zoro will be WSS once Luffy becomes the freest person in the world
You really like Mihawk :catsweat:
Don’t really agree with anything you said but time will tell I guess ^^
-> Legendary Bounty Range
Teach: 5,496,000,000
Luffy: 5,000,000,000 (pattern - x3 of current bounty + higher than main antagonist’s)
*To the WG, Luffy/Nika is more of a threat than Kaido is 🤷🏾‍♂️
*In Chapter 957, there was emphasis put on only Roger & WB being the only pirates to have ever surpassed the 5bil mark. Imo this is a foreshadowing that it’d be broken at the end of this Wano arc.

-> Psuedo-Yonko Bounty Range
Shiryu: 2,400,000,000 (BB Pirates’s No.2 & potential WSS)
*More than Mihawk’s & Teach’s post-ts bounties
*Also I think Shiryu has to be WSS by time he & Zoro fight. Imo, story-wise, there’s no point in Mihawk holding that title anymore given he’s lost his Shichibukai title.
Mihawk: 2,389,000,000
Laffite: 2,322,000,000 (BB Pirates’s No.)
*More than or comparable to Teach’s post-ts bounties. Can’t be that much lower than Shiryu’s for obvious reasons.
Beckman: 2,200,000,000
*Only YC commander over 2 big range prior to raises post-Wano
Weevil: 2,000,000,000
*All Kaido’s top commanders had a bounty of 1bil+ so chances are Teach’s commanders will follow a similar pattern (i.e. 2bil+)
Law: 2,000,000,000 (+1.5bil raise)
Kidd: 2,000,000,000 (+1.5bil raise)
*coincidentally 4bil seems to be the average Yonko bounty so both having 2 bil each for their feat of defeating Linlin is fair I reckon
-> Yonko Commander Level Range
Zoro: 1,420,000,000 (+1bil + 100mil)
*1bil raise + King’s Lunarian bounty of 100mil to bump him over Sanji’s bounty 😂
Sanji: 1,330,000,000 (+1bil)
*I don’t like the ratio of Zoro & Sanji’s bounties to Luffy but following the regular pattern for Zoro for instance (I.e. Luffy’s bounty x0.4 or Luffy’s bounty x0.6), his bounty will be a bit too high. I also think Oda will give Kidd & Law a significantly higher raise than Zoro & Sanji as to not undermine their feat of defeating a Yonko.
Usopp: 1,000,000,000 (+400mil x 2)
*400mil for taking out an executive so double coz he took out two 😂
*Also parallel with Yasopp being at least top 4 bounties in the Red Hair Pirates

*Bounty is underserved but so is Ussop’s current bounty 😅 so there is already precedent for it. I’m sure he’d prove himself on Elbaf
Jinbe: 838,000,000 (+400 mil)
Killer: 600,000,000 (+400 mil)
*His war contributions aren’t great tbh but it’d be pretty ass if he doesn’t even get a higher bounty than people like Robin & Franky at this point in the story so gave him a similar raise🤷🏾‍♂️
Robin: 530,000,000 [Only Dead] (+400 mil)
Franky: 494,000,000 (+400 mil)
Brook: 283,000,000 (+200 mil)
*imo makes no sense for Brook to get a bounty as high as Robin & Franky so he gets a participation raise of 200mil like Nami & Chopper
Nami: 266,000,000 (+200 mil)
Chopper: 200,000,100 (+200 mil)
Slow down with Shiryu bounty
Also Benn doesn't have over 2B
I bet not even above 1.5 B

Benn 1.4-1.999B
Shiryu 1.6-1.999B
Lafitte 1.5-1.899B

Oda isn't giving any underling above 2B except Oden and Ray (and future Zoro & Sanji)

Teach will have 5.247 B
3B increase while Luffy gets 3.5B increase after this arc

Law and Kid gets 1.5 or 2B increase
Killer having 500M increase at least
Slow down with Shiryu bounty
Also Benn doesn't have over 2B
I bet not even above 1.5 B

Benn 1.4-1.999B
Shiryu 1.6-1.999B
Lafitte 1.5-1.899B

Oda isn't giving any underling above 2B except Oden and Ray (and future Zoro & Sanji)

Teach will have 5.247 B
3B increase while Luffy gets 3.5B increase after this arc

Law and Kid gets 1.5 or 2B increase
Killer having 500M increase at least
On Beckman, Sengoku quite literally states that Shanks commanders have insanely high bounties and to put things into perspective at the time, the Beast Pirates bounties were already looking pretty ridiculous but even they didn't get a mention from Sengoku. Plus, as we go deeper and deeper into the story the bounties will get higher this is an undeniable reality.
Beast Pirates bounties are much higher than the Big Mom Pirates. Even Jack had a bounty comparable to Katakuri.

