A break for Night Lynch Deciders after N1?

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Mafia Roles
Mafia Roles
Purple Mafia
The fury of the cartel. Ain't no one escaped it yet.

You are Don Eladio

You are Marco and Leonel Salamanca aka The Twins

You are Hector Salamanca

You are Tuco Salamanca

Cartels- Starts with $35000. Tuco make $4000 every cycle.​

Hector Salamanca-
Family is All. Family is everything.
70 year old retired Salamanca is assumed harmless by DEA and Gus Fring. As such he is immune to Invests.

Hector will targets players every day phase. They will be restricted to post only Ding sounds rest of Day Phase(12hours).

Hector stays quiet but he observes sees everything. Hector will target a player and watch players that visits the player.

Old School gangbang Mexican-
Fuck You!Suck My! Farts Hector had spent 17 years in prison never corporating witg authorities. They will get nothing from him in his death. Hector role will be janitored if he's lynched or killed by DEA at night.

1X Wolf Kill- If Hector is the last or 2nd Last Cartel alive, he can chose 2 targets during the day. The two targets will go at each in rps match the one who loses will be redirected/Visit Hector at night. Hector finger push will super kill that player and everyone else that chose to visit Hector this night.

The Twins -
Vest- 1 Kill protection during the Game

During the might Marco will distract and Leonel will make the kill. This kill will bypass player Immunities. 1 shot.

The Twins will empty the Motor Tank and light it to clear the crime scene. Factional Kill Twins make will be a janitor kill. 1 shot

Carrying Axe- Role crush a player at night. 2 shots.

Twins will recieve Conditional kill shots that will only work on bounty placed players.

Secondary Wincon - Eliminate the bounty players.

Tuca Salamanca -
Tuco can't be protected. Tuco can't be stopped. Immune to role blocks.

Tio safe house- Tuco will take a player to Tio safe house Mexican borders. The player will commute the game for a phase. 3 shots.

Don't interupt. Am i stupid. Don't take decisions for me - - Tuco take things personal. Tuco will learn the name of players that messed with his actions. Tuco can make one extra kill next night. Locked until D4. 1 shot.

Unpredictable hence Dangerous- Tuco is violent man and can go from peacefully conducting a Business to Beating the shit outta them. At night you may intimidate players to back off when targeting you. The players visiting you will be redirected back. 1 shots
You can also redirect a player to another players. 1 shot

Don Eladio
- Immune to kills at night.
Immune to Control.
2x Vote Power.

Tortuga Blast- Don Eladio will kill the person flavour claiming in the game. Players that asked for the claims will also be restricted and role blocked during the complete cycle. One player of Cartel choice among them will get role crushed. 1 shot

Don Eladio has many elites working for him
Gaff- Sniper kill- Untraceable Kill. 1 shot.
Juan Bolsa- Sniff out the Snitches. A player will be role copped every night.
Joaquin Salamanca- Role crush a player. 1 shot
Don Eduardo Salamanca- Copy ability of a player from Dead role. 1 shot.

Fake Role claims
Gretchen Schwart
Patrick Kub
Adam n Diane Pinkma
Broc knyoaza
Yellow Mafia
You are Jack Welker

You are
Todd Alquist

You are
Lydia Rodarte
White Poison Gang - Starts out with $15000.

Jack Welker-
That's a drop in the bucket compared to what we aim to earn from the blue stuff. Don't skimp on family, that's what I always say. You want us to do this job? Do it right? That's the price.

Godfather- Immune to Kills.

Maxican Standoff- Jack Welker gang knows no boundaries, whether it be Prison open desert they make the kill. Jack Welker kill will be amped to Super Kill during the game. 1 shot.
If Jack Welker is last member alive, Welker will simultaneously make multiple kills. Welker will target 2 players at night killing them both. 1 shot.

Jack Welker can commute a player at night. Protecting them during the night. 2 shots.

Bullet to the back of the head, something he doesn't see coming? I respect that. Too many savages out there.
Gun shot back of Head- Role Block Immune Faction Kill.

