General & Others Bounty Discussion and Speculation

Rate the Wano Bounties

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so would momo and his sister get a bounty since there father was pretty notorious as a pirate and was on the pk crew
That's a more delicate situation. The Kozukis are technically royalty. The WG would probably not bother them and instead try to court them to join the WG as long as they denounce piracy. Yeah the WG could conquer them but it would just be a waste of time, money and manpower. Easier to just use diplomacy so you can keep your forces focused on more important matters (like whatever is happening in the world right now).

At the same time, Oden was a member of the Pirate King's crew, albeit temporarily so it's not improbable that they instead do the brainlet thing and declare all Kozukis must be wiped out because muh bloodline like they did with Ace.
Now this is my official bounties :
  • Luffy 5 056 B (Took down Kaido; Co-Main leader of the alliance)
  • Kid 2 047 B (Took down BM ; Co-Main Leader of the alliance)
  • Law 2 B (took down BM; Co-Main leader of the alliance)
  • ..........
  • Yamato 611 M (coz they reported she did stall Kaido and she's his daughter)
  • Zoro 1 420 B (defeated King)
  • Sanji 1 370 B (defeated Queen)
  • ..........
  • Killer 800 M (defeated Hawkins. Oda will try to just boost his bounty above 700M coz 200M was too low for him)
  • Jinbei 738 M (defeated WsW)
  • .........
  • Robin 550 M (defeated Maria)
  • Franky 540 M (defeated Sasaki)
  • Ussop 500 M ( troll bounty coz "he took down Ulti and P1" Lol)
  • ..........
  • Nami 300 M
  • Brook 250 M
  • Chopper 200 M
He's not having over 900M even

There's no way he gets 1B
What did he do to have even 1B?
- He's the partner of a man who'll most likely get 2 billions and above, rafforfer by his R5 portrayal
- He can easily be classified on the higher end of the Commanders without surpassing the bounty of someone like, let's say, Katakuri
- 13 symbolism to portray his association with death and bad luck
- He's the partner of a man who'll most likely get 2 billions and above, rafforfer by his R5 portrayal
- He can easily be classified on the higher end of the Commanders without surpassing the bounty of someone like, let's say, Katakuri
- 13 symbolism to portray his association with death and bad luck
That's not how it is

Fighting kaido won't give him 800M boost
He only beat Hawkins and he's Kid RH
That's why he will get 400-600M boost
It really depends on whether the Marines know through CP0 who exactly each Straw Hat defeated during which case each of them will have to have a bounty above the following:

King: 1,390,000 (Zoro)
Queen: 1,320,000 (Sanji)
Who's Who: 542 million (Jinbe)
Black Maria: 480 million (Robin)
Sasaki: 472 million (Franky)
Ulti: 400 million (Nami)

And one way or another Usopp might surpass Page One's 290 million bounty despite not really beating him. And I am of the opinion that Luffy will get heavy credit for Kaido's defeat and possibly shoot up to 5 billion outright. This is the endgame times, guys, and the rest of the Straw Hats have outright defeated Yonko crew members. The Straw Hats are about to become a "Great" / "Yonko level" crew after this arc.
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I was proper confused like "Why is he posting Luffy's clash with Kaido and attributing it to Yamato?!":

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Luffy: 3.7 B
Zoro: 2.2 B
Kid and Law: 2.6 B
Sanji: 1.4 B
Killer: 1.3B
Jimbe: 1B
Franky: 520 M
Robin: 900 M
Usopp: 350 M
Nami: 330 M
Chopper: 290 M
Brook: 450 M
Luffy 5 bil.
Zoro 1.6 - 1.7 bil.
Sanji 1.3 - 1.4 bil.
Jinbe 800 - 900 mil.
Robi 700 - 800 mil.
Franky 700 - 800 mil.
Nami ~ 500 mil.
For Brook and Chopper I don't have idea, but I hope that Chopper will get real bounty.
I want Usopp to stay with same bounty and have lowest bounty in crew. I'm sick of him and his BS.
What are the chances that Jinbei's Bounty hit 1 Billion after this arc is over?..
Very low imo jinbe is getting 800m no more no less for been an ex sichibukai,joined sh crew and defeating someone that the WG wants
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Also his haters should realize that if he didn't fought jack it was because his bounty would have been 1.5b+ that's why he didn't fought him because Jinbe already would have defeat him
lf we scale down the inflated Calamities Bounties( and Marco) it shows a good representation..

Page One - 290 Million
Daifuku - 300 Million
Oven - 300 Million
Pekoms - 330 Million
Ulti - 400 Million
Tamago - 429 Million
Sasaki - 472 Million
Black Maria - 480 Million
WhosWho - 546 Million
Snack - 600 Million
Perospero - 700 Million
Jack - 700 Million
Cracker - 860 Million
Smoothie - 932 Million
Queen - 1.020 Billion
Katakuri - 1.057 Billion
Marco - 1.074 Billion
King - 1.090 Billion

Jack the Page One of Calamities..
The rising stars Ulti, WhosWho, Snack..

Ulti second strongest Tobiroppo
WhosWho YC2 potential
Snack ex YC4