With regards the underlings not getting a bounty higher than 2bil, I guess we'll see very soon ^^
Slow down with Shiryu bounty
Also Benn doesn't have over 2B
I bet not even above 1.5 B

Benn 1.4-1.999B
Shiryu 1.6-1.999B
Lafitte 1.5-1.899B

Oda isn't giving any underling above 2B except Oden and Ray (and future Zoro & Sanji)

Teach will have 5.247 B
3B increase while Luffy gets 3.5B increase after this arc

Law and Kid gets 1.5 or 2B increase
Killer having 500M increase at least
lufffy gets 3.5 billion for defeating 2 yonko
On Beckman, Sengoku quite literally states that Shanks commanders have insanely high bounties and to put things into perspective at the time, the Beast Pirates bounties were already looking pretty ridiculous but even they didn't get a mention from Sengoku. Plus, as we go deeper and deeper into the story the bounties will get higher this is an undeniable reality.
Beast Pirates bounties are much higher than the Big Mom Pirates. Even Jack had a bounty comparable to Katakuri.

With regards the underlings not getting a bounty higher than 2bil, I guess we'll see very soon ^^
Considering that Teach was considered an emperor of the sea with a 2.2 billion berry bounty, I doubt that anyone aside from absolute legends like Rayliegh would have bounties in that sphere.

I could however see the red hair pirates having bounties larger than that of the All Stars, and larger than Luffy's current bounty. However, I think crossing the 2 billion thresh hold is perhaps a step too far.
On Beckman, Sengoku quite literally states that Shanks commanders have insanely high bounties and to put things into perspective at the time, the Beast Pirates bounties were already looking pretty ridiculous but even they didn't get a mention from Sengoku. Plus, as we go deeper and deeper into the story the bounties will get higher this is an undeniable reality.
Beast Pirates bounties are much higher than the Big Mom Pirates. Even Jack had a bounty comparable to Katakuri.

With regards the underlings not getting a bounty higher than 2bil, I guess we'll see very soon ^^
That is factually Bullshit. Its said they have high "Average Bounty". Obviously this is referring to all the officers.

Benn 1.46
Lucky 1.38
Yasopp 1.31
Howling Gab 0.8
Bonk Punch 0.75
Building Snake 0.7
Lime Juice 0.65
Hongo 0.6
That is factually Bullshit. Its said they have high "Average Bounty". Obviously this is referring to all the officers.

Benn 1.46
Lucky 1.38
Yasopp 1.31
Howling Gab 0.8
Bonk Punch 0.75
Building Snake 0.7
Lime Juice 0.65
Hongo 0.6
Well that part is a bit vague to be fair as given the context, it could also be referring to the average bounty of the 3 mentioned (i.e. "Beckmann, Roo & Yasopp"), but fair enuff...I'm more inclined to go with ur variant of it. That said, it doesn't really change the fact that out of all the Yonko Commanders those 3 were singled out, and also the fact that bounties get higher the more we progress into the story.

Given the current pattern, Katakuri who has the highest bounty amongst the BM Pirates has a bounty comparable to Jack with King having a bounty of almost 400mil on him. So chances are that Beckman's bounty could be as high as 1.8bil no?

I have Beckman at 2bil coz he seems to have special portrayal even amongst the No.2s.
Katakuri (1bil) -> King (1.4bil) -> Beckman (2bil) doesn't really seem far fetched to me.
Updating my predictions from 2020

Post Wano bounties....