Jack Gangsters
Kenny - Role crush a player. 2 shots
Frankie - Burn a Player alive. One ability of targeted player will be permanently destroyed.

Stealing Buried Money- You may target a player and steal 4/5th their money. Use it before D3. 1 shot.

Lydia Rodarte-
You are tying up loose ends, and I don't want to be one of them. Once I give you that list, I've served my purpose, and then maybe I'm just one more person who knows too much.

Passive - Immune to Invests.

Overseas Distrubutor- You will gain $5000 with an increment of $4000 every night.

GPS Tracker - Lydia may track a player at night. 1 shots.
Lydia is Smart businesswoman, she's cautious, scared and read the intentions of people she works with well. Lydia will role cop players at night.

Lydia dispatches others to do the dirty work for her. Twice during the game Lydia may chose to control the role copped players. 2 shots.

Map of Methylamine routes - Once during the game Lydia may enquire about the Ratio of factions present in the game. She may not claim it in game thread though.

2x Redirect
Avoid 1st Harmful action on her.

Lydia fear the thought of her daughter thinking she abondoned her the most. As such Lydia role can never be Janitored.

Lydia is also eager to cut the lose ends, she will always distance from her scummates in game thread.
With rest Lydia will put up bounties. You may chose 2 player names and put bounties on their head. Lydia will provide money from her reserves. You may prepare your own bounty wu.

Todd Alquist
Sociopath Villain - Todd always scan guilty in Investigations no matter what. Though his actions cannot be role copped or mended with. Redirect immune.

Copy Blue Sky- Todd will visit Dead players at night and steal one shots at random from them. Day ability

Apprentice Cook-74% Pure Meth- Todd will gain $4000 currency every night.

Jailor- Thrice during the game Todd may jail players at night.
Faction Kill on these will be Janitored. 1 shot.

Witness Kill- 1 Day Anti Kill. D2 onwards.

You may use one of these abilities at night.
1x Refill -
1x Protect
2x Role blocks

You are Kenny
He's a rat. That's all you need to know- Roleblock someone at night who flavour claims. Untraceable action. 1 shot

Burn alive in Prison- Role block a player and permanently destroy one of their abilities. 1 shot

"to smack the shit out of him -- like, for his own good"
Kenny factional kill will hit harder on those protected at night. The protection will fail on this player and kill will go through. Conditional 1 shot

Techie of the Gang- create one ability at night. 1 shot

Atchisson Assault Shotgun- Role block immune faction kill. 1 shot

You win when all the threats to White Power Prison Mafia are eliminated.

Fake Role claims
George Merkert
Old Joe
Krazy 8
Ed Galbraitt
Carmen Molina
Franscesca Liddy
Red Mafia
You are Gustova Fring

You are Mike Ehrmantraut

You are Victor/Tyrus

Pollos - Starts with $25000. Make $8000 every cycle as long as Gus is Alive. $2000 increment every cycle.​
Gus Fring-
When you have children, you always have family. They will always be your priority, your responsibility. And a man... a man provides. And he does it, even when he's not appreciated. Or respected. Or even loved. He simply bears up, and he does it. Because he's a man.

Godfather- Gus likes to hide in plain sight. Gus is Fun raiser at DEA and board member of Hospital. Gus uses his Restaurant and Laundry works as front to Methamphetamine business. Everyone respect Gus and think twice before sussing Gus. As such Gus is immune to role cop and Invest abilities. You will come out Town alligned. Role cop will fail.

10 Steps Ahead- Gus Fring has plan for everything and is a man of cautious nature. Gus will see 1st harmful coming his side including a kill he may chose to avoid it.

Passive - Pollos Restaurant and Laundry House everything covered in Camera and live feeds. Gus Fring will know the names of players that visited him.

Sending a Message. Gus Fring usually avoid getting his hands dirty but to send a message Gus fring won't hesitate to spill the guts of anyone, he just need a Box Cutter for it. Once during the game Gus Fring will target a player to kill him for the flavour claim/hint. It will be immediate kill.

