A break for Night Lynch Deciders after N1?

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    Votes: 8 27.6%
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✨More Than A Game ╰(°▽°)╯✨
Better Call Saul
Here in Saul Goodman & Associates we welcome all ages, all creeds, all stripes. (...) What Colonel Sanders is to chicken, Saul Goodman is to the law.

That is why today , The Offices of Saul Goodman & Associates is proud to offer one of you a chance to win an awesome prize. So..

/Quote this post/​
Better Call Saul
Here in Saul Goodman & Associates we welcome all ages, all creeds, all stripes. (...) What Colonel Sanders is to chicken, Saul Goodman is to the law.

That is why today , The Offices of Saul Goodman & Associates is proud to offer one of you a chance to win an awesome prize. So..

/Quote this post/​
quoted :wonderland:
Better Call Saul
Here in Saul Goodman & Associates we welcome all ages, all creeds, all stripes. (...) What Colonel Sanders is to chicken, Saul Goodman is to the law.

That is why today , The Offices of Saul Goodman & Associates is proud to offer one of you a chance to win an awesome prize. So..

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I'll take you on saully


Better Call Saul
Here in Saul Goodman & Associates we welcome all ages, all creeds, all stripes. (...) What Colonel Sanders is to chicken, Saul Goodman is to the law.

That is why today , The Offices of Saul Goodman & Associates is proud to offer one of you a chance to win an awesome prize. So..

/Quote this post/​
Better Call Saul
Here in Saul Goodman & Associates we welcome all ages, all creeds, all stripes. (...) What Colonel Sanders is to chicken, Saul Goodman is to the law.

That is why today , The Offices of Saul Goodman & Associates is proud to offer one of you a chance to win an awesome prize. So..

/Quote this post/​


Holy Simp
Better Call Saul
Here in Saul Goodman & Associates we welcome all ages, all creeds, all stripes. (...) What Colonel Sanders is to chicken, Saul Goodman is to the law.

That is why today , The Offices of Saul Goodman & Associates is proud to offer one of you a chance to win an awesome prize. So..

/Quote this post/​
Quote tweet
Tournie was intended to have 8 player participants but Adequate time has been given to players to quote it. Day phase is near Eod despite Vote End Day phases votes. Tournie will start now, submit Rps to me if you haven't @Sallucion
vote lenuch JeDBwoi
Vote Jew D. Boy
Vote End Day Phase
Vote end day phase
Jdb- 4 (Rej, Kagu, Baki, hime,)

Vote End Day Phase- 4(hime, Kagu, Baki, Lanji)

Lemme know if i missed any.
Not Cancer but Lynch.. Heisenberg Dead. Day 5 is over
Day 5 is Over

Relief for Town Heisenberg never got the chance to start his Empire. They finally managed to take down the biggest threat to everyone. Heisenberg was caught and lynched,
@Jew D. Boy [Walter White] is dead.
You are Heisenberg

Who are you talking to right now? Who is it you think you see? Do you know how much I make a year? I mean, even if I told you, you wouldn't believe it. Do you know what would happen if I suddenly decided to stop going into work? A business big enough that it could be listed on the NASDAQ goes belly up. Disappears! It ceases to exist without me. No, you clearly don't know who you're talking to, so let me clue you in. I am not in danger, Skyler. I am the danger. A guy opens his door and gets shot, and you think that of me? No. I am the one who knocks!
Walter White - Passive - Heisenberg is immune to Invests and Convert.

I am the Danger-
Passive- You are immune to Kills.
Active - If Heisenberg is targeted during the night Heisenberg will hit back harder. A kill will be answered back by Super Kill. A rb will be answered back by role crush & so on. 1 shot
Active- I am the guy who knocks- Heisenberg will visit a player at night if it is Gus, Jake, Tuco, Jane he will target them with a super kill. This ability will fail on the House Fly.

This is my territory- Heisenberg may declare himself or a player as his territory during the night phase. All actions targeting them will fail. 2 shots
1x Role Block Immunity during the game.

Blue Sky- Walt's scientific knowledge and dedication to quality lead him to produce crystal meth that is purer and more potent than any competitors'-You will gain $10000 after every cycle for cooking Meth, it will see a growth of $5000 every cycle as your Business grows.

Chemistry Genius -
- Cathode Anode. Select two players they will target each other at night. 1 shot
Ricin- Poison - Heisenberg will poison a person every night. The player will lose all abilities next night and dies in 2 cycle time.
This kill is untraceable 2 times.
Whily Flower- Poison - You may chose to poison a player during the day. This is Anti claim ability. Player will be role crushed and his vote count will be 0 effective immediately. 1 shot
Fulminated Mercury - Role crush 2 players at night. 2 shot.
C4 Bomb- Plant a bomb at a player- if he flavour claims it will detonate killing him immediately. 1 shot

You have following one shots.
1x Bug
1x Watch
2x Frame

Chose a word start of each day phase, player that spams that word will get role blocked at night and you will learn his flavour name.

"We will not make garbage. We will produce a product that performs as advertised. No adulterants. No baby formula."
Chemistry must be respected - You won't allow low quality meth be cooked on your watch. All other meth cooks are your targets. Role block all cooks this night. 1 shot.
Hydrofluoric acid- Janitor one kill.

Jimmy In and Out- Jimmy spends more time inside than outside. Instead of you Jimmy will get lynched aka Lynch will fail on you. 1 shot. Can't be refilled.

Roll the Methylamine bastards! fooking Rookies! Night Steal- Steal an ability from Dead player. 1 shot.
Magnets- Destroy the invest of a player during the night. 1 shot

M60 Machine Gun - A Super kill or a double kill shots. Can't be used alongside Poison. (1 shot)

You win when you or/and Holly White are the last players alive.
It's Night 5 now
Submit your night actions asap. Day may start early, within 2 hours.​
Purple the Game Breakers
Night 5 and Game is Over!

Purple Mafia used their copy ability to copy Hector 1x Wolf kill on Reborn,
1X Wolf Kill- If Hector is the last or 2nd Last Cartel alive, he can chose 2 targets during the day. The two targets will go at each in rps match the one who loses will be redirected/Visit Hector at night. Hector finger push will super kill that player and everyone else that chose to visit Hector this night.
then used their saved refill shot to copy Donald Margolis's Your Daughter Jane dies ability
Your Daughter Jane Dies- it will take toll on your mental health and the players you target will have their abilities reversed. Kill would become protect. Protect would become kill. Roleblock/Role crush will become amp and vice versa. Invest would give false results. (1 shot)
on their teammate Tuco Salamanca redirect back ability
Unpredictable hence Dangerous- Tuco is violent man and can go from peacefully conducting a Business to Beating the shit outta them. At night you may intimidate players to back off when targeting you. The players visiting you will be redirected back. 1 shots
to attract all the players on Reborn at night. They also used an Amp on Hector ability to bypass protection immunities and superkilling everyone in the process.
Lanji was Superkilled
Kagu was Superkilled
Baki was Superkilled
Sallu was Superkilled
Hime was Superkilled
With only Reborn [Don Eladio] alive, the Purple @Lindltaylor @Dr_Professor83 @Zolo @Reborn have won the BB game.

Rest of the roles will be added shortly. Thanks for playing everyone, hope you all had fun.
Real write up will be posted soon my friends. Game is not over!
Sorry for the little trolling to bring in last minute excitement 🤭👻
Also to show y'all the plan Purple Jobbers came up with to break the Game.
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