Luffy - 3.5 billion (I can't see Luffy's bounty being higher than Shanks)
Zoro - 1.4 billion
Sanji - 1.4 billion
(This may trigger some people but I have Zoro and Sanji as equals. They are the left and right hand to the future PK)

Jinbe - 700 million
Robin - 500 million
Franky - 450 million
Brook - 380 million
Usopp - 350 million
Nami - 300 million
Chopper - 100 million (1000 beries if the gag continues)
Carrot - 150 million (if she joins the crew)
Yamato - 250 million (if she joins the crew)

Law - 2 billion
Kidd - 2 billion
Killer - 600 million
Considering that Teach was considered an emperor of the sea with a 2.2 billion berry bounty, I doubt that anyone aside from absolute legends like Rayliegh would have bounties in that sphere.
Not really sure about this as Teach's bounty itself is an oddity amongst the Yonko. Before Teach came and threw a wrench in tings, the average bounty of the Yonko was around 4.5bil. Also I wouldn't really use Teach's current bounty as any sort of significant benchmark as we know it's only temp. He would've have gotten a significant raise by the time the end of Wano comes around so will open up the possibility for certain commanders having a comparable bounty to his old one. I do think it's unlikely that any commanders have a higher bounty than he does atm tho but like I said that possibility will open up once Teach gets a raise ^^

I could however see the red hair pirates having bounties larger than that of the All Stars, and larger than Luffy's current bounty. However, I think crossing the 2 billion thresh hold is perhaps a step too far.
IIRC the only person that crosses the 2bil threshold on my list is Beckmann. I'm aware it's high but I've explained my reasoning for that in a post above ^^
As @PuckTheGreat explain it,Benn,Lucky and Yasopp can´t have a bounty under King bounty.
Why they left out King, Katakuri or Queen when they mentioned Kaido bounty? Why they only hype Shanks commanders next to the Yonkou's bounty?

Because they have all bounties, higher then King one, because that their bounties get mentioned.
Since Luffy was called 5th Yonkou with a bounty of 1.5B, I expect something around that range for Ben,Lucky and Yasopp too.
Be honest, I would be surprise if Ben get something less then 2B...
Well that part is a bit vague to be fair as given the context, it could also be referring to the average bounty of the 3 mentioned (i.e. "Beckmann, Roo & Yasopp"), but fair enuff...I'm more inclined to go with ur variant of it. That said, it doesn't really change the fact that out of all the Yonko Commanders those 3 were singled out, and also the fact that bounties get higher the more we progress into the story.

Given the current pattern, Katakuri who has the highest bounty amongst the BM Pirates has a bounty comparable to Jack with King having a bounty of almost 400mil on him. So chances are that Beckman's bounty could be as high as 1.8bil no?

I have Beckman at 2bil coz he seems to have special portrayal even amongst the No.2s.
Katakuri (1bil) -> King (1.4bil) -> Beckman (2bil) doesn't really seem far fetched to me.
Those three names did come up but only because they were the only ones known at the time. More importantly the term "officer" was used in relation to high bounties and all the ones I mentioned have the designation officer revealed along with their names.

I wouldn't read too much into inflation. Kat's bounty is meant to be wordplay on the Gomu Gomu. King & Marco have nearly identical bounties and Luffy's Post WCI bounty was praised as entering "Gonko" Territory so for that reason Benn stays below it. There are many other characters who further put their bounties in perspective (Ex Blackbeard) So I can't see them reaching 2B.
Those three names did come up but only because they were the only ones known at the time. More importantly the term "officer" was used in relation to high bounties and all the ones I mentioned have the designation officer revealed along with their names.
@bolded Not really though, at that point we've already been introduced to all the commanders we know now & already new Jack and Queen's bounties. Plus, this officer term u're referring to was specifically in reference to "Beckman, Roo and Yasopp" those three are Shanks "officers" or rather "executives".

I wouldn't read too much into inflation. Kat's bounty is meant to be wordplay on the Gomu Gomu. King & Marco have nearly identical bounties and Luffy's Post WCI bounty was praised as entering "Gonko" Territory so for that reason Benn stays below it. There are many other characters who further put their bounties in perspective (Ex Blackbeard) So I can't see them reaching 2B.
I see what u're saying but Morgan's was the one pushing the 5th Yonko rhetoric lol. Not to mention, even if certain commanders have a bounty higher than 1.5bil they can't really hold the Yonko title. Plus that bounty is not the only reason Morgan's referred to Luffy as the 5th Yonko.

Lastly, I think the fact that Marco has a bounty comparable to King is all the proof we need that bounty inflation is a legitimate ting. The logic folks gave for the calamities bounties being that much higher than sweet commanders was that they are a lot more violent etc. but then why does Marco also have a bounty that much higher than Katakuri's? I mean he's even less violent than the latter.