Gus Fring is chosy with whom he decides to conduct business. Each selected carefully with a purpose to serve.
Dr Barry Goodman - Gus Fring will heal a player during the night. 2 shots.
Cynthia - Engage a player at night offering chicken order. The player will be role blocked.
2 local distributors - Kids easy to control. Easy to fool. Get juvie if they get caught. Recruit a Tomas for your team. Submit 5 target choices in order to recruit.

Poison - Gus Fring will poison all player that visit him at night. 1 shot

Ploys- Gus Fring will also be able to post fake wu during the game. 2 shots.

Mike Ehrmantraut
I have people. I have people waiting for me. They don't know what I do, they never will. They're protected, but I do what I do so they can have a better life and if I live or if I die it really doesn't make a difference to me as long as they have what they need. So when it's my time to go, I will go knowing I did everything I could for them. Now, you ask me how I keep going? That's how.

Former Police Officer recruited by Gus as private investigator, head of security, cleaner, fixer, and hitman.

Passive - Mike is efficient at avoiding DEA trails. Mike faction kills will be untrackable.

Mike will have following one shots.
1x Janitor Kill
1x Watcher
1x Role cop
1x Protect
2x Vote Silence

No more Half Measures- Mike will super Kill a player at night. 1 shot.

Victor /Tyrus -
Only one of Victor or Tyrus abilities is usable at night.
3x Protect
Gus Fring men are loyal to no fault. If a kill bypass Gus immunity and is going to kill Gus, it will target Victor instead. Gus and Victor/Tyrus will exchange roles. All of Victor abilities will be destroyed.

Copy Cat Ninja Cook- Victor witnessed WW and Jesse cooking enough time to copy the formula. Each night Victor will visit a player and copy an ability with the ability name. Mike can't use Role cop same night with this ability.

3x Tracker
Tyrus faction kill will bypass role blocks.

@Adam 🍎
You are Tomas Cantillo
Juvenile 11 years old- No one suspect you. You are inncoent child riding his bike and minding your own business. You will invest innocent in investigations.

You are in wrong Territory - Destroy one ability of players that visits you at night. The ability will stay destroyed for next 1 cycle. 2 shots

You win when all threats to Los Pollos Hermanos Mafia are eliminated.

Fake Role claims
Skinny Pete
Kim Wexler
Elloit Schwartz
Stacey Ehrantraut
Sac Ramey
@Kagurashii I assume a combo of those:

During the might Marco will distract and Leonel will make the kill. This kill will bypass player Immunities. 1 shot.

The Twins will empty the Motor Tank and light it to clear the crime scene. Factional Kill Twins make will be a janitor kill. 1 shot
Those + a role crush bc we were paranoid that he could have a passive immunity and get protected at night.
I‘m good :optimistic:.

Also Idk how you would have turned Reborn into a magnet and redirected all actions back at the same time. Seems kinda impossible to do. If there‘s attract and repel at the same player that just cancels each other out, actually :kayneshrug:.
Nah that was gonna have to be Zolo.

Step 1.) Reborn copies Doffla’s role that allows him to reverse his target’s action
Step 2.) He targets Zolo
Step 3.) Zolo activate his ability that reflects all actions away from him but bc of Reborn/Doffla’s reversal now it pulls all actions to him instead
Step 4.) Set the Bomb lol
Nah that was gonna have to be Zolo.

Step 1.) Reborn copies Doffla’s role that allows him to reverse his target’s action
Step 2.) He targets Zolo
Step 3.) Zolo activate his ability that reflects all actions away from him but bc of Reborn/Doffla’s reversal now it pulls all actions to him instead
Step 4.) Set the Bomb lol
Nasty s***.
Some people were pretty much death immune at night so they’d have survived the super kill explosion but it would have left the game in shambles lol.

If we had an amp + a refill we could have murdered everyone but that amount of money was impossible lol.

We’d have been able to do the non amped version if we just won Saul’s R/P/S game lol. Unfortunately Reborn and Zolo couldn’t quite swing it.
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